Parity Bit P a r i t y B i t M O D E < W i t h o u t Setting range : Without (no parity), Odd, Even Indicated content : Parity bit (Ex. : Without) Function : Sets parity bit for communication. 4. Data Length D a t a L e n g t h M O D E < 8 B i t s Setting range : 7Bits, 8Bits Indicated content : Data length(Ex. : 8Bits) Function : Sets data length for communication. 5.
D a t a L e n g t h M O D E < 8 B i t s 5. Stop Bit Setting range : 1Bit,2Bits Indicated content : Stop bit(Ex. : 1Bit) Function : Sets stop bit for communication. S t o p B i t M O D E < 1 B i t 7.6.4Power supply OFF The power switch is turned off. When the power supply is restarted after turned off once, keep time interval at least 3sec.
metal T N V Fiber (Honeycomb) Note 1) Not used with fiber elements.
metal T N V Fiber (Honeycomb) Note 1) Not used with fiber elements.
Applicable bore size Dd9 d L L1 m t Included retaining ring Part no.
L7 L6 L5 1021-VV5Q11 (L1) 28 (n-1) x 10.5 1.5 A FG + + 0V 24V SMC S E R I A L U N I T MODEL SC (SI No.EX120-STA1) 2 93.5 66 64 ERR T/R RUN 0 1 DIP SW. Drawing shows a SC case.
L7 L6 L5 1021-VV5Q11 (L1) 28 (n-1) x 10.5 1.5 A FG + + 0V 24V SMC S E R I A L U N I T MODEL SC (SI No.EX120-STA1) 2 93.5 66 64 ERR T/R RUN 0 1 DIP SW. Drawing shows a SC case.
physical property values by circulating uid. m x C x (Tt T0) x V x C x T Q = = t t 1 x 150 x 4.186 x 103 x 10 900 = = 6977 [J/s] 7.0 [kW] m x C x (Tt T0) t x 860 x V x 60 x C x T t x 860 Q = = Cooling capacity = Considering a safety factor of 20%, 7.0 [kW] x 1.2 = 1 x 150 x 60 x 1.0 x 103 x 10 15 x 860 8.4 [kW] = Q x t: Heat capacity [kJ] Thermo-chiller 6977 [W] = 7.0 [kW] Water bath
How to OrderValves (With two mounting screws) SY 3 5 C6 1 0 3 1 q w r e t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 Top ported !
Body material: AIuminum, C37, Stainless steel Body material: Resin q q w w e e r r t t y y IN OUT IN OUT u u Component Parts Component Parts No. Description No.
1 q t i PF2D540 o !0 u !0 !2ywr e !
+AR+AL AC20 to 60 Accessories Applicable model AC20 to 60 AC25 to 60 T T-interface AF+[T]+AR AC20B to 60B Symbol Nil C D Description With float type auto drain (N.C.)
Description No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !
Description No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !
2 @7 t y o u @8 r #2 @1 @2 @5 @4 @3 CY1HT32 @6 Material Note Component Parts No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 No. !8 !
Wall mounting z y Wd: Workpiece (500 g) P. 8-11-6 x y Wc: MHL2-16D1 (795 g) x z Wa: Connection plate t = 10 (880 g) x MY1M40-500 3. Ceiling mounting 4.
ENT 84 88 Series LC1 Options T-nuts and T-brackets for Mounting Be sure to use when mounting the controller. Note) The controller unit includes either T-nuts or T-brackets.
kit r (4) AXT100-2-TB2 Terminal block assembly (8 terminals) T kit t VZ Note 1) S kit is composed of a flat cable housing assembly (AXT100-2-PS20) of SI unit and P kit (20 pin).
LEFB32;T-300; LEFB32;T-500; LEFB32;T-600; LEFB32;T-700; LEFB32;T-800; LEFB32;T-900; LEFB32;T-1000; LEFB32;T-1200; LEFB32;T-1500; LEFB32;T-1800; LEFB32;T-2000; 306 506 606 706 806 906 1006 1206 1506 1806 2006 32 Series LEF Electric Actuator/ Specific Product Precautions 1 Be sure to read before handling.
5 t y q r e !0 !3w #0 o @0 !6 i !9 !8 u o @0 !7 i !9 !8 u t @6 @4 #1 @3 @5 Round bar rod end type (D) Chamfered rod end type (K) @7 #4 #2 32, 40, 50 20 Only one roller is provided for 32. @2 u !5q y !4 !9 i@0w!2!1 @1 @2 t u !5 !4!8!9i w!2!1 !0 o e @0 !6 q y !0 o e !6 !8 t @1 Component Parts No. Description Material Note Component Parts (For single acting) No.