(ZSE30AF (for compound pressure) 3.5% F .S.) Note) When the display calibration function is used, the set pressure value may change 1 digit. 41 ZSE30A(F)/ISE30A Series The F in ( ) shows the function code number. Refer to the Operation Manual for the details of operation procedures and function codes.
Note 2) They are not applicable in case the thread type is N or F.
Angle adjustment range 3 Angle adjustment range 3 Angle adjustment range 3 Auto switch Key Direction indicating label Key Direction indicating label Magnet A Magnet B +4 0 +4 0 0 90 18 90 ve 00 ve o ve o 1 o ro A port B port gr o e A port B port g v o y y o e gr e o k k r f g o f y o e y g e e n e Auto switch R ra g k k n n io ra at f ot f o o n e io g at e Angle adjustment range 3 ot
F A F For the double axis type, this is the cylinders central axis.
AV*-OMZ0091-A PRODUCT NAME Soft Start-up Valve MODEL / Series / Product Number AV2000-(F,N)02(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AV3000-(F,N)03(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AV4000-(F,N)04(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AV5000-(F,N)06~10(B,G,S)-1~6(G,D,Y,DO,YO)(Z)(B,C)(-R,Z)-A AVA2000-(F,N)02(B,G,S)(-R,Z)-A AVA3000-(F,N)03(B,G,S)(-R,Z)-A AVA4000-(F,N)04(B,G,S)(-R,Z
M1 = F x L F A F F A L L L Opposite port side Guide central axis (single axis type) Port side For the dual axis type, this is the cylinder's central axis.
22 Accessories (Options) Base Integrated with Transformer Dryer Transformer E F D C A Part No.
Note 2) Dimensions E and F are 7 mm longer for the auto switches with connector (D-A7lC, A80C, J79C).
Port size Body size Thread size Thread type Symbol N F Rc NPT G 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 An interface part is required if a spacer or spacer with bracket shown in the table below is attached to a modular FRL.
Mounting style B L F G C D T Basic style Foot style Rod side flange style Head side flange style Single clevis style Double clevis style Center trunnion style Tubing material Nil F Aluminum tube Steel tube Auto switch Nil Without auto switch Auto switches are not available with steel tube. Select applicable auto switch part numbers from the table below.
brnE al 0frli&/.bs,irfor Port size :Non-locking push type (Flush) rf> I l F l B-Lock type (Screw type) > | | ' l xA-l\tonlockng Push type (Extended) . C-b"kt/p. (Lever) Body type.-[-c"*'f ] sf;1 i qo3j, {Botlom pofted 1/8 NPTF oniy.
(Ms) | ieries I{VZ 3-port dirct operated I solenoidvahre I NVZ100 | -EEffi rfl|/h afirF I P F P F II I 3-pod pilot operated I solenoid valrre I NVZ300 I @ Internal dlot type I T di**t* | ,oli*,n,* oiJ I K4 q I l-f " " ' n * | {im#h I P F P F II I I tlffi;lI l&*;" 3-port pilotoperated I solenoad Yalve I NVZSOO I @ Inlerml dlol type I "t" ^"" I ilF a{Zl;lh I exrllar pirot ty"pi I l " i I w
(Value in the initial state) VA Body ported SA Series SYJA500 VA With Bracket VM VR Air operated valve type SYJA5 2-M5-F, SYJA7 2-01-F 1 2 1 2 Note) Bracket is not mounted.
Pilot valve assembly SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 SF4-w F-30 6. Return spring B 7. Detent assembly SF4-mF-30 SF4-mF-30 8.
brnE al 0frli&/.bs,irfor Port size :Non-locking push type (Flush) rf> I l F l B-Lock type (Screw type) > | | ' l xA-l\tonlockng Push type (Extended) . C-b"kt/p. (Lever) Body type.-[-c"*'f ] sf;1 i qo3j, {Botlom pofted 1/8 NPTF oniy.
(Ms) | ieries I{VZ 3-port dirct operated I solenoidvahre I NVZ100 | -EEffi rfl|/h afirF I P F P F II I 3-pod pilot operated I solenoid valrre I NVZ300 I @ Internal dlot type I T di**t* | ,oli*,n,* oiJ I K4 q I l-f " " ' n * | {im#h I P F P F II I I tlffi;lI l&*;" 3-port pilotoperated I solenoad Yalve I NVZSOO I @ Inlerml dlol type I "t" ^"" I ilF a{Zl;lh I exrllar pirot ty"pi I l " i I w
Broken pi eces i nj uri ng i f broken. 1Appl i cat i on and l i ne arrangem ent of w at er separat or Prevent i on f or sol i d obst ruct i on ent eri ng i nt o the w ater separator I f l arge am ount of sol i d obst ruct i on ( sand, rust ) i s i nt ruded i nto t he ai r f l ow i ng i nt o the w at er separator, t he obst ructi on m ay st ack on the bow l and cause the operat i ng f ai l
operations Alarm threshold and others A.RUN P.RUN A.STP Code Alarm name OFF Display Default Display setting Settable range Set temperature 1.0oC (33.8 o F) (-)5 1.0 to 39.0 oC (33.8 to 102.2 o F) Monitoring method Circulating fluid drop 0 0 to 3 AL04 discharge temp.
C C1 L L1 L2 L3 L Individual wiring V V V V F D-sub connector V V P Flat ribbon cable connector V V 8 (Common PV) 6 (Common PS) P Vacuum pump system PN 5/16"(Common PV) 1/4" (Common PS) 10 10 stations 1 Common wiring F/P is available only for solenoid valve wiring. Individual wiring is specified for vacuum switches and sensors.
(N) Allowable end load F (N) Allowable end load F (N) MGCM40Stroke -R (Slide bearing type) St: Stroke (mm) Allowable end load F (N) MGCM50Stroke -R (Slide bearing type) St: Stroke (mm) Allowable end load F (N) 8-22-8 9 Series MGC Guide Cylinder Compact Type Ball Bushing Bearing Allowable End Load and Deflection MGCL20Stroke -R MGCL25Stroke -R MGCL32Stroke -R (Ball busing bearing type) (Ball