Note Solenoid assembly Epoxy/Stainless steel DXT170-APush rod Body Resin NBR O-ring NBR 13 x 11 x 1 Common with Series VZ 000 3 5 o EXH poppet Back up spring FKM V seal Stainless steel Brass, NBR Retainer assembly Stainless steel Poppet spring 3-3-11 11 Series VZ1000 2 Position Single Grommet (G), (H) VZ1120-M5 G H VZ1120 (Mounting hole) (Lead wire length) G: 300 mm H: 600 mm Manual override
53.4 Max. 10 42.1 12.7 M8 x 1 32.6 15.1 39.2 [46.2] Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) Pg7 75.5 74.6 55.7 [57.9] 64.6 57.2 50.7 34.7 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 14.5 3 14.5 3 14.5 3 14.5 3 20 20 20 20 23 23 23 23 27 Refer to page 646 for dimensions with connector cable. 618 3 Port Pilot Solenoid Valve 10-SYJ500 Base Mounted (With Sub-plate) [ ] for AC Grommet (G), (H): 10-SYJ54MG H -01 1/8 (A port) 18
23 23 23 27 Refer to page 1-5-79 for dimentions with connector cable. 1-5-31 32 Series SYJ5000 2 Position Double [ ]: AC G H Grommet (G), (H): SYJ5220-M5 Built-in One-touch fitting: SYJ5220G H C4, N3 C6, N7 G: Approx. 300 H: Approx. 600 (Lead wire length) 87.2 [91.6] 43 3.5 11 5 B A B A 19 10 10.6 Manual override M5 x 0.8 (A, B port) 2-2.6 (For manifold mounting) One-touch fitting (A, B
23 23 23 27 Refer page 4-4-61 for dimensions with connector cable. 4-4-22 23 3 Port Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve Rubber Seal Series SYJ500 Base Mounted (With sub-plate) [ ] for AC Grommet (G), (H): SYJ54G H -01 1/8 (A port) 18 8.5 V100 SY 2-4.5 (For mounting) 4 34 SYJ Manual override A VK 24 P R VZ 33.5 G: Approx. 300 H: Approx. 600 (Lead wire length) Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc
[ ] for AC Other dimensions are the same as the grommet. 2.2-23 Series SYJ500 Base Mounted (With sub-plate) Grommet (G), (H): SYJ5l4-l G H l-01 18 8.5 34 4 2-4.5 Manual override (Mounting hole pitch) (Mounting holes) Depress and turn to operate and lock override.
[ ] for AC Other dimentions are the same as the grommet style. 1.2-34 Series SYJ5000 2 Position Double G H Built-in One-touch fitting: SYJ5220-l llGrommet (G), (H): SYJ5220-l ll-M 5 G H C4 C6 87.2 (GZ, GS: 88.6) [90.6] G: 300 H: 600 3.5 A B (Lead wire length) 45.4 2-One-touch fitting (A, B port) Applicable tube C4: T0425 C6: T0604 10.6 C4: (3) C6: (3.2) 32.3 11 SY A B Manual override
E A D S I D E F L A N G E 32, 40, 50, 63 S E R I E S MK2 W H E N A R M S A R E T O B E M A D E S E P A R AT E LY, T H E I R L E N G T H A N D W E I G H T S H O U L D B E W I T H I N T H E F O L L O W I N G R A N G E.
23 46.1 81.1 5 Refer to panel fitting dimensions for details.
s u p p l i e d w i t h o u t l e a d s w h i c h m u s t b e o rd e re d separately (see Accessories Section).
2 position double: VQ525 3 position closed center: VQ535 3 position exhaust center: VQ545 3 position pressure center: VQ555 3 position double check: VQ565 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 G H G H G H G H 194.5 (200) 121.3 53 73.2 (78.7) Indicator light 213 121.3 91.5 13.5 (Port B) 59.5 53 (Port A)17.5 13.5 (Port B) 59.5 (Port A) 17.5 Indicator light SMC 2 4 2 4 SMC A B A B 53 40 66 162 50 41 37 31.5 18 53
2 position double: VQ525 3 position closed center: VQ535 3 position exhaust center: VQ545 3 position pressure center: VQ555 3 position double check: VQ565 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 G H G H G H G H 194.5 (200) 121.3 53 73.2 (78.7) Indicator light 213 121.3 91.5 13.5 (Port B) 59.5 53 (Port A)17.5 13.5 (Port B) 59.5 (Port A) 17.5 Indicator light SMC 2 4 2 4 SMC A B A B 53 40 66 162 50 41 37 31.5 18 53
Modular mounting type 2-port solenoid valve JSXM21-AN301R-5G-U-F 1 pc.
2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 H 55 55 55 65 80 44 66 66 G 23 23 23 23 32 44 31 56 N 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 8 8 HA 55 55 55 65 80 65 88 132 132 Model F 55 46 55 65 75 60 48 60 65 GA 23 23 23 23 32 72 88 97 122 KA 170 223 248 NA 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 MXQ2510 MXQ2520 MXQ2530 MXQ2540 MXQ2550 MXQ2575 MXQ25-100 MXQ25-125 MXQ25-150 Note) Note) Note) Refer to the bottom view of MXQ25-75. 118 Air Slide Table Series MXQ With
Refer to the Specific Product Precautions. 22 24 Z ZZ G (NN 1) x H H 13 13 6.5 6.5 A B 3.2 6.5 7 7 15 1 4 3H9 depth 3 +0.025 0 NN x M4 x 0.7 thread depth 8 B A 3H9 depth 3 +0.025 0 HA GA Section AA Section BB (mm) F 25 25 40 50 38 50 N 4 4 4 4 6 6 G 9 12 13 15 20 27 H 28 30 20 28 23 28 NN 2 2 3 3 4 5 GA 17 12 33 43 43 83 HA 20 30 20 28 46 56 I 13 8.5 9.5 10.5 24.5 38.5 J 19.5 29 39 56 60
When using the SMC system (Blow gun + S coupler + Coil tube), however, the yearly power is reduced to 10,375 kW/h for a total yearly saving of 2,573 kW/h, or 20% of the total.
The direction of the L and M connectors of a pilot valve is opposite to that of the single and double style. (1) (1) L M G L M G VQ111P (H) (Y) VQ111P (H) (Y) X18 {A side( Bottom side)} {B side(Top side)} X18 {A side( Bottom side)} {B side(Top side)} 3 position (VQ1000 only) 3 position (VQ1000 only) Voltage 1 to 6 Voltage 1 to 6 Note 1) (H): 1.5W, (Y): 0.5W, G type: DC only Note 1) (H
Material: Iron d H B C Part no.
Other dimensions are the same as the grommet type. 3-7-12 13 5 Port Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve Metal Seal, Plug-in/Non Plug-in Series VZS2000 Non Plug-in 2 position double, 3 position closed center/exhaust center/pressure center Grommet 2 position double: VZS2250-G H(S)-01 3 position closed center: VZS2350-G H(S)-01 3 position exhaust center: VZS2450-G H(S)-01 3 position pressure center
60, 4 station manifold base part number) SY3260-5G-C6 2 sets (double solenoid part number) SY3160-5G-M5 ... 2 sets (single solenoid part number) Enter the part numbers of valves and options to be mounted under the manifold base part number, in order, starting from station No. 1 as shown in the drawing.