.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 0.5 0.5 32 32 25 25 20 20 0.1 0.1 10 100 Eccentric distance + Stroke L (mm) 10 100 Eccentric distance + Stroke L (mm) m l S l : Eccentric distance (mm) S: Stroke (mm) Allowable Kinetic Energy L Extension Locking, Without Cushion Retraction Locking, Without
H exagon socket Fol l ow i ng condi ti ons Cause el em ent breakage O ri ng ( U sed) G asket ( U sed) I nst al l vert i cal l y. Fl ush i nsi de of pi pi ngs w i t h ai r. Ensure no l eakage. Keep si ght gl ass i n f ront . N ever f ai l t o i nst al l one of AM , AM D , AM H as a pref i l t er. N ever f ai l t o use dry ai r.
Range A l l o w a b l e L o w e r Setting range : 0.1 to 10.0 C Min. increment : 0.1 C Indicated content : Temp. from target to lower limit T e m p . R a n g e M O D E < 1 . 5 C (Ex. : 1.5 C) Function : Sets lower limit of temp. where the warning arises. The difference between target temp. and lower limit temp. should be input.
L Y69BL 5m .. Z Y69BZ Solid state switches marked with a " " symbol are produced upon receipt of order " 1.11-33 Series C95 Auto Switches How to install auto switches ca. Hs A ca.
0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.9 300 0 100 200 1.0 Flow rate l/min (ANR) Relief flow rate l/min (ANR) Supply pressure P1 MPa 5 Series IR1000/2000/3000 Series IR2000 Flow rate characteristics Relief characteristics Pressure characteristics Testing methods conform to JIS B8372.
Therefore select MIW (MIS) 20. 3 Escapements Series MIW/MIS Operating range MIW12 MIS12 MIW20 MIS20 The graph at right shows conditions of the work piece to be stopped; that is, the weight, transfer speed and the operating range of the point of application L. 30 20 10 L=120mm L=100mm L=80mm L=60mm L=40mm 20 L=90mm L=70mm L=50mm L=30mm 10 Work piece weight kg Work piece weight kg 5 5 1 1 Point
Flat bracket Dimensions L-bracket Description Part no.
end plate assembly Manifold block assembly U side end plate assembly < End plate assembly >
l O R RSUIOA32 48 5.5 MOxl 10 G@@-l-qtr-5'i.]
Pulling force (N) Stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) 20, 25, 32 40, 50, 63 80, 100 Rubber cap Thread size M2.5 x 0.45 x 25 l or more 2 4.9 M3 x 0.5 x 30 l or more 3 10 M5 x 0.8 x 40 l or more 3 24.5 Remove the bolt for normal operation. It can cause lock malfunction or faulty release. 2. Manual release, Lock type While pushing the M/O knob, turn it 90 counterclockwise.
IDX-OM-W022-A PRODUCT NAME Refrigerated Air Dryer MODEL / Series IDU8E-10(-C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDU8E-20(-C,K,L,M,R,T) IDU11E-10(-C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDU11E-20(-C,K,L,M,R,T) IDU15E1-10(-C,K,L,M,R,S,T) IDU15E1-20(-C,K,L,M,R,T) IDU8E-23(-C,K,L,R,T,V) IDU11E-23(-C,K,L,R,T,V) IDU15E1-23(-C,K,L,R,T,V) Please read this manual prior of using the air dryer. Keep the manual readily available for reference.
L (Example) A80CL None ...
Therefore select MIW (MIS) 20. 3 Escapements Series MIW/MIS Operating range MIW12 MIS12 MIW20 MIS20 The graph at right shows conditions of the work piece to be stopped; that is, the weight, transfer speed and the operating range of the point of application L. 30 20 10 L=120mm L=100mm L=80mm L=60mm L=40mm 20 L=90mm L=70mm L=50mm L=30mm 10 Work piece weight kg Work piece weight kg 5 5 1 1
N l O R RSUIOA32 48 5.5 MOxl 10 G@@-l-qtr-5'i.]
L L L to to to to Mounting angles other than 45, 135, 225 and 315 are available through the Made to Order (page 29).
G 1F 48 VAC G H K L Z NPT 1G 1H 1V 1J 220 VAC 240 VAC DIN terminal ? ? ? ?
Without auto switch (Without built-in magnet) Remarks Symbol Heater Temperature 16 D-M9N(M)(L)(Z) D-M9P(M)(L)(Z) D-M9B(M)(L)(Z) D-A90(L) D-A93(M)(L)(Z) M9N(M)(L)(Z) M9P(M)(L)(Z) M9B(M)(L)(Z) A90(L) A93(M)(L)(Z) M9// Nil H0 H4 H5 5 to 60C None None With 100C heater With 120C heater Solid state auto switch 5 to 150C Reed auto switch (Not applicable to flange size 16) Note) Size 16 is not