Air Operating Pressure Range 2.5~6 Bar / 37~90PSI E X H A U S T P O R T (B O D Y T Y P E O N LY) Max Operating Pressure 7 Bar / 100PSI M O D E L 07 1/4 09 5/16 11 3/8 Tube T01 1/8NPT T02 1/4NPT 06 6mm Tube 08 8mm Tube 10 10mm Tube 01 Rc 18 02 Rc 14 Operating Temperature Range 5 ~ 60C / 40~140F N Canada, USA Other (PT) Lubrication Forbidden N O Z Z L E D I A M E T E R V A C U U M P O R T 05
PB49]4(_ _ _ 1) _ _ x x 5.4 00h _ x _ _ 0:-40dB 1:-14dB 2:-8dB 3:-4dB 0h x _ _ _ 0h 5.4 [Hz] [Hz] 00 10 562 01 11 529 02 4500 12 500 03 3000 13 473 04 2250 14 450 05 1800 15 428 06 1500 16 409 07 1285 17 391 08 1125 18 375 09 1000 19 360 0A 900 1A 346 0B 818 1B 333 0C 750 1C 321 0D 692 1D 310 0E 642 1E 300 0F 600 1F 290 PB18 LPF 3141 100 [rad/s] 18000 [Pr. PB23] [Pr.
C 1. ##0016 ## 00 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 2. **No. 3.
l6, ~5'K5 BA..Q4 BA-05 BA-06 D-A:3, DA4 D.G3K3 B01-04M B001..Q5M B01-06M B79-0-879 A41--0-A41 880-0880 A49--0-A49 851 0-851 Note)These auto SWitch as cannot be used m magnetic fields.
E 03 05 07 09 't't 5132" 1l4', 5/16' 3t8" 1/2" 6mm 8mm H , T , U , X , N 1 3 06 08 t0 1 2 1 6 32 i10-32 UNF Thread 3 5 I l t N P r H ' L . W , r .
PA02] 0 0 Select a regenerative option. 00: Regenerative option is not used. 00: 100 W 0.2 kW 7 kW 11 kW 22 kW 01: FR-BU2FR-RC FR-CV 02: MR-RB032 03: MR-RB12 04: MR-RB32 05: MR-RB30 06: MR-RB50 () 08: MR-RB31 09: MR-RB51 () 0B: MR-RB3N 0C: MR-RB5N ( ) FA: 11 kW 22 kW UP For drivers of LECSN-T5, do not use a regenerative resistor.
ZP2V (3) Determine the layout of the non-contact grippers. ZP In this case, the relationship temporary lifting force workpiece mass is obtained. For this workpiece, select the XT661-6A.
Pad Connection Thread: B01 (Female: Rc1/8; Male: R1/8 ), Orifice Size: 07 (0.7 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: B01 (Female: Rc1/8; Male: R1/8 ), Orifice Size: 10 (1.0 mm)
Type: Air-Actuated Vacuum Valve, Application: Single Item Operating, Installation Method: Direct, Number of Ports: 2-Port Valve, Switching Type: 2-Position Normally Closed, Effective Sectional Area(mm2): 0.38, Piping Opening: [RC] R, Nominal Designation of Piping Thread: 1/8, Connection Tube Diameter: -, Seal Type: Elastic Seal, Flow Coefficient (Cv): 0.020596206, Piping Size (
Type: Air-Actuated Vacuum Valve, Application: Single Item Operating, Installation Method: Direct, Number of Ports: 2-Port Valve, Switching Type: 2-Position Normally Closed, Effective Sectional Area(mm2): 0.78, Piping Opening: [RC] R, Nominal Designation of Piping Thread: 1/8, Connection Tube Diameter: -, Seal Type: Elastic Seal, Flow Coefficient (Cv): 0.0422764228, Piping Size
Pad Connection Thread: BG1BG1 (G1/8), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: B01B01 (Rc1/8), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: A5A5 (M5 x 0.8), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: AG1AG1 (G1/8), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: A5W4 (M5 x0.8 Male Thread, Ø4 One-touch Fitting), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: AG1W6 (G1/8 Male Thread, Ø6 One-touch Fitting), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: AN1 (NPT1/8), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)
Pad Connection Thread: B5B5 (M5 x 0.8), Orifice Size: 05 (0.5 mm)