Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
Series AV is a soft start up valve for low-speed air supply to gradually raise initial pressure in an air system and for quick exhaust by cutting off air supply.
m2 x g x Y m3 x g x Z M2 z y Y Z m3 x g x X m4 x g x Y M3 m4 x g Note) m4 is a weight movable by thrust.
Z-phase right before and right after the dog as a home position. I 1.83 LINEAR ACTUATORS: AIR CYLINDERS SERIES NCA1 H O W T O O R D E R S E R I E S N C A 1 A I R C Y L I N D E R O P T I O N S A D J U S T A B L E S T R O K E E X T E N D X C 8 O P T I O N XC8 A NC A1 A U T O S W I T C H C A P A B L E M O U N T I N G A D J U S TA B L E R A N G E A: 0~1 B: 0~2 B O R E S I Z E S T R O K E T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS A D J U S