Body Size: 4, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Handle/Bonnet Material: B (Aluminum), Options: S (Built-in Silencer, EXH Port)
Body Size: 40, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: B (Bracket), Semi-Standard 1: Standard, Semi-Standard 2: Standard
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: BD (B + D), Semi-Standard 1: Standard, Semi-Standard 2: Standard
Body Size: 40, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: B (Assembly of a Bracket & Set Nuts), Semi-Standard: Standard
Body Size: 50, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: B (Bracket), Semi-Standard 1: Standard, Semi-Standard 2: Standard
Body Size: 40, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: B (Bracket), Semi-Standard 1: Standard, Semi-Standard 2: Standard
Size: 40 (1/2), Thread: M Thread, Rc(PT), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Accessory: B (Bracket), Option 1: 1 (1000cm³ Tank)
Size: 50 (3/4), Thread: M Thread, Rc(PT), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Accessory: B (Bracket), Option 1: 1 (1000cm³ Tank)
Body Class: 2 (Orifice Dia. ø4), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Applicable Tubing Size: 06 (ø6mm), Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port Thread Type: 2 (M5X0.8)
Base Size: 6 (1), Piping: 0 (P Side) (A, B Side) (E Side), Stations: 3 Stations, Base Specifications: 1 (Common Exhaust), A, B Port Size: 06 (3/4), Thread Type: T (NPTF)
Body size 06 6 07 1/4" 08 8 09 5/16" 10 10 11 3/8" 12 12 13 1/2" 2 1/4 standard 3 3/8 standard 4 1/2 standard With rapid supply and exhaust function For selecting applicable tubing O.D., refer to the model on page 9. Metric size and inch size types can be visually identied by the color of the release button.
Body size 06 6 07 1/4" 08 8 09 5/16" 10 10 11 3/8" 12 12 13 1/2" 2 1/4 standard 3 3/8 standard 4 1/2 standard With rapid supply and exhaust function For selecting applicable tubing O.D., refer to the model on page 9. Metric size and inch size types can be visually identied by the color of the release button.
Body Class: 5 (Class 5, Orifice ø20), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 06 (3/4, Class 5), Thread: N (NPT), Material: F (Body: PFA, Endplate: PVDF, Diaphragm:PTFE)
Body Size: 50, Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Handle/Bonnet Material: A (Flame Resistant PBT), Options: None, Semi-Standard: Z (psi as Unit Displayed on Label)
Pad Diameter: ø10, Pad Type: UM (Flat w/Groove), Pad Material: N (NBR), Buffer Specifications: JB (Rotating, w/Bushing), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Inlet: 06 (ø6 Tubing, One-touch Fitting)
Pad Diameter: ø16, Pad Type: UM (Flat w/Groove), Pad Material: N (NBR), Buffer Specifications: JB (Rotating, w/Bushing), Stroke: 20mm, Vacuum Inlet: 06 (ø6 Tubing, One-touch Fitting)
.: 06 (Ø6), Port Size/Applicable Tubing O.D.: G01 (G1/8), Thread Material/Surface Treatment: N (Brass + Electroless Nickel Plated)
.: 06 (Ø6), Port Size/Applicable Tubing O.D.: G02 (G1/4), Thread Material/Surface Treatment: N (Brass + Electroless Nickel Plated)
.: 06 (Ø6), Port Size/Applicable Tubing O.D.: G02 (G1/4), Thread Material/Surface Treatment: N (Brass + Electroless Nickel Plated)
.: 06 (Ø6), Port Size/Applicable Tubing O.D.: G02 (G1/4), Thread Material/Surface Treatment: N (Brass + Electroless Nickel Plated)