Note 2) Vacuum grease (Fluorine-based, Y-VAC2) is applied to the external seal of the vacuum components.
.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) q y $0 $1 20 r !1 e @2 !2 #7 #3 #1 32 w 50, 63, 80 Double acting (DL, DM) @3 !3 !5 #6 o @5 @4 i @1 @6 !0 @7 @9 !6 t u !7 !8 q #8 $1 y Single acting, Spring extend (TL, TM) Double acting with spring (BL, BM) r $0 !1 !
Y-P010 Y-P015 -XC19 Intermediate stroke (Spacer type) (25) 93 148 -XC22 Fluoro rubber seals 5 mm stroke is with one switch.
・The new “Y□00T-D” spacer with brackets can also be used for connecting AW series regulators from 2 generations before.
Y Y (EX245-DX1EX245-DY1) Y 2 2M12M12 2M8M12 PCA-1557785 Y (2M12M12) A code() A code() A code() . 11-2 Y (PCA-1557785) 75 No.EX-OMW0014CN-A PCA-1557798 Y (2M8M12) A code() . 11-3 Y (PCA-1557798) 76 No.EX-OMW0014CN-A 11.3.
Y Connector Y connectors can be used with the EX245-DX1 and EX245-DY1. There are two options 2 x M12 to M12 2 x M8 to M12 Model No.PCA-1557785 (Y branch Connector (2 x M12 to M12)) Fig. 13-2 PCA-1557785 81 No.EX##-OMY0004 Model No.PCA-1557798 (Y branch Connector (2 x M8 to M12)) Fig. 13-3 PCA-1557798 13.3. Seal cap Seal caps can be used with the EX245-FPS1/2/3, EX245-DX1, EX245-DY1.
JMHZ2-16D-X7400B-HC10-(*) Y Y Z X TCP X Y Z -0.4 -0.8 47.4 Tool Center Point(TCP) X Y Z Z 0 0 158 X JMHZ2-16D-X7400B-HC10DT-(*) Y Y Z X TCP X Y Z -0.4 -0.8 48.4 Tool Center Point(TCP) Z X Y Z 0 0 159 X 13 - 4 ( 4-1.
Conf i rm deodori zi ng capaci t y rem ai ni ng peri od, and repl ace t he el em ent peri odi cal l y af t erw ards. H ow ever, repl ace el em ent w i t h new one w hen el em ent has beenused f or 2 years, or w hen pressure drop reaches 0. 1 M Pa.
LIN I Move the actuator (3 axes) to a relative position with linear interpolation. 7 types Set Axis 1 as X and Axis 2 as Y. Move the actuator clockwise with circular Movement mode (Refer to the table on interpolation. Specify the target coordinate and central coordinate from the current position using relative coordinate. the right) CIRR Set Axis 1 as X and Axis 2 as Y.
El em ent ass y ( gasket , ori ng accessory) m odel num ber: AM H EL*** *** i s AM H si ze sym bol . ( ex. : AM H EL150) H ow t o repl ace el em ent ass y I nst al l vert i cal l y. Fl ush i nsi de of pi pi ngs w i t h ai r. D o not pi pe upw ardl y. Ensure no l eakage. Keep si ght gl ass i n f ront . D rai n w hi l e l i qui d l evel i s vi si bl e. D rai n pi pi ng: 5 m or l ess* N .
5 @7 y !6 !7 #0 #3 !1 @9 r q #1 #7 @6 o Component Parts Part Name Qty Remarks Item Part Name Qty Remarks Item q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !
Dia. 7/16 Dia. 45 1 1/32 5/16 Dia. 19/32 Typ. 17/32 Typ. 3/8 15/32 Typ. 5/16 Y-1 (not shown) Y-2 (shown) Y-3 Y-8 Y-4 14 Page 4 Distributed by Power Aire, Inc
Note) No need to add -X61 at the end of the part number for the flexible lead wire for D-Y type auto switch, because it adopts flexible lead wire as standard.
MHF2-16D1 MHF2-16D2 MHF2-16D @0, @1, @2 MHF16-PS MHF16-PS MHF16-PS Seal kit e, r, t, y, !4, !6, !9 Mounting screw MHF-A1602 MHF-A1602-1 MHF-A1602-2 Finger assembly Kit no. Description Contents MHF2-20D MHF2-20D1 MHF2-20D2 MHF20-PS MHF20-PS MHF20-PS Seal kit @0, @1, @2 MHF-A2002 MHF-A2002-1 MHF-A2002-2 Finger assembly e, r, t, y, !4, !6, !
I-G02 I-G03 I-G04 Y-G02 Y-G03 Y-G04 34 41 42 10.3 12.8 12 25 30 30 10.3 12.8 12 + 0.058 0 -0.2 -0.4 8 8 -0.2 -0.4 10 -0.3 -0.5 18 16 20 22 34 41 42 11.5 14 14 20 25, 32 40 8.5 10.5 14 M8 x 1.25 M10 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 16 20 22 8 10 10 16 20 36 21 25.6 41.6 11.5 14 14 M8 x 1.25 M10 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 25 30 30 8.5 10.5 16 + 0.4 + 0.2 8 IY-G02 IY-G03 IY-G04 20 25, 32 40 + 0.058 0 10 + 0.058 0 10
2 y r i q !9 !8 @2 @0 @3 @5 @8 @7 o u !7 t CY3R15, 20 CY3R15 Parts list No. Description No.
Note) No need to add -X61 at the end of the part number for the flexible lead wire for D-Y type auto switch, because it adopts flexible lead wire as standard.
MHF2-16D2 MHF2-16D1 MHF2-16D @0, @1, @2 MHF16-PS MHF16-PS MHF16-PS Seal kit e, r, t, y, !4, !6, !9 Mounting screw MHF-A1602-2 MHF-A1602-1 MHF-A1602 Finger assembly Kit no. Description Contents MHF2-20D2 MHF2-20D1 MHF2-20D MHF20-PS MHF20-PS MHF20-PS Seal kit @0, @1, @2 MHF-A2002-2 MHF-A2002-1 MHF-A2002 Finger assembly e, r, t, y, !4, !6, !
Spool/Sleeve Body O-ring Return spring Platinum silver S070 w e t y Polyacetal Piston Seal u NBR O-ring i NBR O-ring o NBR Mini Y seal !0 Carbon steel Round head combination screw !1 Carbon steel Round head combination screw !2 Pilot valve assembly SCZ2-NBR VQ VKF VQZ VZ VS VFN 4-15-3 4 Series VZ200 Construction (Sub-plate mounted) N.C. (VZ215) N.O.
Options include setting y/mm/dd, dd/mm/y, or mm/dd/y. Now set the year, month, day, hour (24 hour clock) and minute. The day of the week will update automatically. Hit Esc to Cancel or OK to accept. 3.7.3 SummerTime The Summertime menu will display six choices when entered. Cancel Turns off the Summertime clock setting. Manual On Moves the clock one hour ahead immediately.