-A22 ZPT125 50-(B/N/T)01-A22 ZPT125 75-(B/N/T)01-A22 ZPT125 100-(B/N/T)01-A22 ZPB-T1 25-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T1 50-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T1 75-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T1 25-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T1 50-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T1 75-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T2 25-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T2 50-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T2 75-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T2 25-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T2 50-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T2 75-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T3 25-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T3 50-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T3 75-(B/N/T)01 ZPB-T3 100-(B
P. 34 P. 34 KQ2L T KQ2T P. 34 KQ2H Use to branch line from female thread in both 90 directions. VMG Branch Y Male run tee Gasket Use to branch line in the same direction from female thread and in 90 direction. KQ2U KQG P. 35 P. 35 KQ2Y P. 36 Use to branch line in the same direction from female thread.
00 P 2 VQ7 Regulated port Regulated port P port A port (P controlled, A port regulated) B port (P controlled, B port regulated) P port P A1 B1 P A1 B1 A port (P controlled, A port regulated) B port (P controlled, B port regulated) Pressure gauge connection port Pressure gauge connection port 05 06 M1 Pressure gauge (G15-10-01) Plug (M-5P) 00 M1 Pressure gauge (G15-10-01) [for odd number
O O R D E R NVFS5000 NVFS 5 F 0 P O S I T I O N P O R T S I Z E 1 2 Position Single 2 2 Position Double 3 3 Position Closed Center 4 3 Position Exhaust Center 5 3 Position Pressure Center 6 3 Position Perfect Without Subplate 03T 3/8 NPTF 04T 1/2 NPTF 06T 3/4 NPTF P O R T I N G Side *B Bottom Note) *1/8 NPTF Only B O D Y T Y P E 0 Plug-In Type M A N U A L O P T I O N 0 Standard 1 Std & Direct
OR-1717-178P P: PTFE F: FKM OR-3305-178P P: PTFE F: FKM t When external leakage occurs after disassembling a valve, replace the above seals. Wave washer part no.
(01) Y31-02 (01) Y41-03 (02) Y51-03 (02) T type interface (3) Pressure switch VHS2000-01 02 02 03 VHS302 03 VHS3000VHS402 03 04 Y24-01 02 Y34-01 02 Y34-03 02 Y44-02 03 Y54-03 04 Residual pressure exhaust 3 port valve Cross interface Y30 Y40 Y50 B210T B310T B310T B410T B510T T type brcket Y20 Y30 Interface G46-10-02 G36-10-01 G36-10-01 G36-2-01 G36-10-01 G36-2-01 G36-2-01 G46-2-02 G46-2-02
t q e w r e q w r 2-position single 5 (EA) 3 (EB) 1 (P) 2 (B) 3 (EB) 4 (A) 5 (EA) 1 (P) (A)4 2(B) 1 (P) (EA)5 3(EB) 2-position double t e q w r 2-position double 1 (P) 2 (B) 3 (EB) 4 (A) 5 (EA) 2(B) (A)4 (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) 3-position closed center/exhaust center/pressure center t e q w r 3-position closed center 3-position exhaust center 2(B) (A)4 2(B) (A)4 (EA)5 1 (P) 3(EB) (EA)5 1 (P) 3(
-t 1-' I . '" ~ III 1-. ~. 101 B P A B P A B P -I: e-' ~ .'" III III III _ ...J _ -I: """'. T '"'Iii A B P A eH~ I I--!._';':: 1--2.9~75) 3.98(101) 5.93(150.5) 6.22(158) Dsi Bottom porting NWSFR2-01-( stations )2-( port size) With Indlca10r light 0.85 (2 t.5) and surge vollage SUpOre or '.NPTF 2 ports PilO1 oper8~lor="'E""XH:;-:port=2-G(PF)'.
Manifold Option Parts Interface regulator: ARBF2000-00-P-1 (Plug-in type) ARBF2000-00-P-2 (Non plug-in type) Individual SUP spacer: VVFS2000-P-01 02-1 (Plug-in type) VVFS2000-P-01 02-2 (Non plug-in type) Individual SUP spacer Interface regulator SUP port Individual EXH spacer: VVFS2000-R-01 02-1 (Plug-in type) VVFS2000-R-01 02-2 (Non plug-in type) Air shutoff valve spacer: VVFS2000-21A-1
Unit Series AC10B to 60B Dimensions A AC10B/20B Pressure gauge port size F P E K Q N B C G G OUT IN T T K H Pressure gauge (Option) J L F.R.L.
