SMC Corporation of America
Elite Part Number Search
Search Results "RSH32-20BL-DS"

Solmldc.pc y indud6 cap, (1)rutbre3 pluo dor 15, (r ) dr 19, (2) (h 13, (2) dn 14, dnd (1) d.r 7 sc@01 t2B sordrdrdcp*3y. t'dud6p, (r) rss$d i@roddng t6. 0 ) &l 1q (2) del 13, (2) d.l 14, -d 11 | d.r 7lv5tv rvd'l{1 s6602 Solmidc4 s y. hdude, (1) .ubod a@ds plus rb| r 5, (1) irdi@ro.lign a$nbry dor 1 7& 13, (1 )drr 19, (2) dr 13, 12) d6r 14. and lrl dat 7 (b,vo lve 1"1 1 6 sdendd

Z DA DDH10 (Hole) DU DC DX DE DO DR DT DS DH DF B W1 DL MGQ CA1-B04 CA1-B05 CA1-B06 CA1-B08 CA1-B10 40 50 63 80 100 10 165 57 11 65 15 85 10 9 17 8 40 52 60 35 +0.058 0 10 10 183 57 35 11 65 18 85 10 9 17 8 40 52 70 +0.070 0 12 MGG 10 196 67 40 13.5 80 25 105 12.5 11 22 10 50 66 85 +0.070 0 16 12 235 93 60 16.5 100 31.5 130 15 13.5 24 12 65 90 102 +0.084 0 20 MGC 12 256 93 16.5 100 35.5 130

MGF Z DA DDH10 (Hole) W1 B DF DH DS DT DR DO DC DU DE DL DX CA1-B04 CA1-B05 CA1-B06 CA1-B08 CA1-B10 40 50 63 80 100 165 10 57 60 52 40 8 17 9 10 85 15 65 11 35 10 +0.058 0 CY1 183 10 57 70 52 40 8 17 9 10 85 18 65 11 35 12 +0.070 0 196 10 67 85 66 50 10 22 11 12.5 105 25 80 13.5 40 16 +0.070 0 MY1 235 12 93 102 90 65 12 24 13.5 15 130 31.5 100 16.5 60 20 +0.084 0 256 12 93 116 90 65 12 24

12 45 60 58 77.5 166 16+0.070 0 50 65 80 60 10 92 75 109 17 9 17 12 45 60 71 91 183 16+0.070 0 MB-S06 63 75 100 70 15 110 90 130 20 11 22 14 60 80 87 103 195 20+0.084 0 80 95 100 70 15 130 110 150 20 11 22 14 60 80 110 126.5 242 20+0.084 0 MB-S10 100 114 120 90 15 158 132 184 26 13.5 24 17 75 100 136 148.5 261 25+0.084 0 Double clevis pivot bracket B DX Z + Stroke DB DD B 90 4 x DT B A DS

MGPM, MGPL Common dimensions With double side scrapers Dimensions AW, EW, MT, DS (mm) (mm) For cylinder with double side scraper MT DS Bore size (mm) Bore size (mm) B FB AW FT EW MGPM 17 21 26 26 31 31 36 44 MGPL 15 19 21 21 26 26 31 36 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 63 63.5 69.5 76 82 87 106.5 126 16 16 20 20 22 22 28 35 74 74.5 82.5 89 95 100 120.5 143 5 5 6 6 6 6 6

Z Bore size (mm) Z B DA DB DL DU DC DX DE DR DO DT DS DH DD H10 +0.058 0 +0.058 0 +0.070 0 +0.070 0 +0.084 0 +0.084 0 +0.084 0 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 33 33 45 45 65 65 75 46 52 65 75 95 114 136 32 32 43 43 64 64 78 22 22 30 30 45 45 60 10 10 11.5 11.5 14 14 15 44 44 60 60 86 86 110 14 14 20 20 30 30 32 62 62 81 81 111 111 136 6.6 6.6 9 9 11 11 13.5 15 15 18 18 22 22

Bore size [mm] B DA DB DL DU DC DX DE DO DR DT DS DH Z DD H10 Bore size [mm] Z MB-B03 32 46 42 32 22 10 44 14 62 9 6.6 15 7 33 154 10+0.058 0 40 52 42 32 22 10 44 14 62 9 6.6 15 7 33 158 10+0.058 0 32 160 40 164 50 190 63 190 80 238 100 238 125 279 MB-B05 50 65 53 43 30 11.5 60 20 81 10.5 9 18 8 45 182 14+0.070 0 63 75 53 43 30 11.5 60 20 81 10.5 9 18 8 45 182 14+0.070 0 MB-B08 80 95 73 64

10,20,30,40,50,75,100,125,150 10,20,30,40,50,75,100,125,150 Stroke adjuster/shock absorber option BS BT With shock absorber at extension end* With shock absorber at retraction end* *Shock absorber option is not available for MXS6 52 Air Slide Table MXS Series Construction/Parts list, Seal list 3 6 8 9 br bs bt bp 7 2 1 bl bk bq 4 bm bn bo 5 ck cp cm cn co cq cs cr ct dk dp dn em en dr dt ek dm dq dl do el ds

Bore size (mm) DA DL DU DC DX DE DO DR DT DS DH DF B Z DDH10 (Hole) CA2-B04 40 57 35 11 65 15 85 10 9 17 8 40 52 60 165 10 +0.058 0 CA2-B05 50 57 35 11 65 18 85 10 9 17 8 40 52 70 183 12 +0.070 0 CA2-B06 63 67 40 13.5 80 25 105 12.5 11 22 10 50 66 85 196 16 +0.070 0 CA2-B08 80 93 60 16.5 100 31.5 130 15 13.5 24 12 65 90 102 235 20 +0.084 0 CA2-B10 100 93 60 16.5 100 35.5 130 15 13.5 24 12

D -DIN DS -DIN with surge voltage suppressor DL -DIN with light DZ -DIN with surge voltage suppressor and light DO-For DIN (without connector) Connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 50/60 Hz 220 VAC 50/60 Hz 24 VDC 12 VDC 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 48 VAC 50/60 Hz 230 VAC 50/60 Hz Refer to the table (3) shown below for availability.

