301 to 400 20 to 300 301 to 400 22 19.5 17 45 104 1/8 51.5 20 12 18 2 97 10 (12) 25 6.5 9 7 10 6 38 Up to 300 301 to 450 20 to 300 301 to 450 30 27 19 52 112 1/8 58.5 26 16 25 2 104 10 (13) 26 7 11 7 12 8 47 Up to 300 301 to 800 20 to 300 301 to 800 Without rod boot With rod boot Bore size (mm) P J K KA MM NA PG PH PL S TA TB TC XA XB l ZZ H e f h ZZ 20 25 32 40 M4 x 0.7 depth 7 5 6 M8 x
301 to 400 20 to 300 301 to 400 22 19.5 17 45 104 1/8 51.5 20 12 18 2 97 10 (12) 25 6.5 9 7 10 6 38 Up to 300 301 to 450 20 to 300 301 to 450 30 27 19 52 112 1/8 58.5 26 16 25 2 104 10 (13) 26 7 11 7 12 8 47 Up to 300 301 to 800 20 to 300 301 to 800 Without rod boot With rod boot Bore size (mm) P J K KA MM NA PG PH PL S TA TB TC XA XB l ZZ H e f h ZZ 20 25 32 40 M4 x 0.7 depth 7 5 6 M8 x
7 to 300 45 22 19.5 17 103 1/8 51.5 16.5 10 14 2 25 6.5 10 6 31 301 to 400 96 10 (12) 9 301 to 450 20 to 300 7 to 300 45 22 19.5 17 104 1/8 51.5 20 12 18 2 25 6.5 10 6 38 301 to 450 97 10 (13) 11 301 to 800 20 to 300 7 to 300 52 30 27 19 112 1/8 58.5 26 16 25 2 26 7 12 8 47 301 to 800 104 (mm) Without rod boot With rod boot Bore size (mm) P J K KA MM NA PG PH PL S TA TB TC XA XB l 0.25 ZZ
7 to 300 45 22 19.5 17 103 1/8 51.5 16.5 10 14 2 25 6.5 10 6 31 301 to 400 96 10 (12) 9 301 to 450 20 to 300 7 to 300 45 22 19.5 17 104 1/8 51.5 20 12 18 2 25 6.5 10 6 38 301 to 450 97 10 (13) 11 301 to 800 20 to 300 7 to 300 52 30 27 19 112 1/8 58.5 26 16 25 2 26 7 12 8 47 301 to 800 104 (mm) Without rod boot With rod boot Bore size (mm) P J K KA MM NA PG PH PL S TA TB TC XA XB l 0.25 ZZ
rate: 50% Stroke 500 mm Series CM2 Pressure 0.5 MPa Load rate: 50% Stroke 300 mm Average speed (mm/s) Series 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Perpendicular, upward actuation SY3140-01 Horizontal actuation 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 SY5140-02 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 SY7140-03 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 SY9140-04 Cylinder is in extending.
C 400 300 200 10 20 30 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Recirculating fluid temp. Fig. 5-3 Heating capacity *The Radiating water flow rate of 1L/min is for reference. Radiating water Temp.20 Ambient Temp.20 Fluid water 600 Heating capacity W 500 Radiating water flow rate L/min 400 300 200 1 3 5 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Recirculating fluid temp.
Piston speed (3) 150 cm3/min or less 200 cm3/min or less 300 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.1 MPa Total allowable leakage MQQ M 800 cm3/min or less 1000 cm3/min or less 1200 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.3 MPa 1500 cm3/min or less 2000 cm3/min or less 3000 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.5 MPa RHC Note 1) Use clean, dry air with no freezing.
Impact acceleration [m/s] 5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Speed [mm/s] Relationship between speed and impact acceleration Features 1 in vacuum environments (1.3 x 10-Pa) Carefully designed for low particulate generation, low leakage, and low outgassing.
Piston Note 3) speed H (High speed/ High frequency type) 5 to 3000 mm/s (Refer to page 1191.) 250 cm3/min or less 300 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.1 MPa 150 cm3/min or less Total allowable leakage 1000 cm3/min or less 1200 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.3 MPa 800 cm3/min or less 2500 cm3/min or less 3000 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.5 MPa 1500 cm3/min or less Note 1) Value when
LAT3LAT3MLAT3F600 350 700 Min. travel time [ms] Min. travel time [ms] Min. travel time [ms] Load weight1000g Load weight1000g Load weight1000g 300 600 [ms] 500 [ms] [ms] 700g 700g 700g 250 500 400 500g 500g 500g 200 400 300 150 300 200 100 200 300g 300g 300g 100 100g 100g 50 100 100g 0g 0g 0g 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 Total travel distance [mm] Total travel
75E 0.75 to 75 kW 0.10 to 12.4 60 50 to 150 0.32 to 12.5 Non-freon, Power supply is not necessary.
