R C R C (44) G1/2 E A H 2-P Port size B (S) E G1/2 2-M Thread depth N D A H B 2-P Port size 2-M Thread depth N D L L K K N.O.
7\ 1 4 2 (361 1 2 6 (321 1 2 0 ' L V (6) Nvdtls(,.Nol6 A B c D E F o H K M N P R 'l 57 140) 0.71 (18) 0 8 9 22.5\ 1 4 2 (36) r 2 6 ta2\ 1 2 0 130 5' , 2 ' (6) 5.87 149 2 467 ( 1 1 8 7 ) r . 1 8 1 1 . 2 O rml IAn q 0.ot l l 5 l.1i a3t 1.09 127 7l Millimetsrs in Parentheses '75 PSIG (5 Kgt/cm2) Distributed by: SM.9.
Mounting ends tal ioh hole Both J r,rr.rt o, n ,r o*nnt tnoit -.r, ,.rt*lt r Type ol auto switch (Rail mounled) @ Bore size . Reed switch isee P.11 lor detaits.) Cylinder stroke (mm) 1 0 , 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 , 1 5 , 2 0 Solid state switch (see P.ll tordetails.)
location, P/R port with One-touch fitting for 6 VZ1000-3A-1D r VZ1000-3A-1U t SUP/EXH block assembly VZ1000-2A-1M y Note) Block pin (2 pcs.) is attached for q, e, t, y.
7\ 1 4 2 (361 1 2 6 (321 1 2 0 ' L V (6) Nvdtls(,.Nol6 A B c D E F o H K M N P R 'l 57 140) 0.71 (18) 0 8 9 22.5\ 1 4 2 (36) r 2 6 ta2\ 1 2 0 130 5' , 2 ' (6) 5.87 149 2 467 ( 1 1 8 7 ) r . 1 8 1 1 . 2 O rml IAn q 0.ot l l 5 l.1i a3t 1.09 127 7l Millimetsrs in Parentheses '75 PSIG (5 Kgt/cm2) Distributed by: I I I SM.9.
Mounting ends tal ioh hole Both J r,rr.rt o, n ,r o*nnt tnoit -.r, ,.rt*lt r Type ol auto switch (Rail mounled) @ Bore size . Reed switch isee P.11 lor detaits.) Cylinder stroke (mm) 1 0 , 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 , 1 5 , 2 0 Solid state switch (see P.ll tordetails.)
Refer to 4.3.2 Setting and checking,5.3.2 Setting and checking. 2 2 R D R D 3 3 S D S D 5 5 S G S G Master This product Do not connect any wire to other PIN numbers.
Refer to 4.3.2 Setting and checking,5.3.2 Setting and checking. 2 2 R D R D 3 3 S D S D 5 5 S G S G Master This product Do not connect any wire to other PIN numbers.
Refer to 4.3.2 Setting and checking,5.3.2 Setting and checking. 2 2 R D R D 3 3 S D S D 5 5 S G S G Master This product Do not connect any wire to other PIN numbers.
Applicable model Minimum operating flow rate [L/min] To circulating fluid outlet r t HRSH100-20 w HRSH150-HRSH200-HRSH250-W25 r q HRS-BP005 y HRSH250-AHRSH300-A40 To circulating fluid return port r t u r e Parts List No.
Activated carbon filter Bracket B Bracket A Mounting screws Bracket mounting view Accessories Sold Separately/ International Standard Specific Product Precautions 22 AMK Series Dimensions AMK20 AMK30 AMK40 S N T J D M S N T U D J M U 2 x P 2 x P Q R Q R (Port size) (Port size) G B V C V C B IN OUT IN OUT Maintenance space A Maintenance space A E G AMK50 AMK60 D M J N T S U 2 x P R (Port size
IN OUT w r w AR30(K)-B/AR40(K)-B q t AR50(K)-B/AR60(K)-B e IN OUT q t r w e IN OUT r w Component Parts No.
Description Material Note 1 Body (R, L) Aluminum alloy (Black hard anodized) XT661-2A, 3A w 2 Body M Aluminum alloy (Black hard anodized) 741 XT661 Series Construction [Bernoulli Type] Size: 40 Size: 60 Size: 80, 100 A-A A-A A A q w w i u y t e e A B i A B r A A q A-A B-B t y u q u y t e w r r Size: 120, 150 B-B A-A A B B q r e w t y u i r C-C C C r A Guide assembly Component Parts A-A o
R H Piston seal R H 46 48 Reduced stroke end impact and noise: New standards to meet consumer demand. Free mounting 3 types of mounting orientations can be accommodated depending on the installation conditions.
ID N EX430-SIL1 0x0014 (20) 0 R Product Text N SI unit 0x0015 (21) 0 R Serial Number N "x" 4 0x0016 (22) 0 R Hardware Revision N HW-Vx.y 5 0x0017 (23) 0 R Software Revision N FW-Vx.y 5 0x0018 (24) 0 R/W Application Specific Tag Y "* *" 6 Refer to page 17 "Device Status parameter" for details 0x0024 (36) 0 R Device Status N Refer to page 17 "Detailed Device Status parameter" for details 0x0025
e t p o s i t i o n I n t e r n a l s t r u c t u r e a n d o p e r a t i o n p r i n c i p l e C u s h i o n s M a i n t e n a n c e I n s p e c t i o n P e r i o d i c i n s p e c t i o n D i sassem ble and reassem bl e C a u t i o n o f d i s a s s e m b l e D i s a s s e m b l i n g p r o c e d u r e A s s e m b l e p r o c e d u r e T r o u bl e s hoo t i n g Safety
1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 77 Series MGP Specific Product Precautions Operating Pressure Use the recommended pneumatic circuits.
(Refer to pages 2-5-40 to 2-5-43.) 26.4 48.7 3(R2) 5(R1) Rc 3/8 SUP port 54.5 P1 Po 1(P) 25 13.5 Po Circuit diagram Plug-in type Plug lead type SUP/EXH block plate VVQ4000-16A 11.8 When different pressures, high and low, are supplied to manifold, a SUP block plate is inserted between the stations under different pressures. 21.8 R P R R P R R P R SUP/EXH passage blocked EXH passage blocked
(mm) W White R Red H Black (B) White (W) BU Blue Tubing model Y Yellow Blue (BU) Red (R) D G Green C Clear Yellow (Y) Green (G) Clear (C) Orange (YR) MS Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com YR Orange T Length per roll VMG 20 20 m roll Fluid Air/Water Max
Torque recommended: (R 1/8: 7 to 14 Nm).