AS 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Return stroke pressure (MPa) ASP ASN v v w w a a o o l l v v l l F F e e AQ ASV u u r r e e s s v v s s a a e e l l v v r r P P e e AK ASS ASR ASF Working stroke Working stroke Return stroke Return stroke Pressure valve Flow valve 15-16-1 2 Cuts air consumption by operating the return stroke at a reduced pressure.
H E R M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S : L A T C H I N G S O L E N O I D T Y P E L A T C H I N G T Y P E V A L V E L A T C H I N G T Y P E V A L V E W I T H M A N U A L O V E R R I D E M A N I F O L D O P T I O N P A R T S A V A I L A B L E : P E R F E C T C H E C K B L O C K P E R F E C T C H E C K B L O C K W I T H V A L V E O R M A N I F O L D Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
3 P. 9 Metric Inch P. 5 P. 11 Metric Inch P. 6 P. 12 Straight Union KQG2H Extended Male Elbow KQG2W Union Y KQG2U Metric Inch P. 3 P. 9 Metric Inch P. 5 P. 11 Metric Inch P. 7 P. 12 Male Elbow KQG2L Different Diameter Tee KQG2T Metric Inch P. 4 P. 10 Metric Inch P. 5 P. 11 Female Connector KQG2F Metric Inch P. 7 P. 13 Male Branch Tee KQG2T Plug-in Reducer KQG2R Metric Inch P. 4 P. 10 Metric
H E R M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S : L A T C H I N G S O L E N O I D T Y P E L A T C H I N G T Y P E V A L V E L A T C H I N G T Y P E V A L V E W I T H M A N U A L O V E R R I D E M A N I F O L D O P T I O N P A R T S A V A I L A B L E : P E R F E C T C H E C K B L O C K P E R F E C T C H E C K B L O C K W I T H V A L V E O R M A N I F O L D Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
Component materials have met apparatuses and containerpackages standards. ( ( 320 Stainless Steel 316 Insert Fittings KFG2 Series Variations Male Connector KFG2H Bulkhead Union KFG2E Metric Inch P. 323 P. 329 Metric Inch P. 325 P. 330 KQ2 KQB2 KS KX KM KF Male Elbow KFG2L Union Elbow KFG2L Metric Inch P. 323 P. 329 Metric Inch P. 325 P. 330 M H/DL L/LL KC KK KK130 DM Male Branch Tee KFG2T
With control unit Centralized wiring/Supply port left Individual wiring/Supply port right Centralized wiring air catch sensor ISA2-HE41P Terminal box Individual wiring air catch sensor 2 port solenoid valve 2 port solenoid valve ISA2-GE41 Regulator 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 Supply port Supply port P P P P P P T T T T T T U U U U U U E E E E E E L L L L L L S S S L L L S S S L L L 6 9 6 9 6
ZS-24-B B M45 L, 2 ZS-24-D D M35 L,M45 L 2 ZS-35-C (01,N01) ZS-35-D (W1,WF1,M5,C4,C6) ZS-35-F +(01,N01) ZS-35-G +(W1,WF1,M5,C4,C6) -10No.PS-OMM0006CN-E M8(3 ) 01 N M L ISE40A 1/ 2 ISE40A -0.11.000 MPa Y ZSE40A 0.0-101.3 kPa K + T + 1 01 R1/8(M5) N01 NPT1/8(M5) A A D D N NPN1 M8 P PNP1 /M8 1 L M SI2 M8 P (psi)1 1 2kPaMPa 1 ZS-24-A A M35 L,M45 L, 2 ZS-24-D D M35 L,M45 L,
Control type Lock nut option Nil J Hexagon lock nut Round lock nut 0 1 Meter-out Meter-in Plug-in type 1 Series AS;P Needle Valve/Flow-rate Characteristics AS10;0P-04-04 AS20;0P-;-; AS25;0P-06-06 AS30;0P-;-; Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa 100 300 1000 10 Flow rate [L/min (ANR)] Flow rate [L/min (ANR)] Flow rate [L/min (ANR)]
adapter E ZS-35-D ZS-35-F Panel mount adapter + Front protective cover F ZS-35-G Accessories 1 / Part numbers Part number Option 1 ZS-24-A Bracket A with 2 mounting screws each of M3 x 5 L, M4 x 5 L ZS-24-B Bracket B with 2 mounting screws M4 x 5 L ZS-24-D Bracket D with 2 mounting screws each of M3 x 5 L, M4 x 5 L ZS-35-C Panel mount adapter (piping specification: 01, N01) ZS-35-D Panel
