H andl e caref ul l y w hen operat i ng w i t h out put pressure rel eased t o t he at m osphere, as ai r w i l l cont i nue t o f l ow out . I f suppl y pressure t o t hi s product i s i nt errupt ed or shut of f , w hi l e t he pow er i s st i l l on, t he i nt ernal sol enoi d val ve w i l l cont i nue t o operat e and a hum m i ng noi se m ay be generat ed.
min (ANR) (SCFM) Note 2) Outlet air flow rate l/min (ANR) (SCFM) Purge air flow rate l/min (ANR) (SCFM) Note 3) Bracket assembly (accessory) part nos.
+ l 179 (188) + l 207 (216) + l 40 164 192 159 (168) 187 (196) Z + Stroke 210 + l 242 + l 205 (217) + l 237 (249) + l 50 190 222 185 (197) 217 (229) ZZ + Stroke 215 + l 252 + l 210 (222) + l 247 (259) + l 63 195 232 190 (202) 227 (239) 245 + l 303.5 + l 239 (253) + l 297.5 (311.5) + l 80 236 294.5 230 (244) 288.5 (302.5) 253 + l 329.5 + l 247 (261) + l 323.5 (337.5) + l 100 244 320.5 238
Model Flow range 0.5 L/min 2 L/min 5 L/min 10 L/min 20 L/min 50 L/min 100 L/min 200 L/min 0.5 L/min 20 L/min LFE1 0.4 L/min 24 L/min 0.4 L/min 24 L/min 2.5 L/min 100 L/min LFE2 2 L/min 120 L/min 2 L/min 120 L/min 5 L/min 200 L/min LFE3 4 L/min 240 L/min 4 L/min 240 L/min Rated flow range Display flow range Set flow range 21 These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations
Front mount type l l l Model Bolt Max. tightening torque Nm Max. screw-in depth (l mm) Model Bolt Max. tightening torque Nm Body thickness (l mm) LXP M6 x 1 7.4 12 LXP M6 x 1 7.4 10 2. Through holes Model Bolt Max. tightening torque Nm Body thickness (l mm) LXP M5 x 0.8 4.4 37.5 3.
IZTP43(-L) and IZTN43 (2pcs.), IZTP41(-L) and IZTB40 (2pcs.) Separate connection Example of connecting IZTC41(-L), IZTP43(-L) andIZTN43 Example of connecting IZTC41(-L), IZTP43(-L) and IZTN43 (4pcs.) Example of connecting IZTC41(-L), IZTP43(-L) and IZTN43 (2pcs.) , IZTP41(-L) and IZTB40 (2pcs.) 1-2.
block gauge pressure supply block L side L side switch block Nil A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R F.R.L.
AS2002F-04 When connecting 4 pcs. and mounting L-brackets on both sides Speed controller AS2002F-04 4 pcs. L-bracket AS-20L 2 pcs.
5000 10 Flow rate L/min (ANR) Flow rate L/min (ANR) Orange mark AR30 Rc 3/8 AR60 Rc 1 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 2.
S P L S P O N O N O F F L O F F L S N S N 1 S S S S 0 r / m i n 0 r / m i n L S P L S P O N O N O F F O F F L L S N S N 2 S S S S S S 0 r / m i n 0 r / m i n L S P L S P O N O N O F F L S N O F F L S N 3 S S S S S S S 0 r / m i n 0 r / m i n L S P L S P O N O N L S N O F F L S N O F F 6 39 6 6.4.4 (PC31PC34) PD20 PD20 0 1 2 3 0() 1() 2() 3() PD20 0 S S S
o"o+ oeep 3 o 3 l "!l Cross section C-C Cross section C-C #i .. :: fl ffi -i+-sLJ rr Model D f G, I K L !,!
