+0.030 0 Brake electrical circuit +24V Brown [Yellow] 4H9 +0.030 0 3 6 49 0V 38 White [Yellow] Section C detail (Scale: 2/1) Stroke + 104 (Stroke: 50 to 100mm) Stroke + 121 (Stroke: 125 to 200mm) 4H9 +0.030 0 depth 6 E Note) A contact protection circuit is required when connecting a brake. 12 D E Model LXPB5BC-50B LXPB5BC-75B LXPB5BC-100B LXPB5BC-125B LXPB5BC-150B LXPB5BC-175B LXPB5BC-200B
1 Actuator cable type/length Robotic cable [m] Nil None R8 8*7 R1 1.5 RA 10*7 R3 3 RB 15*7 R5 5 RC 20*7 Nil Housing B bottom*6 Housing B bottom K Body bottom 2 locations Body bottom For details on auto switches, refer to the Web Catalog. 21 Battery-less Absolute Encoder Type Slider Type/Ball Screw Drive LEFS Series Battery-less Absolute (Step Motor 24 VDC) !
Indicator light 3.5 to 7 : AC 82.5 75 01 02 M plug connecter (M): VQZ2l5(R)-lMl56.5 Cover dia 1.5 Cross section 0.23mm2 (Lead wire) 58(63) 300 77(78) 89 Indicator light : AC 2.10-29 VQZ100/200/300 Base Mounted VQZ300 Valve single unit Grommet (G): VQZ3l5(R)-lGl02 03 37 5 2-4.5Mounting holes 23.5 5 R5 Cover dia 1.6 Cross section 0.34mm2 Manual override 2 A 45 18 3 R 1 P 47 76 300 (Lead wire
5 (R)-M57 (Lead wire length) Cross section 0.23 mm2 Cover diameter 1.5 300 58.5 <63.5> 73.5 137.5 Indicator light 62 160 < >: AC 2-7-44 Base Mounted 45 45 Series VQZ1000/2000/3000 Plug Lead Unit: Single Unit VQZ3000 2 position single Grommet (G): VQZ3150 1(R)-G-02 03 300 (Lead wire length) 95 58 28 10.5 10.5 (For Rc 3/8) (For Rc 3/8) 9 9 24.5 mounting hole (For Rc 1/4) (For Rc 1/4) 5 R5
+0.030 0 Brake electrical circuit +24V Brown [Yellow] 4H9 +0.030 0 3 6 49 0V 38 White [Yellow] Section C detail (Scale: 2/1) Stroke + 104 (Stroke: 50 to 100mm) Stroke + 121 (Stroke: 125 to 200mm) 4H9 +0.030 0 depth 6 E Note) A contact protection circuit is required when connecting a brake. 12 D E Model LXPB5BC-50B LXPB5BC-75B LXPB5BC-100B LXPB5BC-125B LXPB5BC-150B LXPB5BC-175B LXPB5BC-200B
Indicator light 3.5 to 7 < >: AC 82.5 75 M plug connector (M): VQZ25(R)-M01 02 56.5 (Lead wire length) Cross section 0.23 mm2 Cover diameter 1.5 77.5 58 <63> 300 89 Indicator light < >: AC 4-14-31 Base Mounted 32 Series VQZ100/200/300 Dimensions: VQZ300 Single unit Grommet (G): VQZ35(R)-G02 03 37 5 2-4.5 mounting hole 23.5 5 R5 Cover dia. 1.6 Manual override Cross section 0.34 mm2 2 A 45
I ':"1 6 65 274 1 7 7 1 7 7 6 52 55 -r5 loo . 6 . 202 202 6 8 65 320 227 227 6 47 75 litzs . 70 345 252 252 6 47 150 6 8 370 277 2 7 7 r 1 65 T-slot A dimensions T-slot B dimensions $unies tX$ tilo To 0[dEl' tlect|'ic Acl||at0 AC Servo Motor 100vAc TS45O1N -rslsotl I Nole 1) l Applicable Applicable TarnaFwa Sek I 2OOVAC TS45O1N AppLicable L Applicable 3 -.'
r5 L+' tL-l-s!" 5 (+ (Note 1)Maximum slalion I (Nole2)(+)aid()indicabnredireclionolDCsolnoidvalvewthliqhi.su'ge!olagesdppreser iNole 3) Seds VFS3o0HOM ls also Dossible aNote 1 I [,!
Indicator light 3.5 to 7 82.5 75 01T 02T M type plug connector (M): VQZ2 5(R)M 56.5 (Lead wire lnegth) Cover diameter 1.5 Cross sectional area 0.23mm2 58 300 77 89 Indicator light 28 Base Mounted Type Series VQZ Dimensions: VQZ300 VQZ300 (mm) Valve Scale: 45% Grommet (G): VQZ3 5(R)G 02T 03T 37 5 2 4.5 Mounting holes 23.5 R5 Cover diameter 1.4 Cross sectional area 0.2mm2 Manual override 2
r5 L+' tL-l-s!" 5 (+ (Note 1)Maximum slalion I (Nole2)(+)aid()indicabnredireclionolDCsolnoidvalvewthliqhi.su'ge!olagesdppreser iNole 3) Seds VFS3o0HOM ls also Dossible aNote 1 I [,!
