68.6 D D B 2 S B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 1 P P 1 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 * These figures show the JJ5SY3-10F2-05DR-C8.
is mounted) 7.5 B B B B 102.9 111.4 118 100.4 91.9 A A A A B A B A B A B A Dimensions are the ones for SV1300--.
A B A B COM PWR A A A A B B B B Cable with M12 connectors EX500-ACP. 15 Connection of sensors with M8, M12 connectors (auto switch, pressure switch, etc. A B A B COM PWR A A A A B B B B Cable with M12 connectors EX500-ACP. 15 Connection of sensors with M8, M12 connectors (auto switch, pressure switch, etc.
1-C 2-A 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 1-C 2-B 2-B 2-B 1-A 1-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 1-A 1-B 1-C 2-A 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B 2-B Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 6 1/8, 1/4 500 1.5 0 1,000 2,000 3,000
O R E T Y P E S I D E S U P P O R T B: T H R E A D E D T H R O U G H H O L E Part No Cylinder Side Support A Side Support B A B C D E F G H J MY-S16A/B MY1C16 MY-S16A MY-S16B 61 71.6 15 26 4.9 3 6.5 3.4 M4X0.7 MY-S20A/B MY1C20 MY-S20A MY-S20B 67 79.6 25 38 6.4 4 8 4.5 M5X0.8 MY-S25A/B MY1C25 MY-S25A MY-S25B 81 95 35 50 8 5 9.5 5.5 M6X1 MY-S32A/B MY1C32 MY-S32A MY-S32B 100 118 45 64 11.7 6
(Pitch) P = 24 22.2 24.3 With External Pilot Specifications 1118.3 18.8 39.3 18 18.8 39.3 40.1 R R 3/5 3/5 4 A 4 A 4 A 3/5 4 A 4 A 4 A R R 3/5 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 63.3 79.8 2 B P 1 1 P 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B Plug [1(P), 3/5(R) port] 2 B P 1 1 P 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B One-touch fitting [1(P), 3/5(R) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 12, 3/8" One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] Applicable tubing
B 89 A A B Section BB Coupling P.C.D.
Connector location on U side (FU) 3.5 163 10.7 47 106 71.7 9 9 U side 27 Manual override n X 12 12 2 B 4 A 8 2 B 4 A A A B A B A B A B A B A 7 SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC A A A A A A A B B B 2 B 4 A Indicator light 6 2 B 4 A 5 L2 L1 2 B 4 A 4 B B 2 B 4 A 3 2 B 4 A 2 P = 25 2 B 4 A 1 50.5 44 X Stations 38 27 Connector location on D side (FD) 11.7 16.2 139.9 (Single) 43.2 49.7 D side 148.9
B B B B (4.4) 32 15.3 7.5 17 16 A A A A A 1 (Station n) (Station 1) L1 L2 (Pitch) P = 10.5 4.5 (Light/surge voltage suppressor) 15.5 15.5 (Station n) (Station 1) + + (Light/surge voltage suppressor) A A 20 48.5 [55.5] 15 5 B B + + 16 1.5 One-touch fitting (A, B port) Applicable tubing O.D.: 4, 5/32" (Pitch) P = 10.5 33.1 A A 20 15 B B 1 (Pitch) P = 10.5 5 M5 x 0.8 (A, B port) 16.5 L plug
Scale: 25% For external pilot specification (Pitch) P = 24 24.3 22.2 11 18.3 18.8 40.1 39.3 18.8 3/5 R 3/5 R A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 18 A 4 A 4 3/5 R 3/5 R A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 39.3 63.3 79.8 4-One-touch fitting 1 P 1 P B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 1 P 1 P B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 [1 (P), 3/5 (R) port] Applicable tube O.D.: 12 2n1-One-touch fitting One-touch fitting [4 (A), 2 (B) port] Applicable tube
tube O.D.: 8 10 12 1 P 1 P B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 VQZ The air outlet and external pilot locations for the built-in silencer type are on the B side (both sides) . + + When P/R ports are designated as B, P/R ports on both sides are open.
B B Auto switch mounting surface Auto switch mounting surface Auto switch mounting surface Auto switch model Port side Port/A/B/C side A/B/C side Port/A/B/C side BQ-2 BQ2-012 Two kinds of auto switch brackets are used as a set.
A B A A A B A B A B A 163 143 9 9 10 A A A A A A A 42 34.5 80 B B B B B 55.5 SI Unit Please use drip proof plug assembly (AXT100-B04A) with unused conduit port (G1/2). n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stations D side 8 U side 3/4" 3(R) port 1/2" 1(P) port 4 x G1/2 Conduit port 2.6 SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC 101.2 95.5 90.7 55.5 42.7 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 77.3 13 15.7 43.5 20.6 12 4 A 4 A 4 A 4
B 89 A A B Section BB Coupling P.C.D.
B B Auto switch mounting surface Auto switch mounting surface Auto switch mounting surface Auto switch model A/B/C side Port side Port/A/B/C side Port/A/B/C side BQ-2 BQ2-012 Two kinds of auto switch brackets are used as a set.
4 A 62.1 41.7 25.7 39.4 (58) 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 B 20.9 P 1 P=17.5 94.9 76.2 7.5 One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 4 : 6 : 8 L n Dimensions Formula: L1 = 17.5n + 52, L2 = 17.5n + 106 n: Stations (Maximum 16 stations) 16 332 386 412.5 423 15 314.5 368.5 400 410.5 14 297 351 375 385.5 13 279.5 333.5 362.5 373 12 262 316 337.5 348 11 244.5 298.5 325 335.5
A B 2-P C L L C A B A B LVA10 2-F B B K LVA60 LVA20 With flow rate adjustment With indicator (Max.
port) One-touch fitting (A, B port) Applicable tubing O.D.: 4, 5/32" 1 (Pitch) P = 12.5 19.5 5 B B 15 1 A A 5 B B 15 20 A A L1 L2 4 Manual override + + + + 10 10 3.2 63.3 [65.5] 15.3 32 111.5 [115.9] 17 7.5 (4.4) 12.5 1 98.6[103] 16 A A A A A A R P R P 31.2 31.5 64.1 [66.3] 36.5 B B B B B B 65.3 17 50.5 70.3 2-4.5 (For mounting) + + + + + + Triangle mark 1/8 (P, R port) (Pitch) P = 12.5 18.5
B B B B B 65.4 4-Rc(PT)1/8 (P, R port) Manual override 2n-M3 X 0.5 (A, B port) Depress and turn to operate and lock override.