Low Voltage Directive This directive is applied to products, which operate above 50 VAC to 1000 VAC and 75 VDC to 1500 VDC operating voltage, and require electrical safety measures to be introduced. Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L.
spring Pilot Diaphragm Repair Kit SUS304 9 11 KT-AR6 5 KT-AR8 5 KT-AR9 5 Dimensions Model A B C D E F Bracket Dimensions G H J NAR425435 3.15 5.55 1.46 2.64 3.01 0.12 1.83 1.89 3.15 (80) (141) (37) (67) (76.5) (3) (46.5) (48) (80) NAR625635 3.86 5.98 1.57 3.07 3.23 0.28 3.35 2.05 3.54 (98) (151.9) (40) (78) (82) (7) (85) (52) (90) NAR825835 4.96 8.54 2.95 4.33 3.86 0.20 (126) (216.9) (75
Under certain circumstances, the use of an electronic type pressure gauge is recommended. 22 0 0 43.5 58 72.5 87 101.5 Supply pressure (psig) 142 Return to Menu Specialty Regulators NARM Series Regulator for Manifold NARM1000, 2000 Dimensions Dimensions Symbol A B C D E F G H J K M P Q R Model NARM1000 .18 .98 1.34 .83 .71 2.20 .63 .35 .71 .75 2.05 .35 .45 .19 (4.5) (25) (34) (21) (18) (
3ubl6ct to th atrok lgngth incasa ol vsry tllndgr ;iz dus 10 ths lilnil lof a6llocuon of ihe guids shalt (46 c8ful oi collicignt d.l In case ol somo oprational dirscilon, th allowabl load Angle co8lticlsnl lkj: k=t-4s'(-o)l=1 t-601=0 9, I-75'l=0'8' t-90'l=0 7 l0: Dislanosifom rnountlng sudac 10 load's may be dillr6n1ltom th basic dsign val!
Please contact SMC for the product usage with a voltage at 75 VDC or more. Standard required by CE mark is different. 3. Since this valve is air return (differential pressure return) type, the valve may not close due to back pressure when the flow on the downstream side is restricted extremely. 4.
Two EPDM 75 durometer O-rings are supplied with each unit. Two O-rings are recommended in case of surface imperfections, damage to an O-ring during assembly, etc. The O-rings must be lubricated with silicone grease during assembly. This not only eases the assembly procedure, it also enhances the sealing characteristics of the O-ring, especially in vacuum applications.
Low Voltage Directive This directive is applied to products, which operate above 50 VAC to 1000 VAC and 75 VDC to 1500 VDC operating voltage, and require electrical safety measures to be introduced. Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L.
Max. operating pressure Note 1) 2R (MPa) One-touch fittings, Insert fittings, Self-align fittings, Miniature fittings Applicable fittings Note 1) Note 2) Min. bending radius 100 15 25 30 50 65 13 20 24 30 40 50 60 Min. bending radius (mm) Note 3) Fixed end Bending value (Reference) 75 12 20 23 40 48 10 15 18 23 30 40 45 40 to +100C, Water: 0 to +70C (No freezing) Nylon 12 Operating temperature
2 28 DIN connector 233 Series VCH400 Dimensions VCH410 G1/4 x 7 Pilot EXH G1/2, 3/4:97 G1:102 41 17.5 62 50.5 17 16 (6) 106 (76) 42.5 51.5 G1/2 Applicable cable O.D. 6 to 12 3(EXH) 188 3 3 2(OUT) 2 2 75 15 1 1 66 47 28 50 2 x 8.5 Mounting hole 3 x G1/2 x 15 G1/2, 3/4: 70 G1: 80 3 x G3/4 x 16.3 3 x G1 x 19.1 1(IN) 234 Made to Order Made to Order Specifications: Please consult with SMC for
Momentary Energizing Time Wiring When the double solenoid type is used with momentary energizing, the energizing time should be taken as 0.1 second or more (At the supply pressure 50 kPa [75 PSI].) For DIN terminal and terminal block (with light/surge voltage suppressor), the interior wiring is shown below. Please connect with respective poewr terminals.
