Parts List zsE2-0x-15o, zsPl-o0x-1 Note Return sp ng: For extmal vacuum syslem use only (NZXl0O) 30 Module Assembly / Ejector TYPe Nll( $eni Gon$nucNion / Moilule Assem[lY {swftcHfilted P32OO152-m ,a-iSE2-OX-t S1D 'isnouaas (Val,,/e unit) / NZXl -VAK5-"-O-S Manifold System / Ejector Type For individual exhausl plug (M5 x6 (W5j3)) A.a..ibt *t fansler plate adapler 4t{F1&tl -Tinr -otrea Rl6
Din Style (1/4") SP ADE TERMINALS 1.00 (25.4) .30 (7.5) 1/8-27 N.P .T . PORTS . Repair Packsavailable, consult factory (3) PLACES .56 (14.3) .20 (5.2) Stackable Valves, brass and stainless steel round bodies available, consult factory. .41 (10.3) .30 (7.5) Mtg. Holes #8-32 UNC THD x .23 (5.8) DEEP . .88 (22.2) 2 PLACES AS SHOWN.
] [mA] 0.10.6 0.1 13.6 [mA] LECSC2LECSC115 13 27 13 (2) 2mm25m 2mm25m NV LECSC-S8 LE-S8M MR-J3-40T HF-KP43 Ig1 Iga Ig2 Igm (13.1) Igl20 0.1[mA] Ig220 0.1[mA] 5 1000 5 1000 Ign0() Iga0.1[mA] Igm0.1[mA] (13.1) Ig10{0.100.11(0.10.1)} 4[mA] ,(Ig)4.0[mA] NV-SP/SW/CP/CW/HW15[mA] 13 28 13 13.8 EMC () ENEMCEMC (1) () [kg] [mA] LECSC2LECSC1()HF3010A-UN 5 3 .
A leakage current breaker having Ig of 15[mA] is used with the NV-SP/SW/CP/CW/HW series. 11 31 11. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT 11.9 EMC filter (recommended) For compliance with the EMC directive of the EN Standard, it is recommended to use the following filter.
40mm 40mm 2 3 2 (b) 2 200V3.5kW100V400W lmm 04575% 100mm 100mm 100mm 100mm 10mm 10mm 1mm 1mm 1mm 1mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm (2) 2.2 (1) (2) (3) 2 4 2 2.3 1 (2) () (3) (4) 10.4 2.4 SSCNET SSCNET LE-CSS(1) SSCNET SSCNET 11.1.5 (2) LE-CSCNET LE-CSSDBPDOP 2 5 2 (3) (PVC)(PE) SSCNET() LE-CSS(4) SSCNETCN1ACN1B 570F() NK SP
An earth-leakage current breaker having Ig of 15 mA is used with the NV-SP/SW/CP/CW/HW series. 11 31 11. OPTIONS AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT 11.10 EMC filter (recommended) It is recommended that one of the following filters be used to comply with EN EMC directive.
(2) 2 mm2 5 m 2 mm2 5 m NV LE-T8M MR-J4-40B HG-KR43 LECSS2-T8 Ig1 Iga Ig2 Igm (11.1) Ig1 = 20 5 1000 = 0.1 [mA] Ig2 = 20 5 1000 = 0.1 [mA] Ign = 0 () Iga = 0.1 [mA] Igm = 0.1 [mA] (11.1) Ig 10 {0.1 + 0 + 0.1 + 1 (0.1 + 0.1)} 4 [mA] (Ig)4.0mA NV-SP/SW/CP/CW/HW15mA 11 28 11. 11.10 EMC () ENEMCEMC (1) () [kg] [A] [VAC] [mA] LECSS2-T () HF3010A-UN 10 250 5 3.5 .
Metric size Type (Recommended flow rate) ZL Symbol Tubing size Metric size (Release bushing: Light gray) Symbol Tubing size Applicable model Flow rate l/min (ANR) 04 100 200 Max. 20 Max. 50 4 ZFC100 ZFC100 ZFC200 ZFC200 ZY 06 6 ZF 08 8 ZP Specifications SP ZFC100-04X17 ZFC100-06X17 ZFC200-06X17 ZFC200-08X17 4 10 6 20 6 30 8 50 Model Connecting tube O.D.
