Dia 25 2t.2 24.5 30 25 42.5 3t.5 2t23 106 32 39.2 45 40.5 54.8 46.2 77 58.2 3920 196 40 54.5 62.5 56.4 76.3 64.2 107 80.9 5450 272.5 50 85 97.7 88 I l 9 100.2 t67.3 126.4 8500 63 135 155 t39.8 r89 t59.2 265.5 200.5 13500 675 80 zl7.'
-See "How lo Order Manilold Assemblies," pg 46 Manifold. ifications Applicable solenoid valve Base mounted rype Plug-in lype NWsFRGOlT NVFR4OOO-OF NVFR4OlO-OD NVFR4Ol O-OE Non Plug-in type NWsFR4-10 Series NVFR4000: Base Mounted Tlpe Plus-in ryie: Wilh -@3T) l*-.,"o" a lvlaster conneclion of power and solenoid valves aQuick wiring permits ease of insiallalion.
,|e 4 = \bh unit only (N\6A31 14 only; see page 7) 5 = Foot mounting;pipe tap in body hing 0O = Manilold mounting (NVSA 3114) 01 = 1/8" NPrF 0 SA 31 15, 3125) 02 = 1/4" NPTF (N\6A 3t 15, 3t25) 03 = 3/8" NPTF N\ISA 3135) (X = 1/2" NPTF (N\^sA 31 35, 31 45) 06 = 3/,1" NPTF (N!6A 3145) DIBECTIOI{ALAIBVALYE DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST SERIES NVSA 3115 NVSA 3115 oPttot{a!l frg. lasE axl 338.
.: CQ2B20-3T CQ2B20-5T with 2 mm width spacer inside. B dimension is 24.5 mm. Example Mounting Bracket Part No.
.: CQ2B20-3T CQ2B20-5T with 2 mm width spacer inside. B dimension is 24.5 mm. Example Mounting Bracket Part No.
4 r@4 #8 $1 e @1 @3t #3 !5 @8 B' @9 @0 A' A A' A B !6 !3 #0 40 to 63: Over 100 stroke !6 50 to 100 80, 100: Over 200 stroke Extension locking (Type F) Retraction locking (Type B) !9 @7 #9 #5 i o @5 #5 #9 @7 !9 i @5 o Section B-B' Section B-B' @5 !8@6!7 @5@6!7 !
3t!8!1!7w !6ui e!5 CJ1 CJP CJ2 CM2 C85 !
(Exc.pt 3t C) _1 -30PSl Regulating Range 2-Mralbowl 3-lubricator with drain cock (standard) '4-60 PSI (4 kgflcm2) Bgulallng Rang6 all unib with [Aricators 0-Nyton bowl '7-Filtration (2, t0, 20, 40, 70, 100!m) 5 std. 8-Mtal bowl wtft sight gauge I-Metalseal il Non-relieving type R-ln-Out rersal {Right Lett) X-Exchang brackt (I typ tor L Vp, or L type ior T V!)
Male Connsctor Plug-in Elbow 01 ,/g -/92 05 -/1 07 ,4 1 0 1 1 l l 1 1 3t ' o ' Pr. SAE propoad 3pci{icrto.i, all mal ttr.ad8 wltl incorporEt6 1 3 1; Male Branch Union 'Y" 18 " Note: 1/8 tub sizes ar6 de6onatEd by a KO sdos pad numb6( end arc not covgred undr tho OOt or SAE pcificetions, shce OOT doe not spcity prirmanc Fquiromehls.
Applicable model: D-A73, A73H, A73C, E7 3 A.Z7 3t D -97.93 A.
c D E F G H K M N P H 5.O7 (128 9) 4.39 (1 1 1.4) 1 1 8 (30) 1 6 9 t 7 5 '| _5 | 1 " (3) 080 20.4 1 5 7 a{I)l o71 alA) 0 9 6 24 S\ '1.26 (321 1 4 2 t36l 1 2 0 'io 5 ,2/ (6) Millimelsrs in Pargntheses Series NVM MECHANICALLY ACTUATED/PILOT OPERATED DIMENSIONS NVZM45O N\ZM45o-N014 A ts D E F I H J K M N P H F O.F. 5 07 tbs. {2.3 t\ol T T . 90" 5 7 4 (145 9) 452 1 1 4 9 ) t t 8 t30l 1 2 2 {3t
J-'_t c Adjustable stroke range: 0 to -5mm 3t lmproved noise Ball trushing bearings and slide bearings are slandard for all series. Dimensions tor ball bushing bearings and slide bearings reduction: Reduction of more than 6dB is possible. Gompact IYpe Series GXSJ: o16, o1O, o15, o.2O, o25, o32 * Superior mounting qf auto switches can be from 4 directions.
Singleacting Spring return/extend s 1 2 1 0 6 4 U 5 , 1 0 o50h0.20 Ion.rotating rod Double acting Singl rod o12, @16/5 lD 30 o20, @295to 50 o32, o4ol510 1OO o50, 0631 0 to 1 00 Double rod s12, s1615 lo 30 o20 lo o40l5 to 50 o50, a6310lo 50 @Actuation Doude acting Srngle acting spnng refurn Single acting sprinq extend Larg bore siro Double acting Single rodl 0 lo 3o0 Dodde rcd 10 to 300 Long 3t
Applicable model: D-A73, A73H, A73C, E7 3 A.Z7 3t D -97.93 A.
.: CQSB20-3T CQSB20-5T with 2 mm width spacer inside. B dimension is 24.5 mm. Example Refer to pages 595 to 597 for cylinders with auto switches.
3t!8!1!7w !6ui r !2 !4yq !0 o Material Note Component Parts Description Rod cover Head cover Cylinder tube Piston rod Piston Bushing Cushion valve Retaining ring Tie rod Tie rod nut Wear ring Rod end nut Back up O ring Rod seal Piston seal Cushion valve seal Cylinder tube gasket Piston gasket No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !
D E F G H K M N P H 5.O7 (128 9) 4.39 (1 1 1.4) 1 1 8 (30) 1 6 9 t 7 5 '| _5 | 1 " (3) 080 20.4 1 5 7 a{I)l o71 alA) 0 9 6 24 S\ '1.26 (321 1 4 2 t36l 1 2 0 'io 5 ,2/ (6) Millimelsrs in Pargntheses Series NVM MECHANICALLY ACTUATED/PILOT OPERATED DIMENSIONS NVZM45O N\ZM45o-N014 A ts D E F I H J K M N P H F O.F. 5 07 tbs. {2.3 t\ol T T . 90" 5 7 4 (145 9) 452 1 1 4 9 ) t t 8 t30l 1 2 2 {3t
Applicable model: D-A73, A73H, A73C, E7 3 A.Z7 3t D -97.93 A.