2 Port for Steam Dimensions (mm) 1in = 25.4mm Grommet: G Conduit: C Q Approx. 300 F D Approx. 280 D Q F C G (PF) 1/2 C R R E E B A H 2-P Port size 2-P A B H 2-M Port size 2-M Thread depth N L L K K Conduit terminal: T F (Q) 34 25 U R C G (PF) 1/2 E B A H D 2-P Port size (S) 2-M L K N.C.
Optional Parts Clean Room Compliant (10-) 10-ARP20(K) 10-ARP30(K) 10-ARP40(K) Model Bracket assembly Note 1) ARP20P-270AS ARP30P-270AS ARP40P-270AS Set nut ARP20P-260S ARP30P-260S ARP40P-260S G49-4-01 G49-4-02 0.4 MPa G49-2-01 G49-2-02 0.2 MPa Round type Note 2) G49-7-01 G49-7-02 0.7 MPa Pressure gauge NPN output / Wiring bottom entry ISE35-N-25-MLA [ISE35-N-25-M (Switch body only)] NPN output
Optional Parts Clean Room Compliant (10-) 10-ARP20(K) 10-ARP30(K) 10-ARP40(K) Model Bracket assembly Note 1) ARP20P-270AS ARP30P-270AS ARP40P-270AS Set nut ARP20P-260S ARP30P-260S ARP40P-260S G49-4-01 G49-4-02 0.4 MPa G49-2-01 G49-2-02 0.2 MPa Round type Note 2) G49-7-01 G49-7-02 0.7 MPa Pressure gauge NPN output / Wiring bottom entry ISE35-N-25-MLA [ISE35-N-25-M (Switch body only)] NPN output
Target position (01-149) Posn failed D SVON Input
-06 AS121FG-U10/32-07 18.3 23.1 11.7 13.5 18.1 22.9 11.6 12 6 1/4" 13.5 AS221FG-01-04 AS221FG-N01-01 12.7 20.4 27.5 9.3 4 1/8" 16 20.4 27.5 17 9.3 12.7 AS221FG-01-06 AS221FG-N01-03 14.3 13.5 20.4 27.5 11.6 6 5/32" 14.2 31.1 36.1 12 32.1 27.1 NPT 1/8 R 1/8 17 AS221FG-01-08 AS221FG-N01-05 12.7 14.3 23.1 30.2 19 18.5 25.3 32.4 15.2 11.4 8 3/16" 36.1 31.1 32.1 27.1 16.5 14.2 AS221FG-01-10 AS221FG-N01
HRX-OM-X010-E Operation Manual Original Instructions Thermo-Chiller HRZ002-WS-F HRZ004-WS-F HRZ008-WS-F HRZ008-L-F HRZ002-W1S-F HRZ004-W1S-F HRZ008-W1S-F HRZ008-L1-F HRZ002-W2S-F HRZ004-W2S-F HRZ008-W2S-F HRZ010-WS-F HRZ010-W1S-F HRZ010-W2S-F Save This Manual Carefully for Use at Any Time 2022 SMC CORPORATION All Rights Reserved To the Customers Thank you for purchasing our THERMO CHILLER
VSA4120-02 VSA4120-03 VSA4220-01 VSA4220-02 VSA4220-03 VSA4320-01 VSA4320-02 VSA4320-03 VSA4420-01 VSA4420-02 VSA4420-03 2 position single VA 1 4 1 8 Rc 0.60 1 8 Rc 1 8 Rc SA 2 position double 1 4 1 8 Rc 0.70 1 8 Rc VA 1 8 Rc 3 position closed center 1 4 1 8 Rc 0.86 VM 1 8 Rc Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200
VS7 38 22 Dimensions 13 Silencer P/N Model VQZ1000 VQZ2000 VQZ3000 AN110-01 AN110-01 AN200-02 AN200-02 AN110-01 Port plug VVQZ100-CP(For VQZ1000/VQZ2000) VVQZ2000-CP(For VQZ3000) Used to block an unused cylinder port when using a 4 way valve as a 3 way valve. 1.12-23 VQZ1000/2000/3000 Body Ported Manifold Option Double check block (Externally placed downstream): For VQZ1000 only VQ1000FPGll
-01-D Meter-out M5 type U10/32 port AS3200-02-D Meter-out M5 type U10/32 port AS2210-01-D AS3210-02-D Component Parts No.
Drive is ON when SVRE is OFF (01-098) Servo OFF ALM C RESET
cock 10 With auto drain With auto drain 01 11 How to Select Max.
Symbol Nil N F Option Option Symbol Applicable actuation Built-in solenoid valve Air Operated PB1013A Air operated Port size Port size 1/8 Nil B N None With foot With silencer Symbol 01 When option is more than one, suffix in alphabetical order.
-10AS G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 G46-2-02 0.2MPa Note 3) GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS GC3-2AS Note 1) Assembly includes a bracket and set nuts.
---t;F=f=='Tjt IN Bracket (Option) N ...'---Ht-t---t-+-H I--i IN o I w c.
S + Stroke F ZZ + Stroke H B E G Mounting nut NN NA F N 12CY3B15 (mm) L 57 66 70 80 92 J 6 6 8 8 10 K 11 8 10 15 16 I 12 15 18 23 G 5.5 7.5 7.5 8 11 H 13 20 20.5 22 29 F 10 13 13 16 16 E 2 2 2 2 3 NN M10 x 1 M20 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M32 x 2 D 16.6 21.6 26.4 33.6 41.6 MM M4 x 0.7 M4 x 0.7 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 M6 x 1 B 35 36 46 60 70 N 11 18 18.5 20 26 ZZ 103 132 137 156 182 NA 17 24 30 36
-23ST 12 13.5 1/4" 3.2 8.4 12.7 AS221F-N01-01ST AS221F-01-04ST 1/8" 8.4 4 20.4 27.5 9.3 5/32" 9.3 20.4 27.5 12.7 14.3 AS221F-N01-03ST AS221F-01-06ST 13.5 12 R 1/8 14.2 7 35.6 1.5 31.6 6 11.6 3/16" 11.4 23.1 30.2 14.3 16.5 AS221F-N01-05ST AS221F-01-08ST NPT 1/8 12.7 14.2 7 35.6 1.5 31.6 18.5 25.3 32.4 8 15.2 AS221F-N01-07ST AS221F-01-10ST 1/4" 13.2 23.9 31 18.5 15 21 33.1 40.2 10 18.5 AS221F-N01
Silao-Trejo K.M. 2.5 S/N, Predio San Jose del Duranzo C.P. 36100, Silao, Gto., Mexico TEL: 472-72-2-55-00 FAX: 472-72-2-59-44/2-59-46 FRANCE SMC Pneumatique S.A. 1 Boulevard de Strasbourg, Parc Gustave Eiffel, Bussy Saint Georges, F-77600 Marne La Vallee Cedex 3 France TEL: 01-64-76-10-00 FAX: 01-64-76-10-10 CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A. Av. La Montaa 1,115 km. 16,5 P.
The output current exceeded the specification (01-194) current E Power Over off
Alarm_Co mment_1 11 (01-111) 6F C RESET Input