(N)VV4Z1 20 S TAT I O N S 1 T H R E A D T Y P E 02 2 Stations to 20 20 Stations PT 00T NPTF D I M E N S I O N S M A N I F O L D T Y P E 20 T O P P O R T E D M P L U G T Y P E F Bracket O P T I O N D I M E N S I O N S M A N I F O L D T Y P E 20 T O P P O R T E D G R O M M E T T Y P E Lead Wire Length ACCESSORIES M A N I F O L D T Y P E 20 T O P P O R T E D DXT170-25-1A Blanking Plate Assembly
Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com (PE port) VZS Bracket 3-Rc 1/8 (P, A, B port) Bracket 3-M5 x 0.8, Rc 1/8 (P, A, B port) VFS VS4 VQ7 EVS ( ): M5 x 0.8 2-M4 x 0.7 depth 5 (Mounting screw) : With light/surge voltage suppressor VFN Conduit teminal: VF1220-T-M5 01 DIN terminal: VF1220-DVF1220-YM5 01 M5 01 (EA, EB port) Applicable cable O.D. 6 to 8 Applicable cable O.D.
1/8, C6 Nil F N T Rc G NPT NPTF P port 1/4 01 1/8 C6 One-touch fitting for 6 N7 One-touch fitting for 1/4" Type 43 (5 port / base mounted) How to Order 10 SS5YJ5 43 05 C4 Clean series Manifold stations -+ -+ A B 02 2 stations P, R port thread type R port 1/8 : : R P 20 20 stations A, B port C4 Nil F N T Rc G NPT NPTF P port 1/8 A, B port size One-touch fitting for 4 C4 One-touch fitting
Fittings & Tubing Air Cylinders Rotary Actuators 3(R2) 1 (P) (R1)5 1 (P) (R1)5 3(R2) t e q t r w qr w (B) 2 (A) 4 (B) 2 (A) 4 u u 3 (R) 1 (P) 5 (R) 3 (R) 1 (P) 5 (R) y 3 position closed center/exhaust center/pressure center 3 position closed center 2(B) (A)4 q t r w 3(R2) 1 (P) (R1)5 (B) 2 (A) 4 3 position exhaust center 2(B) (A)4 3(R2) 1 (P) (R1)5 3 position pressure center u 2(B) (A)4 3
Thread type Piping port (P, A, B, EA, EB port) Nil Rc G F 06 10 1 3 4 N NPT NPTF T 3-5-95 96 Series VFR6000 Construction 2 position single 2 position double VFR620 VFR610 (B) (A) 4 2 (B) (A) 4 2 (EA)(P)(EB) 5 1 3 (EA) (P) (EB) 5 1 3 !1 u q t q e i e !1 i u !
Unit Series AC10B to 60B Dimensions A AC10B/20B Pressure gauge port size F P E K Q N B C G G OUT IN T T K H Pressure gauge (Option) J L F.R.L.
N.O. 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) e r t q e r t q V100 (A) (A) SY 2 2 SYJ u u VK VZ 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) w w VT VP y y VG Component Parts Replacement Parts VP Note Zinc die-casted Part no.
N.C. 0.2MPa Note 2) Note 3) Float type auto drain Spacer Pressure switch Note 5) Note 4) Note 5) T-interface Y21001 (02) Y310(01) 02 Y310(01) 02 Y410(02) 03 Y510(02) 03 Note 5) 02 03 04 01 02 VHS302 03 VHS2000VHS302 03 VHS40003-port valve for residual pressure release 02 03 04 06 02 03 04 06 01 02 Y3401 02 01 02 03 E30002 03 04 E30002 03 04 E200E400E500-06 Note 5) Piping adapter Note 5) 01
P. 34 P. 34 KQ2L T KQ2T P. 34 KQ2H Use to branch line from female thread in both 90 directions. VMG Branch Y Male run tee Gasket Use to branch line in the same direction from female thread and in 90 direction. KQ2U KQG P. 35 P. 35 KQ2Y P. 36 Use to branch line in the same direction from female thread.