NXT 333-17.5 B E ll K N 1 . 1 0 (2S) 1 0 6 \n) 0.63 i16) 1.42 t36) 0.91 t23) 0.61 05.5) 1.26 (32J 4.50 [1',l9) 1.95 (49.5) 1,99 i50.s) 1.52 (38.s) 1.48 {37.5) r5 Soacer "A" End AXT 333.10 Mi[imebrs in Paronlhes6 1t DIRECTIONAL AIR VALVE SUBPLATES SERIES NVSA 4@14 f:'-f b'd-T-',"S Genral: Sub'plales arc heavy duty aluminum die castings.
NXT 333-17.5 B E ll K N 1 . 1 0 (2S) 1 0 6 \n) 0.63 i16) 1.42 t36) 0.91 t23) 0.61 05.5) 1.26 (32J 4.50 [1',l9) 1.95 (49.5) 1,99 i50.s) 1.52 (38.s) 1.48 {37.5) r5 Soacer "A" End AXT 333.10 Mi[imebrs in Paronlhes6 1t DIRECTIONAL AIR VALVE SUBPLATES SERIES NVSA 4@14 Genral: Sub'plales arc heavy duty aluminum die castings.
U side 7 6 5 4 3 2 D side Stations 1 Cable 6 to 12 G1/2 G1/2 (44) R3 R4 T E D R1, R6 R5 R2 F F n x 1/8,1/4
G 32 M D G B 30 C R1 C5H73 Size Motor type Motor mounting position Bearing type 25 32 40 Symbol Motor Compatible Nil Top mounting M Sliding bearing controller D In-line JXC5H JXC6H JXC9H JXCPH JXCEH High performance G Battery-less absolute Step motor 24 VDC Lead [mm] Actuator cable type/length [m] Symbol LEG25 LEG32/40 Robotic cable[mm] 6 8 Nil None R1 1.5 Stroke [mm] R3 3 30 30 50 50 R5
JXCD1 JXC61 D4 Lower side R Right side parallel (4)Lead [mm] L Left side parallel Size *For size 8 8 16 25 10 12 16 (2)Motor mouting position 5 6 8 In-line D C 2.5 Right side parallel R Left side parallel L *For size 16/25 (5)Storke [mm] (7)Actuator cable type/length Robotic cable [m] (8)Controller Size #Please refer to the catalog for the controller part. 8 16 25 Without cable Nil R1 R3 R5
R1 1.5 RA 10 * R3 3 RB 15 * R5 5 RC 20 * Applicable Stroke Table *Produced upon receipt of order Stroke Size 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Controller *Refer to catalog 16 25 32 40 Caution The actuator body and controller are sold as a package.
I ':"1 6 65 274 1 7 7 1 7 7 6 52 55 -r5 loo . 6 . 202 202 6 8 65 320 227 227 6 47 75 litzs . 70 345 252 252 6 47 150 6 8 370 277 2 7 7 r 1 65 T-slot A dimensions T-slot B dimensions $unies tX$ tilo To 0[dEl' tlect|'ic Acl||at0 AC Servo Motor 100vAc TS45O1N -rslsotl I Nole 1) l Applicable Applicable TarnaFwa Sek I 2OOVAC TS45O1N AppLicable L Applicable 3 -.'
235.5 225 235.5 237.5 248 250 260.5 262.5 273 L3 L4 100 110.5 2-4-40 Body Ported Series VQ0/1000/2000 Plug Lead Unit: Flip Type VQ2000 55.5 (L plug connector) AC, Latching Manual override 50.5 (L plug connector) VQC L4 L3 49 (L plug connector) 5.2 AC, Latching L2 L1 52.5 SQ 44 (L plug connector) 48 Indicator light DIN rail clamp screw 5.5 31 VQ0 12 D-sub connector mounting screw VQ4 VQ5 R5
Drarn guide 1/4 AF30 to 60 Flow direclion: Right to tefl AF10 to 60 Drain cock wiih barb fitting: 06 x 04 nylon tube AF30 to 60 Nole 1)Without a valve Display unils for product name piEle and cauion plate lor bowl :PSl,'F AF10 to 60 lypes M5 and NPT Port size syn P9d ro stze 20 30 40 50 GO l\r5 a '|8 a 1t4 a a a 3t8 a a a 3/4 a a '1 a a Float lype auto drain (N.O.)
All dimensions in mittimeiers. 26 I Non-Adjustable Hydraulic Series lmperial Accessories sroP BAR (SB) ['l E -T I c __l _ l F --->l nr tdl o&| (n.ll A I ( D T I Boh Sire W.hhi r5&706300 Pll500 5odo5 l s t T 2 i t I 1 . 6 3 l . l l I l l I l l 6 r r f f r l k " D s ? l y t . I 6 . 1 158650300 PM?