EX500-AC-SP Check that there is no high voltage cable or equipment that generates noise around the branch cable. Separate the branch cable away from noise sources. -72No.EX-OMT0009 Fault No. 13 Fault Possible cause Investigation method Countermeasures Polarity of the input unit and input device including sensor are not compatible.
Caution Upper cylinder chamber Lower cylinder chamber DIN terminal block Terminal block Sm Sp Ground Terminal no. 1 2 E DIN terminal + Terminal + Applicable cable O.D. Type T: 4.5 to 7 mm Type E: 2.3 to 2.8 mm REG.
Status Condition 0 No supply voltage SP Status of solenoid power supply 1 Supply voltage OK 0 Short circuit DI Status of sensor power supply 1 Normal Output area mapping Output data MSB LSB MSB LSB Offset (word) 15 8 7 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 -28No.EX-OMK0004-B Output No. assignment Combinations of output data and valve
EX500-AC-SP Check that there is no high voltage cable or equipment that generates noise around the branch cable. Separate the branch cable away from noise sources. 70 No.EX-OMS0014-A Fault No. 17 Fault Possible cause Investigation method Countermeasures Polarity of the input unit and input device including sensor are not compatible.
An earth-leakage current breaker having Ig of 15 mA is used with the NV-SP/SW/CP/CW/HW series. 11 29 11. OPTIONS AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT 11.10 EMC filter (recommended) It is recommended that one of the following filters be used to comply with EN EMC directive.
signal list (CN-1/F connector) Driver dimensions Signal description Control signal power supply Servo ON input Alarm clear input Counter clear input Gain switching input Pin no. 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Symbol IM COM GND OZ+ Pin no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Signal description Torque monitor signal Control signal power supply Symbol COM+ SRV-ON A-CLR CL GAIN DIV CWL CCWL ALM COIN SP
signal list (CN-1/F connector) Driver dimensions Signal description Control signal power supply Servo ON input Alarm clear input Counter clear input Gain switching input Pin no. 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Symbol IM COM GND OZ+ Pin no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Signal description Torque monitor signal Control signal power supply Symbol COM+ SRV-ON A-CLR CL GAIN DIV CWL CCWL ALM COIN SP
Positioning complete signal 19 OZ+ Z Z 10 20 COIN OZ+ 14 GND VDC 12 to 24V 13 4.7k COM Torque monitor: Zout 4.7k 12 + IM VDD 30V max. 15mA max. 11 Speed monitor: Zout 4.7k 4.7k SP + 21 CZ Z (Pin 14 is GND.) 26 FG CN I/F 205 Non-standard Motor Compatible Drivers Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Drivers for LJ1, LG1, LX Dimensions (RS-232C without optional unit) Driver 5 100 40 1-5 hole 5
signal list (CN-1/F connector) Driver dimensions Signal description Control signal power supply Servo ON input Alarm clear input Counter clear input Gain switching input Pin no. 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Symbol IM COM GND OZ+ Pin no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Signal description Torque monitor signal Control signal power supply Symbol COM+ SRV-ON A-CLR CL GAIN DIV CWL CCWL ALM COIN SP
Sp ng washer: 2 pcs. Nomihal diameleri 3mm 41-140.F (5-60.C) Non-lube Not available Male thfead (srd.)
':2 wne(red, black),3 wircked, whil6. black), 20 in t . lmpact resitarce 3oG .Insulaion esisran@ 50m or mor undr tre tesl voltagE soovDc(Belwen cse and cable) . withstand vo tage 1500VAc 1 min(Betwen cass and cable) 'AmbienrtemDeratu 10 60C' {14" 14OqR ' Proldion slructure IEC sp 1P67, Wate4rmf(JlSC0920). Oil-pooJ xll118 in ld wire is rquird, L is pul al lhe end of model number.
lor the ncessaryslat@ns only, enler the back pressure.he.k valve pan no and nd te fle number of nanrfold slations In he sp@lcaton sheet Terminal block box kit 1 to 10 (20) Lead vflre kit wilh 0.6m lead wrs Note 2) For specialD N rar ngth, nd.ale D!