(Circuit example) 24VDC 0V The stop is released switch Ry Stop Switch Ry: Relay U Surge suppressor Power supply plug 1 (3) EMG LK RLS (6) Ry (2) M 24V Controller (1) C 24V 0V (4) Input power 24VDC supply 0V Power supply plug 2 (3) EMG LK RLS (6) Ry (2) M 24V (1) C 24V Controller 0V (4) Input power 24VDC supply 0V Power supply plug 3 (3) EMG LK RLS (6) Ry (2) M 24V (1) C 24V Controller 0V
2mm2 5m NV Driver Servo amplifier M HF-KP43 LECSC2-T8 LE-T8MR-J3-40T Iga Ig1 Ig2 Igm Use a leakage current breaker generally available.
A B-1 Brown 2 Cable length (L) A A-1 Red 1 B B-2 Orange 6 1 1.5m B A-2 Yellow 5 COM-A/COM B-3 Green 3 3 3m COM-B/ A-3 Blue 4 5 5m Shield (3) Cable color Terminal No.
2mm2 5m NV Driver Servo amplifier M HF-KP43 LECSS--S8 LE-S8MR-J3-40T Iga Ig1 Ig2 Igm Use a leakage current breaker generally available.
24V Ry M 24V power supply 0V 0V Warning (1) Relay contacts should be made between the 24 VDC controller power supply and the M 24V and EMG terminal of the power supply plug.
Ali d mensions in m Llimeters. 42
to the plate (also the same in case of a thicker plate) = m 2 r2 = m 5 2r2 = m 4 r2 = m 12 a2 + b2 !
Connector Pin Assignments Display unit Output -43 With unit display switching function Nil Option 1 1 Brown DC (+) M Fixed SI unit Note 1) None Nil 2 White OUT1 (PNP) Pressure unit: PSI (Initial value) With unit display switching function P Lead wire with M12 connector (5m), straight 3 Blue DC () S 4 Black OUT1 (NPN) Note 1) Fixed unit: MPa L Lead wire with M12 connector (5m), right-angled
M km, 20C 5m VVZS3000-21A-3 x 24AWG * For other commercial connectors, use a 25-pole female connector made in conformity with MIL-C-24308.
x mcos + msin P m P 0.1 x m + m P D M 1.6 x D M 5.0 x D M 5.0 x m m m mv P m Pv m L mv Determination of allowable load mass & pressure P L Pv Inclined operation (Refer to page 29) L 1 Review of operating conditions Determination of load factor () = Load mass (m) Maximum allowable load (m max) + Static moment (M) Allowable static moment (Mmax) + Dynamic moment (ME) (Refer to page 27)
AL 1000.0[ m] 1000.0[ m] 1000.0[ m] 1000.0[ m] AM 10 10 10 10 Note.
Load factor: ((Load weight x 9.8)/Theoretical force) x 100% Conditions Series MB/CA1 Body ported Series CJ2 Series CM2 Tube x Length T0604 x 1 m VQZ1151-01 Speed controller AS3001F-06 Silencer AN110-01 Tube x Length T0604 x 1 m T0806 x 1 m VQZ2151-02 Speed controller AS3001F-06 AS3001F-08 Silencer AN200-02 Tube x Length T0604 x 1 m T1075 x 1 m T1209 x 1 m VQZ3151-03 Speed controller AS3001F
Baud rat e M axi m um ext ended cabl e l engt h 10M bps 100m 5M bps 160m 2. 5M bps 400m 625Kbps 900m 156Kbps 1200m I n t he abovem ent i oned, al l equi pm ent and cabl es are goods f or Ver. 1. 10. Pl ease i nqui re of t he CCLi nk soci et y about ot her connect i on and det ai l s.
I/O cable length Nil None Option 1 1.5m Nil Screw mounting 3 3m*2) D DIN rail mounting 5 5m*2) *2) Available only with the differential pulse input type. Only 1.5 m cable is available for the open collector type. Caution The driver and electric actuator are factory set Confirm the combination of the driver and the electric actuator is correct.
LEC-CK4-1: 1.5 m, LEC-CK4-3: 3 m, LEC-CK4-5: 5 m (2) Derails of input / Output signal T erminal Insulation color Dot Mark Dot color Function Contents No.
AL 100.0[ m] 100.0[ m] 100.0[ m] 100.0[ m] AM 10 10 10 10 Note.
Motor Type A S Axis side AC Servo motor B Opposite axis side Cable Content Motor cable M Lock cable B Cable Length (L) [m] Encoder cable E 2m 2 5m 5 10m A Cable Type Standard cable S Robot cable R 1 6 1.
Bore Sizes 20 and 25/MLGPM20, 25 (Slide bearing) Operating range as stopper for MLGPM20, 25 100 l = 50mm l = 50mm 25 Weight of transferred object: m (kg) m m 20 5 10 10 20 30 40 50 Transfer speed: (m/min) Bore Sizes 32 to 100/MLGPM32 to 100 (Slide bearing) Operating range as stopper for MLGPM32 to 100 1000 l = 50mm l = 50mm Weight of transferred object: m (kg) m m 100 80 63 50 40 32