seg). (0) 4 R/W Line name 4th letter Y U8 0x00 Refer to Figure Line name communication data (7 seg). (0) 5 R/W Line name 5th letter Y U8 0x00 Refer to Figure Line name communication data (7 seg). 0x0974 (2420) 0x0975 (2421) 0x0976 (2422) 0x0977 (2423) (0) 6 R/W Line name 6th letter (11 SEG) Y U8 0x00 Refer to Figure Line name communication data (11 seg). (0) 7 R/W Line name 7th letter (11
11 70 h 2)-700.00mm GW [OUT Data]Address.6 Address.9 Address.7 Address.6 01h 00h 15bit 8bit 7bit 0bit (H) 00 01 11 70 h (H) Address.9 Address.8 70h 11h 15bit 8bit 7bit 0bit (L) 00 01 11 70 h (L) 0.01mm 2 -700.00mm -7016 FFFEEE90h PLC FF FE EE 90 h Address.7 Address.6 FEh FFh 15bit 8bit 7bit 0bit (H) FF FE EE 90 h (H) Address.9 Address.8 90h EEh 15bit 8bit 7bit 0bit (L) FF FE EE 90
219 14 244 235 15 260 251 16 276 267 17 292 283 18 308 299 19 324 315 L plug connector (L) DIN terminal (D) M plug connector (M) Built-in speed controllers (Lead wire length) MAX. 11 300 300 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 (Lead wire length) MAX. 10 : With light/surge voltage suppressor 3-3-45 Series VZ3000 Type 42 Manifold: Side Ported VV5Z3-42Station 1-01 Manual override (Non-locking) Grommet
Note 3) (6) and (7) do not need to be selected. 7 - Doc. No.
Refer to p.0-26 and 0-27 for Safety Instructions and common precantions on the products mentioned in this catalog, and refer to p.4.0-5 to 4.0-7 for precantions on every series. Please refer to p.4.5-7 for with pressure differential gauge (GD40-2-01). 4.6-6
),23(P2) (2) a 12(P1) 1(P)2(A)3 3(R) 3(R) b 23(P2) 2(A) 2(A)3(R)1 1(P) 1(P) 12(P1) 1 2 3 23(P2) 4 5 6 7 8 POM 9 -12No.VEX-OMY0001 () () 3(R) 2(A) 1(P) 1(P) 2(A) 3(R) () a b P1P2 2(A) 1(P) -13No.VEX-OMY0001 (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (12) (7) (8) () (9) (5) (6) (14) (10) (P2) (5) (4) (11) (4) (13) DCAC (7) 14 No.VEX-OMY0001 o. (1) (2) (3)
VZA4221-01 VZA4321-01 VZA4421-01 VZA4141-1-01 VZA4141-1-02 VZA4141-2-01 VZA4141-2-02 VZA4241-1-01 VZA4241-1-02 VZA4241-2-01 VZA4241-2-02 VZA4341-1-01 VZA4341-1-02 VZA4341-2-01 VZA4341-2-01 VZA4441-1-01 VZA4441-1-02 VZA4441-2-01 VZA4441-2-02 Single Double Closed center Exhaust center 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.49 0.49 0.47 0.47 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 2.0 2.0 1.9
(Default) Spare (SW2-2) Rotary axis setting switch (SW1) Description Display 0 Axis No.1 01 1 Axis No.2 02 2 Axis No.3 03 3 Axis No.4 04 4 Axis No.5 05 5 Axis No.6 06 6 Axis No.7 07 Down 7 Axis No.8 08 (Be sure to set to the 8 Axis No.9 09 "Down" position.) 9 Axis No.10 10 A Axis No.11 11 B Axis No.12 12 C Axis No.13 13 D Axis No.14 14 E Axis No.15 15 F Axis No.16 16 -12- 5.
Ion generation frequency Switch setting 1 Hz 3 Hz 5 Hz 10 Hz 15 Hz 20 Hz 30 Hz 60 Hz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Caution 7) Wiring of power supply cable Connect the dedicated power supply cable.
(Value in the initial stage) Base mounted Body ported Model Flow characteristics Pilot port piping location 14/2(PA/B) 4/25/3(A/BEA/EB) Pilot port size Valve model Function Port size b Cv b Cv Single Double Closed center Exhaust center VZA2121-M5 VZA2221-M5 VZA2321-M5 VZA2421-M5 VZA2141-1-01 VZA2141-2-01 VZA2241-1-01 VZA2241-2-01 VZA2341-1-01 VZA2341-2-01 VZA2441-1-01 VZA2441-2-01 0.60 0.60
seg)". (0) 4 R/W Line name 4th letter Y U8 0x00 Refer to Figure "Line name communication data (7 seg)". (0) 5 R/W Line name 5th letter Y U8 0x00 Refer to Figure "Line name communication data (7 seg)". 0x0974 (2420) 0x0975 (2421) 0x0976 (2422) 0x0977 (2423) (0) 6 R/W Line name 6th letter (11 SEG) Y U8 0x00 Refer to Figure "Line name communication data (11 seg)". (0) 7 R/W Line name 7th letter
[mm] 1 D1 Weight [g] X Y Nylon Urethane 4 M5 x 0.8 KQ2T04-M5G1 7 8.2 7.7 10 7 15.4 14.8 15.9 13.3 4.5 4.5 2.5 3.9 6 M5 x 0.8 KQ2T06-M5G1 7 10.4 9.7 12 7 14.5 16.5 18.7 13.3 4.5 4.5 2.5 4.4 L1 L1 M M Oval type A L2 4, 6 1: D1 is maximum diameter.
-06 AS2200-01 AS2201F -01-08 AS2200-01 70% 100 SYJ 200 50 SX 100 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 10% 30% 50% 70% 50% 30% 10% 0 0 200 CM2 25 400 MB 40 150 300 Stroke (mm) Stroke (mm) AS2201F -01-06 AS2200-01 AS2201F -02-08 AS2200-02 100 200 50 100 0
PSE56-C01 24 B PSE56-A2 A B Model 8.2 12 9.2 12.2 15.5 9.5 A PSE56-01 PSE56-02 PSE56-N01 PSE56-N02 PSE56-C01 PSE56-A2 PSE56-B2 R 1/8 R 1/4 NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 Rc 1/8 URJ 1/4 TSJ 1/4 24 B PSE56-B2 A 24 B 16-3-28 7 Series PSE Specific Product Precautions 1 Be sure to read before handling. Pressure Sensor Handling Air Supply Warning Warning ZSE ISE 1.
F N T 01 02 1 8 1 4 Body type For 60, 61 type manifold 6 R port of VFA370 is 1/4. For 70, 71 type manifold 7 How to Order Manifold Base Use the same manifold bases as the VF3000. VV5FA3 Specify the same manifold part number as VV5F3. To order valves and blanking plate assembly mounted onto the manifold, list valves and blanking plate assembly with manifold base part number.
NPN 1 output ISE30A-01-N-ML Digital pressure PNP 1 output ISE30A-01-P-ML NPN 1 output/ Voltage output ISE30A-01-C-ML switch Note 3) NPN 1 output/ Current output ISE30A-01-D-ML Note 1) This is an assembly of the bracket and resin panel nut. Note 2) l in part numbers for a round type pressure gauge indicates a type of connection thread.
Note 6) When highly purified air is required, refer to Caution on Design on page 14-19-7.
7 !1 r !6 t y !2 e !4 !5 !4 !5 !