Provided by customer PLC VElectric actuator VProvided by customer Ethernet cable (With shield, Category 5 or higher) VController/JXC92 To P1 or P2 To ENC VActuator cable Page 606-12 Robotic cable Standard cable LE-CP-l-l LE-CP-l-l-S To MOT To CI To USB VControl power supply connector (Accessory) Page 606-7
8.0] 8.0 L/min (16 L type) [ 20.0] 20.0 L/min (40 L type) [ 50] 50 L/min (100 L type) [ 126] 126 L/min (250 L type) [ P_1] Set value (OUT1) [F 1]/[ oUt1] Page 33 5% of maximum rated flow [ 0.20] 0.20 L/min (4 L type) [ 0.8] 0.8 L/min (16 L type) [ 2.0] 2.0 L/min (40 L type) [ 5] 5 L/min (100 L type) [ 12] 12 L/min (250 L type) [ H_1] Hysteresis (OUT1) [ CoL] Display colour (OUT1) [ SoG] ON
120+l 123+l 114 119 125 134+l 141+l 147+l 66+l 73+l 73+l 82+l 91+l 91+l 67.7 78.7 118 (125) 138 (145) +l 146 (153) 166 (173) +l 98.6 136 (147) 156 (167) +l 168 (179) 188 (199) +l 119.2 136 (147) 156 (167) +l 173 (184) 193 (204) +l Consists of pins, flat washer and hexagon socket head cap bolt.
Select the graph that corresponds to the imaginary stroke l. k Imaginary stroke l = (Stroke) + k + l k: Distance between the center and end of the plate (Example) q When using CXSJM6-10 and l = 15 mm: Imaginary stroke l = 10 + 2.75 + 15 = 27.75 Therefore, the graph used for your model selection should be the one for CXSJM6-30n). 6 2.75 mm 10 4 mm 15 5 mm 20 w When using CXSJL25-50 and l =
min) 1.1 gpm (4 L/min) 10.6 gpm (40 L/min) 10.6 gpm (40 L/min) Circulating fluid rated flow 5.3 gpm (20 L/min) 2.6 gpm (10 L/min) 6.6 gpm (25 L/min) 10.6 gpm (40 L/min) Facility water required flow rate Temperature stability Note 3) 0.54F (0.3C) Pump capacity Note 4) (50/60 Hz)(MPa) 0.45/0.65 (at 30 L/min) 0.40/0.60 (at 4 L/min) 0.40/0.60 (at 40 L/min) 0.40/0.60 (at 40 L/min) Circulating
distance l (mm) (3) 50 Stroke or Less, V = 400 mm/s (4) Over 50 Stroke, V = 400 mm/s 300 300 200 200 80 80 100 100 Load weight m (kg) Load weight m (kg) 50 50 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 50 100 200 10 10 10 50 100 200 Eccentric distance l (mm) Eccentric distance l (mm) 8-19-52 MGPS50/80 (5) l = 50 mm, V = 200 mm/s (6) l = 100 mm, V = 200 mm/s 100 80 50 80 80 80 40 Load weight m (kg) 30 50
Pressure 0.2 MPa Overhang H (mm) 60 0.7 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.6 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.7 MPa 40 0.4 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.5 MPa 0.5 MPa 20 0 20 40 60 80 Gripping point L (mm) 12-2-14 14 Model Selection Series MHZ Confirmation of External Force on Fingers: Series MHZ2 Step 3 MHZ MHF L MHL L MHR My MHK Mr Mp MHS Fv L MHC MHT MHY L: Distance to the point at which the load is applied (mm) Maximum allowable
0.2 MPa 5 50 L 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 Gripping point L (mm) Gripping point L (mm) MHZ2-16D/MHZL2-16D MHZ2-40D 500 70 Pressure 0.7 MPa Pressure 0.7 MPa Pressure 0.7 MPa Pressure 0.7 MPa 60 0.6 MPa 0.5MPa 0.6 MPa 0.5MPa 400 0.6 MPa 0.6 MPa Gripping force (N) 50 Gripping force (N) 0.5 MPa 0.5 MPa 300 40 0.4 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 30 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 200 0.2
M12 52 l M12 M12 48 6 6 32.3 28.3 16 M12 31.3 31.3 l 14.9 Terminal no.