D-M9V, D-M9WV D-M9A D-M9AV A B W A B W A B W A B W 12 6.2 6.2 3.8 6.2 6.2 1.8 6.2 6.2 5.8 6.2 6.2 3.8 16 6.7 6.7 3.3 6.7 6.7 1.3 6.7 6.7 5.3 6.7 6.7 3.3 20 7.5 10 7.5 10 7.5 10 2 7.5 10 25 8 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 Auto Switch Mounting Height U [mm] Auto switch model Bore size D-M9V, D-M9WV, D-M9AV U 12 19.5 16 21 20 23 25 24.5 W A B A Operating Range [mm] Auto switch model Applicable
Switch operating position (ON) Hysteresis Switch reset position (OFF) Unit: mm Auto switch model Air gripper D-Y7 W N B D-Y59A B D-Y69A B D-Y7 WV N B D-Y7BA 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.5 MHL2-10Dl Note)Use a watchmakers screwdriver with a grip diameter of 5 to 6mm to tighten the auto switch set screw. Use a tightening torque of 0.05 to 0.1 Nm.
Proper Auto Switch Mounting Position (Detection at stroke end) C D A B D-A9, D-A9V D-M9, D-M9V, D-M9W, D-M9WV B B Series model A Series model A Operating range Operating range MY2C16 MY2C16 44 116 48 112 MY2H16 MY2H16 46 114 50 110 MY2HT16 MY2HT16 11 8.5 70 90 74 86 MY2C/H/HT25 MY2C/H/HT25 54 156 58 152 MY2C/H/HT40 MY2C/H/HT40 85 245 89 241 Series model C Series model C D D Operating range
O-ring Port plug Body Ported Base Mounted Blanking plug (For One-touch fittings) KJP-02 A L Dimensions [mm] Applicable fitting size d Model A L D Weight [g] 2 KJP-02 8.2 17 3 0.1 3.2 KQ2P-23 16 31.5 5 1 4 KQ2P-04 16 32 6 1 23 KQ2P-04 D Silencer (For manifold EXH port) Body Ported Base Mounted Silencer is installed in the EXH port.
Proper Auto Switch Mounting Position (Detection at stroke end) C D Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com A B Series MY2C Series MY2H Series MY2HT (mm) D-M9, D-M9V (mm) D-M9, D-M9V (mm) D-M9, D-M9V A A A B B B Bore size 16 25 40 Operating range Bore size
RESET SVON <> <> <>(M24V) (01-145) D RESET SVON <> <> <> (01-146) D RESET SVON <> 67 - <> <>(DC24V) D RESET SVON (01-147) <> <> <> (01-148) D RESET SVON <> <> (01-149) D RESET SVON <> <> Communicati on error. (01-150) D RESET SVON <> (01-192) E <> <> <> ON(SVON ON) (01-193) E <>ONSVON ON <> (01-194) E <> 68 - <> <> (1-195) E <> (01-196) E <> <>EEPROM
A Input/Output specifications 22 30 62 NPN open collector 2 output + Analog output Bracket D NPN open collector 2 output + Auto shift input Refer to the dimensions for the difference between brackets A and D. D PNP open collector 2 output + Analog output 70 PNP open collector 2 output + Auto shift input Option Note) Auto shift input is used for the auto shift function.
Dimensions LLCA--C Stations 4-Mounting hole for W Y A K D L3 L2 L1 (Max.
Dimensions LLCmA-mm-C Stations 4 x Mounting hole for W Y A K D L3 L2 L1 (Max.
o p e r a t i o n p r i n c i p l e C u s h i o n s M a i n t e n a n c e I n s p e c t i o n P e r i o d i c i n s p e c t i o n D i sassem ble and reassem bl e C a u t i o n o f d i s a s s e m b l e D i s a s s e m b l i n g p r o c e d u r e A s s e m b l e p r o c e d u r e T r o u bl e s hoo t i n g Safety Instructions These safety instructions are intended to prevent
Confirm the position where the pushing operation starts. a b c d e f g h i j k No.
A: Acceleration time B: Constant velocity time C: Deceleration time D: Resting time (0.4 sec.)
Flat finger [3] 4 x MM thread depth L Thread for mounting attachment K J A A D G B D B K J F C S W O (mm) Weight (g) F G Open Closed 2 2.5 3 4 L MM J K D C B Model A W MHZ2-10D3 1), 2) 11221122112211220 -0.05 0 -0.05 0 -0.05 0 -0.05 +0.5 +0.3 +0.5 +0.3 +0.5 +0.3 +0.5 +0.3 +0.025 0 +0.025 0 +0.025 0 +0.030 0 +2.2 0 +2.2 0 +2.3 0 +2.5 0 60 125 250 450 5 6 8 10 M2.5 x 0.45 M3 x 0.5 M4 x 0.7
Digital flow switch Air combination Spacer Spacer with bracket Pipe adapter PF3A801H AC30#-D Y300-D Y300T-D E300-#03-D PF3A802H AC40#-D Y400-D Y400T-D E400-#04-D : For more information about the options, refer to our website (URL https://www.smcworld.com). -20No.PF-OMY0005-A
Note) Note) For the special voltages, please consult with SMC. 4-14-11 Body Ported 12 Series VQZ100/200/300 How to Order Manifold: VQZ200/300 VV3QZ 2 2 08 C D Series Option 2 3 VQZ200 VQZ300 Nil None DIN rail mounting style (With DIN rail in standard length) DIN rail mounting style (Without DIN rail ) D DO Note) Note) Order DIN rail separately.
SY SYJ VK Blank plug KQP-23-X19 KQP-04-X19 KQP-06-X19 KQP-08-X19 KQP-10-X19 VZ L Dimensions VT A One-touch fitting d Part No. A L D VT KQP-23-X19 KQP-04-X19 KQP-06-X19 KQP-08-X19 KQP-10-X19 3.2 4 6 8 10 16 16 18 20.5 22 31.5 32 35 39 43 3.2 6 8 10 12 D VP Color: White VG VP L DIN rail AXT100-DR-l 12.5 (Pitch) 5.25 7.5 VQ Enter suffix number into l from the table below.
Use a D-class ground connection (ground with a resistance of less than 100). The cross sectional area of the grounding cable shall be 2 mm2 or more. The Grounding point should be as near as possible to the controller. Keep the grounding cable as short as possible.
D-DN This catalog is printed on recycled paper with concern for the global environment.
Screw[B] Refer to (a) Belt Pull tension Model Belt N Part number LEG25 LE-D-15-1 19 LEG32 LE-D-15-2 30 LEG40 LE-D-15-3 (a) Model Screw type Screw size Tightening torque [Nm] LEG25 Cross recessed binding head screw M3x6 0.63 LEG32 hexagon socket head cap screw M4x10 1.5 LEG40 hexagon socket head cap screw[A] M2.5x10 [Tightening torque 0.18Nm] 7."