(mm 2) AEA Applicable terminal: 90 77 S at P 2=0.5 MPa BEB 1.25-3.5M, 1.25Y-3L, 1.25-3M Although A-, B+ and Bmarks are indicated on the terminal block, VFR5000 can be used as either +COM or -COM. 10 VFR5000-OMA0001-B VFR5000 Series 5 Port Solenoid Valve / Specific Product 4 Be sure to read before handling.
Table 7-1 Quality standard for fresh water (tap water) Item Product Standard value For circulating fluid pH (at 25oC) 6.0 to 8.0 Electric conductance (at 25oC) [S/cm] 100 to 300 Chloride ion [mg/L] 50 or less Standard Sulfuric acid ion [mg/L] 50 or less item Acid consumption (at pH 4.8) [mg/L] 50 or less Total hardness [mg/L] 70 or less Calcium hardness [mg/L] 50 or less Ion silica [mg/L
Grease pack part numbers: GR-S-010 (Net weight: 10g), GR-S-020 (Net weight: 20g) 1) Piston seal Apply grease to the inner and outer circumferences lightly and evenly for easier mounting onto the piston. 2) Tube gasket Apply grease thinly to prevent the gasket from coming off. 3) O Ring Apply grease thinly to prevent the gasket from coming off. 4) Cylinder components Apply grease to each part
General diagnostics 1 Table. 5-2 General diagnostics 1 Bit Description Explanation 0 System fault 0: No error on Diagnostics data on I/O mapping 1: At least one error on Diagnostics data on I/O mapping has occurred 1 Valve-coil(s) short circuit 0: No valve coil(s) have a short circuit 1: At least one valve coil has a short circuit 2 Module error 0: No module has an error 1: At least one connected
Use this data as a guideline for selection, as the performance data may vary depending on the material and size of the work piece. 1) Discharge characteristics (Discharge time from 1000 V to 100 V) 2) Discharge characteristics range (Discharge time from 1000 V to 100 V) 25 2 Air flow scale: 1 Air flow scale: 2 1 20 3 Air flow scale: 3 Discharge time [s] 15 s 10 5 4 Air flow scale: 4 0 0 300
Response time 1 s or less : Other specifications are equal to standard product. Analogue output A B C Voltage output 1 V 1.5 V (1.4 V) 5 V Current output 4 mA 6 mA (5.6 mA) 20 mA : The value in ( ) is when PF2W711 is used. Rated flow range Model Min. Max.
After 3 s, the mode will reset to the measurement mode. 1 digit of the zero clear range varies with individual product differences. Residual pressure Error Perform zero clear operation again after restoring the applied pressure to an atmospheric pressure condition. Pressure has exceeded the upper limit of the set pressure range.
When equipped with a light, be careful not to damage the light Surge Voltage Suppressor For AC (There is no S type because the generation of surge voltage is prevented by a rectifier.)
No.VQ1000V-OMM0002-B 10 - VQ1000/2000 series Specific Product Precautions 3 Be sure to read this before handling How to Calculate Flow Rate Conversion with sonic conductance C: S=5.0XC Q : Air flow rate [dm3/min(ANR)] S : Effective area [mm2] P1 : Upstream pressure [MPa] P2 : Downstream pressure [MPa] t : Temperature [] No.VQ1000V-OMM0002-B 11 - When the valve is failing, use this flow chart
DIMENSIONS 29 S FILTER REGULATOR Safety Instructions These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of Caution, Warning or Danger.
Grease pack part number: GR-S-010 (10g), GR-S-020 (20g) 3-3. Replacement Parts Refer to the catalog the parts that can be replaced. Warning 1) Maintenance should be performed according to the items above.
mm2) S at P2=0.5 MPa BEB 11 Change Direction of DIN Connector/Cable Entry Unscrew retaining screw, pull off outer cover, rotate connector block through 180.
To avoid this, indicate positions of manifold blocks for single wiring specification (S) and double wiring specification (D) on a manifold specification sheet.
Please refer below for calculation of kinetic energy. 2 1 I E E: Kinetic energy [ J ] 2 I: Moment of inertia [ 2 m kg ] : Angular speed [ s rad ] Allowable kinetic energy for the rotary actuator is limited. The limit of rotation time is obtained by calculating the moment of inertia. Please refer below to calculate the moment of inertia.
Low speed The speed between 15 and 50mm/s is required. Long stroke The stroke between 2001 and 3000 is required. Low speed The speed between 7 and 50mm/s is required. Intermediate stop accuracy higher than one obtained by pneumatic circuit is required. Air hydraulic With air supply port in axial direction The position of air supply port needs to be changed in axial direction.
Specification Seal cap EX9-AWTS For M12 connector socket: 10 pcs. -41No.EX-OMP0013-E Power supply connector (1) Cable with power supply connector Part number: EX500-AP0 1 0S Connector specifications S Straight A Angle Cable length (L) 1 1000 [mm] 5 5000 [mm] EX500-AP0#0-S EX500-AP0#0-A Item Specifications Pin No.
Grease pack part no.: GR-S-010 (10 g) 74
Fittings & Tubing Air Cylinders Rotary Actuators How to Order 11 Vacuum suction type Clean series 11 M D H R 3 10 R M9B S 22 M D H R 3 10 R M9B S Copper, fluorine and silicone-free + Low particle generation Number of auto switches 2 pcs. 1 pc.
Replacement part/grease pack part no. : 20, 25, 32 : GR-S-010(10 g) 40, 50 : GR-S-020(20 g) 713 MHW2 Series Dimensions MHW2-20D Flat finger type (Standard) 20 2 x M5 x 0.8 thread depth 7 (Mounting thread) 17 60 4 x M5 x 0.8 thread depth 10 (Mounting thread) Bottom through hole dia. 4.2 (Mounting hole) 45 2 x M5 x 0.8 thread depth 10 (Mounting thread) 35 23 26 27 36 18 23 7 2 21H9 +0.052 depth
(mm) ND NN Bore 10 16 A B C D F GA GB H MM NA NB S Z 0 0.022 0 0.022 15 12 14 4 8 8 5 28 M4 X 0.7 12.5 9.5 M8 X 1.0 46 74 75 8 15 18 20 5 8 8 5 28 M5 X 0.8 12.5 9.5 M10 X 1.0 47 10 Refer to p.1.3-8 to 1.3-10 for dimensions of each mounting bracket.