Note 10) Mass in the dry state without circulating fluids. 80 Thermo-chiller Series HRZ Cooling Capacity HRZ001-L/002-L/004-L/008-L HRZ001-H/002-H/004-H/008-H 16 10 9 HRZ008-L HRZ008-H 14 Cooling capacity (kW) Cooling capacity (kW) 8 12 7 HRZ004-H 10 HRG HRGC HRZ HRW HEC HEB HED Technical Data Related Products 6 HRZ004-L 8 5 4 6 HRZ002-L 3 4 HRZ002-H 2 HRZ001-L 2 1 HRZ001-H 0 0 20 10 0 10
Cable length (L) [m] 3 3 5 5 A 10 C 20 LE-CYM-llA-l: Motor cable L 50 7 U V W G M4 Crimped terminal LE-CYB-llA-l: Motor cable for lock option L 50 7 3-M4 Crimped terminal LE-CYE-llA: Encoder cable L (60) (100) 12 (7) (32) D 19 5 3 1 6 4 2 25 Battery case Depth dimension: 25 mm Product no.
to 10.5 l/min 2.5 to 52.5 l/min 5 to 105 l/min 10 to 210 l/min 25 to 525 l/min Set flow rate range Note 1) 0.1 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 5 l/min Minimum set unit Note 1) Accumulated pulse flow rate exchange 0.1 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse 1 l/pulse 2 l/pulse 5 l/pulse value (Pulse width: 50 ms) Note 1) Note 2, 3) l/min, CFM x 10-2 l/min, CFM x 10-1 Real-time flow rate Display units l, ft3
Long stroke CXT12 CXT16 CXT20 CXT25 CXT32 CXT40 CQSB12-L-PS CQSB16-L-PS CQSB20-L-PS CQSB25-L-PS CQ2A32-L-PS CQ2A40-L-PS CDQSB12 CDQSB16 CDQSB20 CDQSB25 CDQ2A32 CDQ2A40 Seal kit includes @7, @8 and @9. Order the seal kit with the kit number. Since the seal kit does not include a grease pack, order it separately.
L dimension L dimension 1.5 m AXT100-DS25-015 AXT100-MC26-015 1.5 m 3 m AXT100-DS25-030 AXT100-MC26-030 3 m 5 m AXT100-DS25-050 AXT100-MC26-050 5 m When a commercially available connector is required, use a 25 pin female connector conforming to MIL-C24308. L L (60) 44 8 16 14 25 1 13 47.04 50 Approx. 10 Multi-core vinyl cable 0.3 mm2 x 25C Terminal no. Socket side Plug terminal no.
With light/surge voltage suppressor 1.4 1.6 L-type plug connector (L) (B) 2 Non-locking push type (Tool required) 1 (P) 3 (R) VQZ3000 L-type plug connector (L) N.O.
10 16 12 4 MXQ-CT12(L)-X11 15 32 G MXQ-CT12(L)-X12 25 42 B C MXQ-CT16(L) 5 23 J MXQ16(L) M10 x 1 M5 x 12 MXQ-CT16(L)-X11 15 33.5 35.5 20 12 17 14 5 33 MXQ-CT16(L)-X12 25 43 A K MXQ-CT20(L) 5 27 MXQ20(L) MXQ-CT20(L)-X11 M5 x 14 M12 x 1.25 15 41 44.5 25 23 37 13 17 6 MXQ-CT20(L)-X12 25 47 MXQ-CT25(L) 5 30 MXQ25(L) M14 x 1.5 M6 x 18 MXQ-CT25(L)-X11 15 40 49 53.5 31 15 28 19 6 MXQ-CT25(L)-X12
End plate L 11 1 No.
: 0.62(n1) + 2.6 F, L, T1 kits 12 stations L F kitD-sub connector L T kitTerminal block box L T1 kitIndividual terminal block kit L L kitLead wire L S kitSerial transmission 3/8 1/2 Side 3/4 Option Direct exhaust with silencer box SV VQ5l00 VQ5l01 T kit 12 stations VQ5000 VV5Q51-lll Not including valve weight.
AS 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Return stroke pressure (MPa) ASP ASN v v w w a a o o l l v v l l F F e e AQ ASV u u r r e e s s v v s s a a e e l l v v r r P P e e AK ASS ASR ASF Working stroke Working stroke Return stroke Return stroke Pressure valve Flow valve 15-16-1 2 Cuts air consumption by operating the return stroke at a reduced pressure.
3150 L/min 60 to 6300 L/min 120 to 12600 L/min Set point range Accumulated flow 0 to 999,999,999,990 L Instantaneous flow 2 L/min 5 L/min 10 L/min Flow Minimum resolution Accumulated flow 10 L 100 L Accumulated volume per pulse (Pulse width = 50 msec.)
(Displays 0 when the value is (Displays 0 when the value is below 10 L/min) below 20 L/min) 20 to 1050 L/min 40 to 2100 L/min 2.0 0 to 2%F.S. (Displays 0 when the value is (Displays 0 when the value is below 20 L/min) below 40 L/min) 30 to 1050 L/min 60 to 2100 L/min 3.0 0 to 3%F.S.
(Displays 0 when the value is below 10 L/min) 40 to 2100 L/min 20 to 1050 L/min (Displays 0 when the value is below 40 L/min) 2.0 0 to 2%F.S. (Displays 0 when the value is below 20 L/min) 60 to 2100 L/min 30 to 1050 L/min (Displays 0 when the value is below 60 L/min) 3.0 0 to 3%F.S.
I f a p re s s u re g re a t e r t h a n t h e s e t p re s s u re i s re a c h e d , t h e u n i t w i l l o p e n , c l o s i n g w h e n p re s s u re i s l e s s t h a n s e t pressure.
PF2W740 PF2W711 Model Measured fluid Flow rate measurement range Set flow rate range Rated flow range Minimum set unit Water 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min 7 to 110 l/min 1.7 to 17.0 l/min 0.35 to 4.5 l/min 3.5 to 45 l/min 7 to 110 l/min 2 to 16 l/min 0.5 to 4 l/min 5 to 40 l/min 10 to 100 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.05 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 0.1 l/pulse 0.05 l/pulse 0.5 l/pulse
(Coil temperature: 68F (20C), at rated voltage) 16 Series VF3000/5000 Flow-rate Characteristics/Weight Flow-rate characteristics Note 1) Weight (g) Note 2) 1 l 4/2 (P l A/B) 4/2 l 5/3 (A/B l EA/EB) Type of actuation Valve model Port size C [dm3/ (sbar)] b Cv C [dm3/ (sbar)] b Cv Grommet DIN terminal Single 2.8 0.14 0.64 2.5 0.18 0.57 344 (192) 380 (228) 2-position Double 2.8 0.14 0.64 2.5