Nozzle Diameter: 10 (ø1.0mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-90 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), EXH: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), Accessories: N (w/o Bracket, w/o Silencer)
Nozzle Diameter: 07 (ø0.7mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-90 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), EXH: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 05 (ø0.5mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-90 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), EXH: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 07 (ø0.7mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-90 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), EXH: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), Accessories: N (w/o Bracket, w/o Silencer)
Nozzle Diameter: 10 (ø1.0mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 10 (ø1.0mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-89 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 07 (ø0.7mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 07 (ø0.7mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-89 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 05 (ø0.5mm), Vacuum Pressure: L (-48 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Nozzle Diameter: 05 (ø0.5mm), Vacuum Pressure: S (-89 kPa), SUP: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8), VAC: N01 (Screw-in NPT 1/8)
Part Number Description: SPRING (IR1000-N01-X81) Product Line: E Product Line Description: AIRLINE EQUIPMENT Family Code: 120 Family Description: IR PRECISION REGULATOR Class Code: 21 Part Code: 2 Reference Code: J Click here to report information errorImage shown may not match exact part number, SPRING (IR1000-N01-X81), AIRLINE EQUIPMENT, IR PRECISION REGULATOR, 21,
-Pad ;;rol2 25 40 Flat type I a o o o a o a o o a o o Flat with rblo o a o o a a o eep tvpe lo a o a Bellows | a a a a a a o a a a 132 ZCDUKC Male Cap porting zPf (v&uum pad !
-Pad ;;rol2 25 40 Flat type I a o o o a o a o o a o o Flat with rblo o a o o a a o eep tvpe lo a o a Bellows | a a a a a a o a a a 132 I ZCDUKC Male Cap porting zPf (v&uum pad ! I 6.11 VACUUM VACUUM PADS SERIES ZP H O W T O O R D E R ZPT P A D V E R T I C A L T Y P E W I T H O U T B U F F E R ZPT V A C U U M E N T R Y ( A L S O M O U N T I N G T H R E A D D I A) P A D D I A M E T E R S Y M B O L T H R E A D D I A M E T E R 2~ 8 10~ 16 20~ 32 40 50 02 2 04 4 06 6 08 8 10 10 13 13 16 16 20 20 25 25 32 32 40 40 50 50 P A D M AT E R I A L Male
Do not use a screwdriver with a large grip or with a tip that does not fit into the trimmer groove.
M a n i f o l d m o u n t e d v e r s i o n s o f t h e V YH y r e g a r e a v a i l a b l e .
The set values for OUT1 are displayed in auto-preset mode as follows: Normal output Reversed output P_1 = A-(A-B)/4 n_1 = B+(A-B)/4 A = Max. pressure H_1 = (A-B)/2 H_1 = (A-B)/2 B = Min. pressure The set values of OUT2 become as follows "_", i.e. "P_2", "n_2", "H_2".
This can be prevented by inserting a noise filter, such as a line noise filter and ferrite core, between the switch-mode power supply and the product, or by using a series power supply instead of a switch-mode power supply.
Series 25 19 dB (A) Page 5-10-4 VEX AN101-01 AN110-01 AN120-M5 AN120-M3 BC sintered body type Ideal for the exhaust of a compact valve or pilot air. 16 dB (A) 21 dB (A) 18 dB (A) 13 dB (A) 100 m AN Page 5-10-5 Silencers Exhaust Cleaner 70 m AMC One-touch fitting connection type Can connect with One-touch fitting directly. 25 dB (A) 30 dB (A) It differs depending upon the model.