30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 Stroke 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 Page 11 150 150 Low thrust with high rigidity type MXQB 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 Stroke 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 Page 53 150 150 Single side-ported type MXQC 10 10 20 20 30 30 Stroke 40 40 50 50 75 75 Page 67 100 Height
Limit switch 10 20 30 None B contact specification 2 pcs.
Made to Order Modification of Rod End Configuration 1 CH2 Series Mounting type Bore size Rod size series Stroke Cylinder options X A0 Indicate the rod end configuration pattern symbol A1 A2 A3 CO.5 30 30 30 30 D D D d d Width across flats F F F A4 A5 A6 30 30 30 D D D d D d 30 30 Width across flats Width across flats F Width across flats F F Note) Female thread effective depth should
D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 C Mounting bolt part no.
Limit switch 10 20 30 None B contact specification 2 pcs.
-30-1-1 XLF80-30-1 XLF80A-30-1 XLF80-30-1H XLF80A-30-1H XLFV80-30-1 XLFV80A-30-1 XLD80-30-1 XLD80-30-1H XLDV80-30-1 XLG80-30-1-1 XLG80-30-1H-1 XLGV80-30-1 63 XLA63-30-1 XLA63A-30-1 XLA63-30-1H XLA63A-30-1H XLAV63-30-1 XLAV63A-30-1 XLC63-30-1-1 XLC63-30-1H-1 XLCV63-30-1-1 XLF63-30-1 XLF63A-30-1 XLF63-30-1H XLF63A-30-1H XLFV63-30-1 XLFV63A-30-1 XLD63-30-1 XLD63-30-1H XLDV63-30-1 XLG63-30-1
46.5 30 50 60 46.5 60 50 30 30 Angle adjuster 30 203 47 90 150 203 150 90 47 30 11-2-7 7 Series CRB2 Rotary Actuator: Replaceable Shaft A shaft can be replaced with a different shaft type except for standard shaft type (W).
46.5 30 50 60 46.5 60 50 30 30 30 203 47 90 150 203 150 90 47 30 3 Series CRB2 A shaft can be replaced with a different shaft type except for standard shaft type (W).
46.5 30 50 60 46.5 30 30 50 60 Angle adjuster 30 203 47 90 150 203 30 47 90 150 11-2-7 7 Series CRB2 Rotary Actuator: Replaceable Shaft A shaft can be replaced with a different shaft type except for standard shaft type (W).
46.5 30 50 60 46.5 60 50 30 30 Angle adjuster 30 203 47 90 150 203 150 90 47 30 11-2-7 7 Series CRB2 Rotary Actuator: Replaceable Shaft A shaft can be replaced with a different shaft type except for standard shaft type (W).
Spring Extend C D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 x 55L C D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Cylinder model Mounting bolt part no.
30 31 30 34 30 30 38 37 71.5 81.5 38.5 38 73 69 81 69 30 30 31.5 31.5 30 30 42.5 33 34 34 38 34 34 42 42 76.5 86.5 42 42 78.5 77 86.5 77 34 34 35.5 35.5 34 34 46.5 37.5 41.5 41 41 41 44 41 41 49 49 83.5 93.5 46.5 47 85.5 91 93.5 91 41 41 43 43 41 41 52 43 50 49.5 49 49 52.5 49 49.5 56 57.5 92 102 53.5 53.5 94 107 102 107 49 49 51 51 49.5 49 58.5 51.5 58.5 56.5 56 56 61 56 56.5 65 68 102.5
Spring return Spring extend Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l X 55 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l
70 50 35 30 40 35 30 30 30 20 215 120 40 30 25 120 40 30 25 40 30 25 30 25 25 135 65 30 20 15 65 30 20 15 30 20 15 20 15 15 G 132 G 132 DE-ENERGIZED ENERGIZED G 132 H 364 G 132 J 116 G 132 V 564 G 132 K 332 H 364 H 364 H 364 J 116 H 364 V 564 H 364 K 332 J 116 J 116 J 116 V 564 J 116 K 332 V 564 V 564 V 564 K 332 K 332 K 332 Model LW53 3 Way Normally Closed Piped Exhaust LW53GG8XGB LW53GH8XGB
70 50 35 30 40 35 30 30 30 20 215 120 40 30 25 120 40 30 25 40 30 25 30 25 25 135 65 30 20 15 65 30 20 15 30 20 15 20 15 15 G 132 G 132 DE-ENERGIZED ENERGIZED G 132 H 364 G 132 J 116 G 132 V 564 G 132 K 332 H 364 H 364 H 364 J 116 H 364 V 564 H 364 K 332 J 116 J 116 J 116 V 564 J 116 K 332 V 564 V 564 V 564 K 332 K 332 K 332 Model LW53 3 Way Normally Closed Piped Exhaust LW53GG8XGB LW53GH8XGB
-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
5 x 30 6 x 30 8 x 30 Pad type Applicable tube O.D.
, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 Work load [kg] Horizontal Note 2) 18 50 50 30 60 60 30 60 60 Vertical 7 15 29 7 17 35 10 22 44 Pushing force lbf [N] Note 3) (Set value: 45 to 90%) Max. speed [mm/s] 900 450 225 1200 600 300 1000 500 250 Pushing speed [mm/s] Note 4) 35 or less 30 or less 30 or less Max. acceleration/deceleration