7.2C) 50F(10C) IDFB3E IDFB4E IDFB6E IDFB8E IDFB11E IDFB15E IDFB22E IDFB37E IDFB55E IDFB75E NPT3/8 10(17) 11(19) 12(20) ZFC NPT1/2 15(25) 16(27) 17(28) 25(43) 26(45) 28(47) SF 100F (37.8C) 100psi (0.7MPa) NPT3/4 41(70) 43(74) 45(77) 59(100) 62(106) 65(110) SFD 71(120) 80(136) 86(147) NPT1 107(182) 120(205) 130(221) LLB NPT1 1/2 161(273) 173(294) 181(308) 226(384) 258(438) 297(504) NPT2 AD 300
C J G5-S 150 cm3/min or less 200 cm3/min or less 300 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.1 MPa Total allowable leakage 800 cm3/min or less 1000 cm3/min or less 1200 cm3/min or less Weight/Standard Type: MQQT Supply pressure 0.3 MPa CV 1500 cm3/min or less 2000 cm3/min or less 3000 cm3/min or less Supply pressure 0.5 MPa (g) Note 1) Use clean, dry air with no freezing.
No.CE*-OMP0002-A 3 CEU1 SMC FG 0~50 35~85%RH 3 CEU1CE10.1mm 3 CE1-R** CE1** 3 CEU1** FG 3 DIN 3 2m/s 3 (100ms) 2 2 2 2-1 1 1 1 CEU1 4 2 2 2 2-2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3-1 1 1 1 : : 1 1 (mm) (mm) 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 175 175 175 175 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 12 12 12 12
Mist Separator Series AM Model Specifications Model AM150C AM250C Fluid Compressed air 1.0 MPa 0.05 MPa 1.5 MPa Max.operating pressure Rated flow (L/min (ANR)) 300 750 Min. operating pressure Note 1) Series AM can separate and remove oil mist and remove fine particles such as rust or carbon of 0.3 m or larger.
Adsorption Plate SP Series RoHS SP SP How to Order ZCUK AMJ SP 30 1 1 AFJ Sintered metallic element particle diameter Adsorption Plate AMV 30 0.3 standard ZH -X185 Adsorption surface size 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shape 1 2 Rectangular Square 50 x 50 mm 100 x 100 mm 150 x 150 mm 200 x 200 mm 250 x 250 mm 300 x 300 mm Related Products Standard Specifications SP1130 SP2130 SP1230 SP2230 SP1330 SP2330 SP1430
The spacing of the side support must be no more than the values shown in the graphs at right. 200 200 190 190 (2100) (2100) (2100) 180 180 170 170 160 160 m 150 150 140 140 (2400) (2400) (2400) (2400) (2400) 130 130 l (1800) (1800) (1800) 120 120 Weight m (kg) Weight m (kg) 110 110 MY1MW63 MY1MW63 100 100 (2000) (2000) (2000) (2000) (2000) 90 90 (1500) (1500) (1500) MY1CW63 MY1CW63 m 80 80
Model/Standard Specifications AT Model HAW2 HAW7 HAW22 HAW37 HAW55 HAW75 HAW110 Screw type compressor IDF IDU 110 55 2.2 75 7.5 22 37 Applicable compressor (kW) Reciprocating type compressor Screw type compressor 75 37 2.2 55 7.5 15 22 IDFA 18000 8600 300 12000 1000 3300 5700 (1) Air flow rate l/min (ANR) IDFB Reciprocating type compressor 11000 5600 300 8000 1000 2100 4300 ID Rated performance
400 Displacement (m) Displacement (m) 250 350 200 300 40 30 20 10 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Load (N) Load (N) MSQXB30A MSQXB50A 350 300 300 250 Displacement (m) Displacement (m) 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 40 30 20 10 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Load (N) Load (N) 336 MSQX Series Low-Speed Rotary Table Rack & Pinion Type Construction CRB2 CRB1 MSU CRJ CRA1 o i @5 @6 t y !
1000 3300 5700 8600 12000 18000 150 700 2500 5000 7000 10500 14000 2100 4300 5600 8000 11000 AM Misc.