Manifold block ISO size 1, Applicable solenoid valve: VQ7-6, Number of stations: 1-10, Wide range of interface options, EXHAUST SPACER, VALVE, VS7-6 SOL VALVE 4/5 PORT, 22, VS7-6, .66138 lb
-1 3-3 . 3-2 3-4 . 3-2 3-5 . 3-2 3-6 . 3-2 4 4-1 . 4-1 4-2 . 4-1 4-2-1 . 4-1 4-2-2 . 4-1 4-2-3 . 4-2 5-1 . 5-1 5-2 . 5-3 6-1 . 6-1 6-2 GWP . 6-1 6-3 . 6-2 6-4 . 6-3 1 6-5 . 6-4 7 A 7-1 . 7-1 7-2 . 7-1 7-3 . 7-1 7-4 . 7-1 7-5 . 7-2 8 C 8-1 . 8-1 8-2 . 8-1 9 K 9-1 . 9-1 9-2 . 9-1 10 L 10-1 . 10-1 10-2 . 10-1 10-3 . 10-2 11 M 11-1 . 11-1 11-2 .
Size: 6 (1 Standard), Auto Drain: 1 (Auto Drain N.O.), Thread: Rc(PT), Port Size: 10 (1 - AMR6000)
Size: 6 (1 Standard), Auto Drain: 1 (Auto Drain N.O.), Thread: N (NPT), Port Size: 10 (1 - AMR6000)
Size: 6 (1), Thread: 1 (Male Thread), Thread Style: N (NPT), Port Size: 10 (1), Accessory: B (Bracket)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 04 (IN: 1/2 OUT: 3/8), Voltage: 5 (220VAC 50/60HZ), Compressor Operating: 6 [6 Sec/Min (3 Cycle/Min) 75~110kW]
Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 03 (IN: 3/8, OUT: 3/8), Voltage: 1 (100VAC 50/60HZ), Compressor Operating: 6 [6 Sec/Min (3 Cycle/Min) 75~110kW]
Thread Type: Rc, Port Size: 04 (IN: 1/2 OUT: 3/8), Voltage: 4 (110VAC 50/60HZ), Compressor Operating: 6 [6 Sec/Min (3 Cycle/Min) 75~110kW]
Magnet: None, Bore Size: 6 mm, Port Thread: Bore 6~25:M5, Bore 32: Rc 1/8, Stroke: 30 mm, Auto Switch: -, Lead Wire or Prewired Connector: -, Number: -
Magnet: None, Bore Size: 6 mm, Port Thread: Bore 6~25:M5, Bore 32: Rc 1/8, Stroke: 40 mm, Auto Switch: -, Lead Wire or Prewired Connector: -, Number: -
H I J K L 5 T L A ) 4 7 1 ( 5 8 . 6 ) 0 7 ( 6 7 . 2 ) 6 1 ( 3 6 . ) 7 ( 8 2 . ) 1 9 ( 8 5 . 3 ) 6 0 1 ( 7 1 . 4 ) 7 9 1 ( 6 7 . 7 ) 4 2 ( 4 9 . ) 2 8 3 ( 4 0 . 5 1 ) 4 1 4 ( 0 3 . 6 1 ) 8 2 4 ( 5 8 . 6 1 S I 5 T L A ) 4 7 1 ( 5 8 . 6 ) 0 7 ( 6 7 . 2 ) 6 1 ( 3 6 . ) 7 ( 8 2 . ) 1 9 ( 8 5 . 3 ) 6 0 1 ( 7 1 . 4 ) 7 9 1 ( 6 7 . 7 ) 4 2 ( 4 9 . ) 2 8 3 ( 4 0 . 5 1 ) 4 1 4 ( 0 3 . 6 1 ) 8 2 4
Body Class: 5 (ø16 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Fitting Size: 19 (Tubing O.D. 3/4), Pilot Port Thread: R (Thread Type 1/8 Rc), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 6 (High Back Pressure w/Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: D (w/Double Ferrule Fittings), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 9 (High Back Pressure with Indicator)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: D (w/Double Ferrule Fittings), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 9 (High Back Pressure with Indicator)
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: AD (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: FKM, Buffer: FKM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 5 [High Back Pressure (0.5 MPa) Tolerant]
Body Class: 6 (Class 6, Orifice ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Fitting Type: T (Integrated Tubing), Applicable Tube Size: 25 (1), Pilot Port Thread Type: N (NPT 1/8), Material: ND (Body: Stainless Steel, Seal: EPDM, Buffer: EPDM, Diaphragm: PTFE), Option 1: 5 [High Back Pressure (0.5 MPa) Tolerant]
Body Class: 6 (Orifice Diameter ø22), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 25 (Rcø25, NPT 1"), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: N (Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - NPT 1/8"), Material: Body PFA, Actuator Endplate PPS, Diaphragm PTFE, Option: 1 (Flow Rate Adjustment)
Body Size: 6 (1/2), Thread Size: 04 (1/2), Applicable Tube OD: 12 (ø12mm)