S + Stroke F ZZ + Stroke H B E G Mounting nut NN NA F N 12CY3B15 (mm) L 57 66 70 80 92 J 6 6 8 8 10 K 11 8 10 15 16 I 12 15 18 23 G 5.5 7.5 7.5 8 11 H 13 20 20.5 22 29 F 10 13 13 16 16 E 2 2 2 2 3 NN M10 x 1 M20 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M32 x 2 D 16.6 21.6 26.4 33.6 41.6 MM M4 x 0.7 M4 x 0.7 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 M6 x 1 B 35 36 46 60 70 N 11 18 18.5 20 26 ZZ 103 132 137 156 182 NA 17 24 30 36
Piping Threads with Sealant Caution Mounting Caution AS-F AS-F 1. This product has a stopper for fully close in rotating direction. Excess torque may break the stopper. Table below shows the maximum allowable torque of the knob. 1. If the fitting is tightened with excessive torque, a large amount of sealant will seep out. Remove the excess sealant. TMH ASD 2.
But, F mark is indicated on the inside of the pad when the plate is removed. 260
P I S T O N R O D A I R H Y D R O TYPE P I S T O N R O D D E F L E C T I O N (REFERENCE FACTOR) P I S T O N R O D D E F L E C T I O N (REFERENCE FACTOR) For a concentrated load at the center of the housing. For a concentrated load at the center of the end plate.
Parts cannot be shipped separately. 1937 Series VHS20/30/40/50 Dimensions VHS20/30 VHS40/40-06/50 10 I EXH. 10 G F H I SUP. E X H . F G H SMC P . U S C E Padlock mounting position D C Padlock mounting position D SUP. SUP A B A B IN OUT IN OUT 2 1 3 EXH. EXH.
-X 1 to 349 20, 25, 32 Applicable stroke (mm) 5 to 345 40 to 80 2025 to 345 100 Part no.: MLGPM20-39-F A 1 mm spacer is installed in MLGPM20-40-F . Dimension C is 77 mm.
EA h EB W F Stroke adjustment unit S (Shock absorber stroke) T Shock absorber MY1W16/20 F MY1W50/63 EC EY (mm) h 3.6 3.6 3.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 EC EY F 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 E EA EB 30 32 38 50 57 66 77 T TT W Shock absorber model RB0806 RB0806 RB1007 RB1412 RB1412 RB2015 RB2015 FC 14 14 13 17 17 26 31 S 40.8 40.8 46.7 67.3 67.3 73.2 73.2 FB 54 67 78 FH 13 16 17.5 FW 66 80 91 Model MY1W16
Mode 1: Allocation to the right f) Unit address from the end plate. order Mode 1/Mode 2 Mode 1 Available Mode 2: Allocation to the left from the wireless unit.
Mode 1: Allocation to the right f) Unit address from the end plate. order Mode 1/Mode 2 Mode 1 Available Mode 2: Allocation to the left from the wireless unit.
a) (52) b) 28 c) (52) c) (16) e) (16) f) (/) g) () h) () i) j) k) l) m) -19No.EX-OML0010CN-C 4.
Function selection mode In measurement mode, press the SET button for 2 to 5 seconds, to display [F 0]. The [F ] indicates the mode for changing each Function Setting. Press the SET button for 2 seconds or longer in function selection mode to return to measurement mode.
Model number: HRS060-F-20 The transition connector from Rc to G is enclosed as an accessory. For G piping, be sure to use this connector.
power increases. *2 When the piping thread type "F (G thread)" or "N (NPT thread)" is selected, it becomes "G thread " or "NPT thread ". 3 When the option-T3 is selected, the weight increases by 18 kg . 4 No change in external dimensions.
OK OK NG OK OK 17 4-2 W (N) WeN) () V m/s) () Va (m/s) L (m) M (Nm) E (J) g (m/s) (9.8m/ ) (N) W1 (Nm) V=1.4Va MFL F (V=0.) 1 L <> W1.VaW10 M2F2L2 F2 M= WeL =5VaWL 3 2 L W2 M3F3L3 F3 an= F Fmax 3 L F W4 Fmax : () W Ek= W V 2g (V=0.
Writing step data method (1)Write 0 in RWwn [bit8-F]. (2)Write the motion profile (position, speed) in RWwn+1 to 8 Refer to "7.1 Step data" of the operation manual of the controller(LEC). (3)Write the step data number which is changed in RWwn [bit0-7]. (Setting data range is from 0 to 63.) (4)Write 1 in RWwn [bit8-F].
FGD-KT002 FGDE Nut kit FGD-KT003 FGDT FGD-KT004 FGDF FGD-CV005-03 FGDT,F-03 FGD-CV005-04 FGDT,F-04 FGD-CV005-06 FGDT,F-06 Replacement cover (5) FGD-CV006-03 FGDC,E-03 FGD-CV006-04 FGDC,E-04 FGD-CV006-06 FGDC,E-06 Joint FGD-OP001 FGDB (10) KT-FGDC FGDC Each of (2)(4)(6)(13) and (16) are provided as a kit.
Setting spring Setting knob Flapper Diaphragm C Nozzle Diaphragm A Fixed orifice Diaphragm C SUP.side passage BLEED Exhaust valve SUP OUT Main valve Valve guide Exhaust F i x ed ori f i ce S UP F or ce N F o rce N Nozzle flapper MPa/ m Diaph.(C) m 2 Main valve MPa/ m (S) 1 1 Setting spring N/m Displ Press Press.
Explanation of screen a) Error log number b) Manifold number/Unit number (Refer to page 16) c) Channel number d) Displayed unit symbol (Refer to page 52) e) The next error log is displayed with the and buttons. f) h: hour, m: minute, s: second The time elapsed from when the power supply was applied until the time when error was generated is displayed.
HAA7 to HAA22 HAA37 Dustproof filter Tapping screw 6-nominal 4 Rear panel Rear panel Dustproof filter Tapping screw 6-nominal 4 Dustproof filter replacement part number Applicable model HAA7 HAA15 HAA22 HAA37 Dustproof filter number HAA7-F HAA15-F HAA22-F HAA37-F HAA Series 14 9 4)Dustproof filter Assembly Procedure (Option Symbol: F) ATX-OM-F004E Air-Cooled Aftercooler 10.