Recommended Parameter Values [LEF] LEFS25 LEFS32 LEFS40 Lead symbol H A B H A B H A B Series Lead 20 12 6 24 16 8 30 20 10 Parameter *1,*2 Para. Initial value Recommended value No.
ZS-35-01 -10No.PS-OMU0008CN-D OUT1 LCD OUT2 () LCD 4 ON/OFF ON/OFF (kPaMPa) -11No.PS-OMU0008CN-D digit() 1digit=1kPa 1,2,3,,99,100 1kPa -0.1001.000[MPa]F.S.=1.000(-0.100)=1.100[MPa] (1F.S.=1.1000.01=0.011[MPa]) F.S. ( 1.000[MPa]5R.D.1.000[MPa]50.05[MPa] 0.800[MPa]5R.D.0.800[MPa]50.04[MPa] R.D.
I l 50i 70 , iiFl.r* 0 q . . , . 50 6o ' 3 0 3o , , , . 3 0 , : LXPB5SA 40 40 '" .,1 i Slide Screw \ I i LXPB5SB 2D 2A LXSH2BC 100 50 220 High rigidity linear guide Ball LXSH2BD 100 50 90 Screw LXSH5BC 1 0 0 50 1 6 0 LXSH5BD 1 0 0 50 70 LXSH2SA 90 40 60 Slide LXSH2SB 45 20 30 Screw LXSHSSA 60 20 40 LXSH5SB 30 1 0 20 , \ | '-t 'oo"ot| I PLc I ll'i;!:-,?
are used 200 200 When 20 units are used Approx. 100% reduction Current model IR3000 Series Approx. 100% reduction 49000 yen reduction 150 150 128000 yen reduction Current model IR1000 Series IR2000 Series 100 100 IR1200-A Series IR2200-A Series 50 50 IR3200-A Series 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Units used Units used Bleed air 0 IR No fixed throttle in the new design.
VV5K3-20-06 [Option] Note) CE-compliant: For DIN terminal only VV5K3-40-06-M5 Common SUP/Common EXH How to Order Type 20: Body ported (A, B port top ported) 20 05 VV5K3 Applicable solenoid valve VK3120--M5(-Q) VK3120--01(-Q) VK332--M5(-Q) VK332--01(-Q) A port: Rc 1/8, M5 x 0.8 A, B port Rc 1/8, M5 x 0.8 VK3120 Valve stations VK332 Thread type Q CE-compliant Nil CE-compliant 01 1 station
digit) UP DOWN 1 -24No.PS-OMH0002CN-D (2030) -25No.PS-OMH0002CN-D ISE70/ISE75(H) ISE70/ISE75(H) ISE70/ISE75(H) ISE70/ISE75(H) () 1 ON ON OFF Yes No 2 OFF ON 1 OFF 3 4 5 -26No.PS-OMH0002CN-D 6 Yes No 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -27No.PS-OMH0002CN-D No.
120 300 (kPa) 100 300 (kPa) Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min) 750 (kPa) 100 (kPa) 40 80 750 (kPa) 60 100 (kPa) 20 40 20 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations 930 2-Color Display Digital Flow Switch Series PFM7/PFM5 Parts Description PFM7 Description Item Button Button LED display Illuminates when the output (OUT1) is turned on.
t y w i t h l ow ri ppl e.
8 R port: Rc 1/8 NPTF VP4 VZS Type 40: Base mounted (A, B port bottom ported) Applicable solenoid valve VK3140 VK334 How to Order VV5K3 40 05 M5 Type VK334 Type VK3140 VFS Thread type R port: Rc 1/8 P port: Rc 1/8 R port: Rc 1/8 Applicable blanking plate assembly VK3000-7-1A Valve stations VS4 Nil F N T Rc 01 1 station G NPT VQ7 20 20 stations NPTF A port: M5 x 0.8 EVS B port: M5 x 0.8 Applicable
(T/L/S/M kit) 376 H Base Mounted Plug-in Unit VQ2000 Series Note) For CE-compliant models, DC-type only.
However, note that only the AS221FPQ uses steel. 713 AS-FPQ/FPG Series Dimensions H (Hexagon width across flats) Applicable tubing O.D. d A L4 D1 L3 D2 M1 L1 L2 T M5 type Applicable tubing O.D. d H (Hexagon width across flats) A L4 D1 L3 D2 M1 L1 T L2 Model Weight (g) (3) Tubing O.D. d T H D1 D2 L1 L2 L3 (4) M1 L4 (1) (4) Max. Min. Max. 1 2 Min.
However, note that only the AS221FPQ uses steel. 713 AS-FPQ/FPG Series Dimensions H (Hexagon width across flats) Applicable tubing O.D. d A L4 D1 L3 D2 M1 L1 L2 T M5 type Applicable tubing O.D. d H (Hexagon width across flats) A L4 D1 L3 D2 M1 L1 T L2 Model Weight (g) (3) Tubing O.D. d T H D1 D2 L1 L2 L3 (4) M1 L4 (1) (4) Max. Min. Max. 1 2 Min.
Channel parameter is Disable, it is set to 000 h. 3E7 h 99.9 3E9 h...C17 h is unused. 3E8 h 100.0 or more ... unused C18 h -100.0 or less C19 h -99.9 ... ... FFE h -0.2 FFF h -0.1 -27No.EX-OMY0014-A 5.2.2.
When using the SMC system (Blow gun + S coupler + Coil tube), however, the yearly power is reduced to 10,375 kW/h for a total yearly saving of 2,573 kW/h, or 20% of the total.
. lill| / l(01$enies [0I/$AIllr fiilinm Male Connector: KVH 7 t 6 8 9 1 4 I 1 0 1 3 1 4 24 E ; 40 Consult factorv for irformation " Not available at time ot catalog printing.
bracket (Not mounted) 20 Rc G NPT NPTF 20 stations 00F 00N 00T CE-compliant P port: Rc 1/8 R port: Rc 1/8 Q CE-compliant Nil Note) Applicable only for DIN terminal type Type 40: Base mounted (A port bottom ported) How to Order Applicable solenoid valve VK334-(-Q) Applicable blanking plate assembly VK300-42-1A Bracket VK300-43-1A VV3K3 05 40 01 Thread type Option Valve stations P port: Rc
Please refer to p.4.5-7 for with pressure differential gauge (GD40-2-01). 4.6-6
-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) Rc G NPT NPTF 01 1 station Nil None 00F 00N 00T F With bracket (Not mounted) VT 20 20 stations P port: Rc 1/8 R port: Rc 1/8 VP Type 40: Base mounted (A port bottom ported) How to Order Applicable solenoid valve VK334Applicable blanking plate assembly VK300-42-1A Bracket VK300-43-1A VG VV3K3 05 40 01 VP P port: Rc 1/8 Thread