(port b) Auto switch mounting groove [P (port g)] 0.5 Note 2) 0.5 Note 2) Left Right Plug [P (port h)] HI HP H HL HG HT HS HB HA HB HA HG HT HI WB 4-J Depth JK Plug [P (port f)] WB WA TA TA WA R TB Plug TB R W [P (port d)] Inner cover Note 3) holding screw (mm) K 21 20 JK 10 12 J M6 x 1 M10 x 1.5 HT 19.5 39 HS 27 49.5 HP 44 73.5 HL 38.6 64.9 HI 23 39 HG 8.5 19 HB 8.5 19 HA 19.5 39 H 45 75
Coil rated voltage (V) 24, 6, 12, 48 Allowable voltage fluctuation (%) Power consumption (W) [Current mA] 15 to +10% of rated voltage 1.8 (With indicator light 2.1) [24 VDC: 75 (With indicator light 87.5)] Note) DC 4.5/50 Hz, 4.2/60 Hz 100 VAC: 45/50 Hz, 42/60 Hz 200 VAC: 22.5/50 Hz, 21/60 Hz Inrush Note) Apparent power (VA) [Current mA] AC 3.5/50 Hz, 3/60 Hz 100 VAC: 35/50 Hz, 30/60 Hz 200
DXT170-75-1) Unsteady adsorption 1. Do not use with thinner, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, acetate, aniline, cyclohexane, trichloroethylene, sulfuric acid, lactic acid and watermiscible cutting fluid (alkaline). 2. Operate it away from direct sunlight.
1 End plate 66 2 x M4 (mounting hole) EX9 EA03 12.5 10 60 13.2 75 6 18 1694
Coil rated voltage (V) 24, 6, 12, 48 Allowable voltage fluctuation (%) Power consumption (W) [Current mA] 15 to +10% of rated voltage 1.8 (With indicator light 2.1) [24 VDC: 75 (With indicator light 87.5)] Note) DC 4.5/50 Hz, 4.2/60 Hz 100 VAC: 45/50 Hz, 42/60 Hz 200 VAC: 22.5/50 Hz, 21/60 Hz Inrush Note) Apparent power (VA) [Current mA] AC 3.5/50 Hz, 3/60 Hz 100 VAC: 35/50 Hz, 30/60 Hz 200
model Weight (g) Port size 4(A), 2(B) Type of actuation Valve model Weight (g) Single Double Closed center Exhaust center Pressure center Dual 3 port valve Single Double Closed center Exhaust center Pressure center Dual 3 port valve Single Double Closed center Exhaust center Pressure center Dual 3 port valve Single Double Closed center Exhaust center Pressure center Dual 3 port valve 63 71 75
Low Voltage Directive This directive is applied to products, which operate above 50 VAC to 1000 VAC and 75 VDC to 1500 VDC operating voltage, and require electrical safety measures to be introduced. Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L.
Low Voltage Directive This directive is applied to products, which operate above 50 VAC to 1000 VAC and 75 VDC to 1500 VDC operating voltage, and require electrical safety measures to be introduced. Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L.
Low Voltage Directive This directive is applied to products, which operate above 50 VAC to 1000 VAC and 75 VDC to 1500 VDC operating voltage, and require electrical safety measures to be introduced. Simple Pressure Vessels Directive This directive is applied to welded vessels whose maximum operating pressure (PS) and volume of vessel (V) exceed 50 bar/L.
DXT170-75-1) SET2 Indicator light Caution Be sure to read before handling. Refer to front matters 58 and 59 for Safety Instructions and pages 687 to 691 for Pressure Switch Precautions. Set the possible min. pressure for adsorption confirmation. If setting the pressure lower than that, switch becomes ON in case that adsorption is not completely done.