With angle adjuster With auto switch and angle adjuster Copper-free and fluorine-free 20Long shaft without single flat & Short shaft with single flat J Double shaft type Single shaft type Pattern Long shaft without keyway & Short shaft with single flat Same length double long shaft with single flat on both shafts Y Shaft type Made to Order Double shaft key Double round shaft K Single flat DS

ascmding numeric then alphabel order Nole 1) The only d fierence frm fte siandad spec lical ons is ltE adlusling spr ng irr the regulator l does not r*tricl lhe settng ol0 2MPa or mo.e Nole 2) wilhouta vah luncrDn Nole 3) For Ms ard NPT th@d lype Accessories Note 1) Brackl assmby B nol mou.ted al lhe time ol shipmern, blt 1her packaoed toqelher with the I ter egulalo. ior Noc 2) l,lou.linq lh@ds

Surge Voltage Suppressor Caution Grommet, L/M Plug Connector DIN Terminal Polar type (Standard) With surge voltage suppressor (S) With surge voltage suppressor (DS) NO.1 ()(+) Polarity protection diode Coil Varistor Red (+) NO.2 (+)() Coil With light/surge voltage suppressor (DZ) Black () With light/surge voltage suppressor (Z) Polarity protection diode NO.1 ()(+) Red (+) Coil Varistor

Output impedance: 1 k DS: Analogue output 4 to 20 mA Max. load impedance 600 Min. load impedance: 50 NPN (1 output) + External input type PF3A7H--CS/DSMaximum applied voltage: 28 VDC Maximum load current: 80 mA Internal voltage drop 1 V max. External input: Input voltage of 0.4 V max.

plug connector (MZ) K plug connector (KZ) DIN terminal (DZ) M plug connector (M) 1.4 1.1 3 position pressure center Locking type (Tool required) VZS3000 Rc 1 4 Single Double 3 position (Closed center) Page With surge voltage suppressor K plug connector (K) 3-7-23 3 position double check Grommet (GS) 2.4 2.4 L plug connector (LS) M plug connector (MS) K plug connector (KS) DIN terminal (DS

Note 3) Please consult SMC for the applicable networks other than the above. 1664 Series EX250 Integrated Type/ For Input/Output SI Unit Specifications Note 1) EX250-SDN1-X102 EX250-SPR1 EX250-SMJ2 EX250-SCA1A EX250-SCN1 EX250-SEN1 EX250-SAS3/5 EX250-SAS7/9 Model EX250-SDN1 Protocol DeviceNet PROFIBUS DP CC-Link CANopen ControlNet EtherNet/IP AS-Interface Applicable system CiA DS-401 V2.0

17 18 25 30 38 48 3 4 6 8 10 12 5 6 8 10 7 7 7 9 10 11 M3 x 0.5 M4 x 0.7 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1.0 M8 x 1.25 M10 x 1.25 15 16.5 M3 x 0.5 depth 5 M3 x 0.5 depth 5 M4 x 0.7 depth 6 M5 x 0.8 depth 8 M5 x 0.8 depth 8 M6 x 1.0 depth 9 3.2 3.2 4.5 5.5 5.5 6.6 4 9 9 13.5 2 4.5 4.5 4.5 16.5 Note) 19 21.5 23 Without auto switch With auto switch Note) 5 stroke (CU16-5D): 14.5 mm Bore size (mm) R T DS

Surge Voltage Suppressor Caution Grommet, L/M Plug Connector Type DIN Terminal Type Standard type (with polarity) With surge voltage suppressor (S) With surge voltage suppressor (DS) Varistor Varistor Polarity protection diode Coil Red (+) Coil With light/surge voltage suppressor (DZ) Black With light/surge voltage suppressor (Z) Polarity protection diode Red (+) Coil Coil Black

and angle adjuster Copper-free and fluorine-free 20Option Mounting style With flange F Long shaft without single flat & Short shaft with single flat Double shaft type Single shaft type Pattern J Long shaft without keyway & Short shaft with single flat Same length double long shaft with single flat on both shafts Y Shaft type Made to Order Double shaft key K Double round shaft Single flat DS

One-louch fillings> N3 oa/32 N 9 : o 5 / 1 6 Wilh 8 input b ocks Serlal kt tor Remote ,'o Nl,'| Mixed The top ported e bolr s LN land lhe bottorn pofred eboN is BN L Nore 1) P K1: orcer lhe cabe assemby separa-1. y ror lype 20P Nole 2) Nlnbers Ins de i I nd calc lhe max mlm number oi soe.oils lor mited srng e a.d aolb e sr ng.Tlre max mum nunberofstalcns is detefm ned bv lhelotalnlmber o1 soe.o ds