Flow range Sensor 0.2 l/min 0.5 l/min 1 l/min 2 l/min 10 l/min 25 l/min 50 l/min 100 l/min 0.2 l/min 10 l/min (5 l/min) PFM710 PFM510 0.2 l/min 10.5 l/min (5.2 l/min) 10.5 l/min (5.2 l/min) 0 0.5 l/min 25 l/min (12.5 l/min) PFM725 PFM525 0.5 l/min 26.3 l/min (13.1 l/min) 26.3 l/min (13.1 l/min) 0 1 l/min 50 l/min (25 l/min) PFM750 PFM550 1 l/min 52.5 l/min (26.2 l/min) 52.5 l/min (26.2 l/
Max. 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 8.4 9.3 11.4 12 AS121FM-U10/32-01 AS121FM-U10/32-03 AS121FM-U10/32-05 AS121FM-U10/32-07 AS221FM-N01-01 AS221FM-N01-03 AS221FM-N01-05 AS221FM-N01-07 AS221FM-N01-09 AS221FM-N02-03 AS221FM-N02-05 AS221FM-N02-07 AS221FM-N02-09 AS221FM-N02-11 12.7 9.6 22.1 12.3 17.3 8 7 30.1 25.1 28.8 33.8 10-32UNF 16.5 13.5 26.1
. 5-6-8 Series VM100 P . 5-6-12 Series VM200 P . 5-6-20 Series VM400 P . 5-6-26 Series VZM500 P . 5-6-41 Series VZM400 P . 5-6-35 Series VFM300 P . 5-6-48 Series VFM200 P . 5-6-54 Series VFM800 P . 5-6-32 Transmitters Page Relay Valve P . 5-7-1 Shuttle Valve P . 5-7-3 Shuttle Valve with One-touch Fitting P . 5-7-5 AND Valve with One-touch Fitting P . 5-7-7 Time Delay Valve P . 5-7
I f a p re s s u re g re a t e r t h a n t h e s e t p re s s u re i s re a c h e d , t h e u n i t w i l l o p e n , c l o s i n g w h e n p re s s u re i s l e s s t h a n s e t pressure.
VBAT05A VBAT05S VBAT10A VBAT10S VBAT20A VBAT20S VBAT38A VBAT38S P P P Air tank CE Certified Product P P Model VBAT05A l-SV-Q VBAT10A l-SV-Q VBAT20A l-RV-Q VBAT38A l-SV-Q P P Compressed air Fluid Selection Tank capacity (L) 38 20 10 5 Max. operating pressure (MPa) 2.0 1.0 Caution IN port size 3/4 3/4 1/2 3/8 Consider the operating conditions and operate this product within the specification
A Rectified value Rectified value P-1 P-1 (Differential) Pressure (P-3) H-1 H-1 (H-2) P-2 Min. B Nonadsorption ON Switch output 1(2) OFF Work 1 Work 2 Work n Atmosphere ZSE ISE Switch output response time when autoshift is input.
-N01-N01 12.7 12.7 12.7 67 42.5 27 26 NPT1/8 NPT1/8 NPT1/8 ZH07DA-N01-N01-N01 70.2 ZH10DA-N01-N01-N01 76.4 ZH13DA-N01-N02-N02 17.46 17.46 90.8 51 29.5 36.3 NPT1/4 NPT1/4 ZH15DA-N02-N03-N03 17.46 22.23 22.23 108.2 63.3 34.3 37.1 NPT1/4 NPT3/8 NPT3/8 ZH18DA-N03-N03-N03 22.23 131 73.6 41.1 39 NPT3/8 ZH20DA-N03-N04-N04 23.81 23.81 142.6 74.9 44.1 NPT1/2 NPT1/2 Inch Dimensions when the standard
AL SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 IS1000 MPa SMC SMC SMC K K K P P P C C C U U U O O O SMC SMC SMC SMC S S S L L L H H H MADE IN JAPAN K K K P P P C C C U U U O O O S S S L L L H H H Mixed manifold Mixed manifold Front handle/Bottom ported Front handle/Top ported Common exhaust type and individual exhaust type can be mounted on the same manifold base.
41.2 1/8 NPTF P(SUP) port 46.5 L type plug connector (L) M type plug connector (M) (Lead wire length) Cover diameter 1.5 Cross sectional area 0.23mm2 66 300 (Lead wire length) Indicator light 300 61 Indicator light 49 55.5 Cover diameter 1.5 Cross sectional area 0.23mm2 P R 1 3 P R 1 3 Dimenisons n : Stations (Max. 20 stations) Equation L1=10.5n+9.5 L2=10.5n+22.5 L n 2 30.5 43.5 75 85.5 16
. 5-6-8 Series VM100 P . 5-6-12 Series VM200 P . 5-6-20 Series VM400 P . 5-6-26 Series VZM500 P . 5-6-41 Series VZM400 P . 5-6-35 Series VFM300 P . 5-6-48 Series VFM200 P . 5-6-54 Series VFM800 P . 5-6-32 Transmitters Page Relay Valve P . 5-7-1 Shuttle Valve P . 5-7-3 Shuttle Valve with One-touch Fitting P . 5-7-5 AND Valve with One-touch Fitting P . 5-7-7 Time Delay Valve P . 5-7