Valve diagnostics 1 . 5-4 Valve diagnostics 1 Bit 0 Valve 0, 1 diagnostics 01() 1 Valve 2, 3 diagnostics 01() 2 Valve 4, 5 diagnostics 01() 3 Valve 6, 7 diagnostics 01() 4 Valve 8, 9 diagnostics 01() 5 Valve 10, 11 diagnostics 01() 6 Valve 12, 13 diagnostics 01() 7 Valve 14, 15 diagnostics 01()
Description IR1000 IR1010 IR1020 IR2000 IR2010 IR2020/2120 IR3000 IR3010 IR3020/3120 P362030-201 Bracket P36201023 P36202028 Pressure gauge234 G33-2-01 G33-10-01 G43-2-01 G43-10-01 G43-2-01 G43-4-01 G43-10-01 G33-4-01 G43-4-01 1 A bracket and two mounting screws (M5 x 35) To mount the bracket, remove two body screws (M5 x 30) on the name plate on the opposite side and replace the attached
Description IR1000 IR1010 IR1020 IR2000 IR2010 IR2020/2120 IR3000 IR3010 IR3020/3120 P362030-201 Bracket P36201023 P36202028 Pressure gauge2 G33-4-01 G43-4-01 G33-2-01 G33-10-01 G43-2-01 G43-10-01 G43-2-01 G43-4-01 G43-10-01 1 A bracket and two mounting screws (M5 x 35) To mount the bracket, remove two body screws (M5 x 30) on the name plate on the opposite side and replace the attached two
Description IR1000 IR1010 IR1020 IR2000 IR2010 IR2020 / 2120 IR3000 IR3010 IR3020 / 3120 Bracket P36201023 P36202028 P36203018 Pressure gauge G33-2-01 G33-4-01 G43-4-01 G43-4-01 G33-10-01 G43-2-01 G43-10-01 G43-2-01 G43-10-01 Accuracy 3% (full span) 2 Series IR1000/2000/3000 Construction IR1000 IR2000 IR3000 Fixed throttle SUP side passage OUT side passage SUP side passage SUP side passage
R L B 01 1 Nil F G Rc 1 8 ... ...
1 Valve 2, 3 diagnostics 01 2 Valve 4, 5 diagnostics 01 3 Valve 6, 7 diagnostics 01 4 Valve 8, 9 diagnostics 01 5 Valve 10, 11 diagnostics 01 6 Valve 12, 13 diagnostics 01 7 Valve 14, 15 diagnostics 01 Valve diagnostics 2 . 5-5 Valve diagnostics 2 Bit 0 Valve 16, 17 diagnostics 01 1 Valve 18, 19 diagnostics 01 2 Valve 20, 21 diagnostics 01 3 Valve 22, 23 diagnostics 01 4 Valve 24, 25
AR20-D AR30-D AR40-D AR40-06-D AR50-D AR60-D AR43P-270AS AR54P-270AS Note 4) (1) Bracket assembly Note 1) AR23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-260S (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S G46-10-01 Rc G36-10-01 G46-10-N01 G36-10-N01 Pressure gauge Note 2) NPT (Round type) G46-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi G36-P10-N01-X30 (3) G G36-10-01 G46-10-01 G36-10-01-L Pressure gauge Note 2) Rc G46
Part name specification type AW20-D AW30-D AW40-D AW40-06-D AW60-D (1) Bracket assembly AR43P-270AS Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR54P-270AS Note 4) (2) Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S G36-10-01 G46-10-01 Rc G36-10-N01 G46-10-N01 Note 2) Pressure gauge NPT (Round type) G36-P10-N01-X30 G46-P10-N01-X30 Z : Both in MPa and psi (3) G36-10-01 G46-10-01 G G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Rc
Y, Z directions 3limes each 12.6FS or lesis at 25'C 01: Rl/8. [.r5 x 0 8, Tl: NPT1/8, M5 x 0 8.
Y, Z directions 3limes each 12.6FS or lesis at 25'C 01: Rl/8. [.r5 x 0 8, Tl: NPT1/8, M5 x 0 8.
Symbol Nil N F Option Option Symbol Applicable actuation Built-in solenoid valve Air Operated PB1013A Air operated Port size Port size 1/8 Nil B N None With foot With silencer Symbol 01 When option is more than one, suffix in alphabetical order.
Symbol Nil N F Option Option Symbol Applicable actuation Built-in solenoid valve Air Operated PB1013A Air operated Port size Port size 1/8 Nil B N None With foot With silencer Symbol 01 When option is more than one, suffix in alphabetical order.
Rc / G AR24P-370AS-N01 NPT AR24P-320AS-01 Rc (14) Plug assembly Including part (13)) AR24P-320AS-N01 NPT AR24P-320AS-F01 G The numbers in the table and structural drawings are consistent with the numbers in sections [10.
How to Order VR2110 01 Port size 01 Rc1/8 N01 NPT1/8 F01 G1/8 10 5. Operation Patterns ON timing: ON upon the set delay Output method: Normal close Settable time delay: 0.5 to 60 seconds Operation time chart is shown in Fig. 1. Time delay (Input signal) Time (Output) Fig. 1: Operation timing chart When an Input Signal Pressure is provided, Output turns ON after the preset time.
Series VR4151/4152 How to Order A 01 5 1 1 VR41 Indicator light 0 No 1 Yes Sub-plate Side piping B A Bottom piping Port size W/o sub-plate 00 Rc 01 1 8 1 8 NPT N01 1 8 G F01 Number of pilot ports Single pilot 2 1 Double pilot Number of ports 5 port 5 Dimensions Side ported Bottom ported Stroke 2 mm Stroke 2 mm Indicator light Indicator light Manual override (Button diameter 3.5) Manual override
Note 2) Operation is possible with a valve with small Cv value when the operation cycle is small. 12 How to Order P B 1 3 1 3 A S Female thread / Tube extension P B 1 3 1 3 A S With nut Port size Material of diaphragm Symbol Main fluid Pilot air Symbol Material of diaphragm connection size connection size Female thread 1 PTFE 01 Rc 1/8 N01 NPT 1/8 F01 G 1/8 Actuation Tube extension Symbol
(displayed alternately) (3) To "F01" by using the and keys. (4) Press S-key. (5) Set the GAIN by using the and keys. (blink and change the rightest digit) (displayed alternately) (6) Press S-key. (7) Press S-key for 2 seconds or more, then go out from detail setting mode.
To "F01" by usi ng t he and keys. ( di spl ayed al t ernat el y) Press Skey. Set t he G AI N by usi ng t he and keys. ( bl i nk and change t he m ost ri ght di gi t ) 13 Press Skey. ( di spl ayed al t ernat el y) Press Skey f or 2 seconds or m ore, t hen go out f rom det ai l set t i ng m ode.
Number of Ports: 3 Port, Piping Direct., Plunger Length: 1 (Side Ported, Short), Body Option: U (w/Bottom Mounting Thread), Port Size: F01 (G 1/8, Side Ported Only), Actuator Type: 01 (Roller Lever), Suffix: S (Hard Steel Roller), Indicator: None
Number of Ports: 3 Port, Piping Direct., Plunger Length: 1 (Side Ported, Short), Body Option: Side Mounting, Port Size: F01 (G 1/8, Side Ported Only), Actuator Type: 01 (Roller Lever), Suffix: None, Indicator: None