A F F A L = 200 mm F L = 200 mm L L L L = 200 mm A MXW8, MXW12, MXW16 MXW8, MXW12, MXW16 MXW8, MXW12, MXW16 0.03 0.03 0.10 Table displacement amount (mm) Table displacement amount (mm) Table displacement amount (mm) MXW12 MXW8 MXW16 MXW12 MXW8 MXW16 0.08 MXW12 MXW8 MXW16 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 75 50 25 100 0 0 0 100 20 40 60 75 50 25 Load (N) Load (N) Load (N) MXW20, MXW25 MXW20
61 20 Dd9 Rod End Nut Material: Carbon steel Applicable bore size (mm) Clevis 40 50 63 80 100 d (Drill through) Applicable cotter pin l L m Part no.
a ZQ sl or an l f ea te d ZF id wo pe rk ZP ty su nt ZCU oi rf ac l j AMJ al e s B Misc.
(Pump System) Individual PD specifications Release flow [L/min (ANR) ] Release flow [L/min (ANR) ] Number of needle rotations [rotation] Number of needle rotations [rotation] 36 - Doc.
L A A L A L A L A L L A Unit symbol RB 1412 with adjusting bolt RB 2015 with adjusting bolt RB 0806 with adjusting bolt RB 1007 with adjusting bolt RB 2015 with adjusting bolt RB 0806 with adjusting bolt RB 1412 with adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt With adjusting bolt Configuration and shock
Knuckle Pin (common with double clevis pin) Rod End Nut d d Dd9 C m l L t m t H B Material: Carbon steel mm Material: Rolled steel mm Part no. Applicable bore size (mm) 20 25 32, 40 50 Applicable bore size (mm) Snap ring l Part no.
D . ) , 2. 8 m or l ess ( overal l l engt h) I N N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t .
Digital Flow Switch Unit Specifications Detection type Heat type Measured flow range 50 to 500 L/min 5 to 100 L/min Minimum unit setting 5 L/min 1 L/min Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange value (Pulse width: 50 [ms]) 5 L/pulse 1 L/pulse Accumulated flow range 0 to 9 L 5% F.S. or less (15 to 35C: Based on 25C) Linearity 2% F.S. or less Repeatability 5% F.S. or less (15 to 35C: Based on 25C
70 or less 200 or less Calcium hardness [mg/L] 50 or less 150 or less Ion silica [mg/L] 30 or less 50 or less Iron [mg/L] 0.3 or less 1.0 or less Copper [mg/L] 0.1 or less 0.3 or less Sulfide ion [mg/L] Not detected Not detected Referential item Ammonium ion [mg/L] 0.1 or less 1.0 or less Residual chlorine [mg/L] 0.3 or less 0.3 or less Free carbon dioxide [mg/L] 4.0 or less 4.0 or less
VDC Grommet L plug connector M plug connector Nil: Non-locking push type D: Push-turn locking slotted type G: 300 mm lead wire L: With lead wire (Length 300 mm) M: With lead wire (Length 300 mm) MN: Without lead wire L P E: Push-turn locking lever type B: Locking slotted type H: 600 mm lead wire LN: Without lead wire LO: Without connector MO: Without connector L P 1 4632 LN and MN types
L (mm) Overhang L (mm) Overhang L (mm) Selection Example Selection conditions 1. 2.
Dd9 L m MGG (Drill through) 3 x 18 l 4 x 25 l 4 x 35 l 4 x 36 l 0.040 0.076 CD-M03 CD-M05 CD-M08 CDP-7A 10 14 22 25 20, 25 32, 40 50, 63 80 44 60 82 88 3 4 4 4 36 51 72 78 4 4.5 5 5 MGC 0.050 0.093 0.065 0.117 0.065 0.117 l m MGF L Note) Cotter pins and flat washers are included.
Refer to the table (3) for the available combinations between each electrical option (S, L, Z) and rated voltage.
min (ANR)) Supply pressure (MPa) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) ZMA10H ZMA13H Exhaust Characteristics Exhaust Characteristics Flow Characteristics Flow Characteristics Max. suction flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Air consumption (l/min (ANR)) Max. suction flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Air consumption (l/min (ANR)) Vacuum pressure Vacuum pressure Vacuum pressure Vacuum pressure Vacuum pressure (kPa) Vacuum pressure
DJsBAL ON operarios f-l-l t u s e l t l l o r r Caution 6 When handling, please avoid dropping, cylinder nicks, and excessive shock. O For the D-As'model (with indicator lamp), if used at less than the operating current range, LED will not tum on, but switch will operaie properly. a Never use load exceeding maximum conlact capacity of switch.