[Setting example] Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C 300 2.5mm 1/ 1 Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/ 50 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/ 100 Set Axis 2 and 3 so that their travel distance becomes 2.5mm per 800 pulse.
[Setting example] Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/ 1 Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/ 50 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/ 100 Set Axis 2 and 3 so that their travel distance becomes 2.5mm per 800 pulse.
Actuator Series LECP6 Series LECA6 Controller Actuator part number Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter [LEY16B-100] for LEY16B-100R16N1 Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) P A Servo motor (24 VDC) Note 1) Option I/O cable length Nil D Note 2) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Number of step data Nil 1 3 5 Without cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 6 64 points Note 2)
Actuator Series LECP6 Series LECA6 Controller Actuator part number Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter [LEY16B-100] for LEY16B-100R16N1 Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) P A Servo motor (24 VDC) Note 1) Option I/O cable length Nil D Note 2) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Number of step data Nil 1 3 5 Without cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 6 64 points Note 2)
Actuator Series LECP6 Series LECA6 Controller Actuator part number Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter [LEY16B-100] for LEY16B-100R16N1 Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) P A Servo motor (24 VDC) Note 1) Option I/O cable length Nil D Note 2) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Number of step data Nil 1 3 5 Without cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 6 64 points Note 2)
Size: 16, Motor Mounting Position: Top, Motor: Step Motor (Servo 24 VDC), Lead Screw: B (Size 16: 5mm, Size 25: 6mm, Size 32/40: 8mm), Stroke: 30mm, Motor Option: C (w/Motor Cover), Rod End Thread: Female, Mounting: Both Ends Tapped (Standard), Actuator Cable: R (Robotic Flexible Cable), Actuator Cable Length: 1 (1.5m), Controller Type - LEC, JXC: 1N (LECP1, NPN, Programless Type), I/O Cable
Size: 16, Motor Mounting Position: Top, Motor: Step Motor (Servo 24 VDC), Lead Screw: Size 16: 5mm, Size 25: 6mm, Size 32/40: 8mm, Stroke: 30mm, Motor Option: w/Motor Cover, Rod End Thread: Female, Mounting: Both Ends Tapped (Standard), Actuator Cable: Robotic Flexible Cable, Actuator Cable Length: 1.5m, Controller Type - LEC, JXC: LECP1, NPN, Programless Type, I/O Cable Length for LEC: 1.5m
. / *3) 1 1.5 *3) 1 5 No.JXC-OMU0004-A 2. 2.1 PLC 3 I/O I/O LED I/O 14 / I/O 14 114E / * 6 No.JXC-OMU0004-A 2.2 (LE P (DC24V) ) LEHZ10LK2-4AF-R11N1 LEHZ10LK2-4 1 14 N NPN I/O P PNP D DIN 1 1.5m 3 3m 5 5m 1.5m + + DIN D I/O* LEH Series LES Series 1 1.5m / LEY Series 3 3m / LEF Series 5 5m / LEM Series / LER Series / LEL Series 1N NPN / LEP Series 1P PNP *I/O LECP6I/O 7 No.JXC-OMU0004
ODVA. 27 LER LECP6 LEC-G LECP1 LECPA Model Selection Specific Product Precautions Programless Controller RoHS Series LECP1 How to Order Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) C 1 LE N 1 P LER10K-2 N 1 LER10K-2 Option Controller Actuator part number Nil D Note) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter LER10K-2 for the LER10K-2L-R11N1
trademark of ODVA. 67 Programless Controller Series LECP1 RoHS Model Selection Specific Product Precautions LEHZ LECP6 LEC-G LECP1 LECPA LEHZJ LEHF LEHS How to Order LEHZ10LK2-4 C 1 LE N 1 P Option Controller Compatible motor Actuator part number Nil D Note) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter LEHZ10LK2-4 for the LEHZ10LK2-4AF-R11N1
box is supplied from this terminal) 0V Power supply terminal FG FG terminal Grounding terminal FG 0V 24V EMG EMG + 575 A Compatible actuators LEM LEF LEL Programless Controller LECP1 Series LEY LES LEP LER LEH How to Order LEFS16A-400 C 1 LE N 1 P Controller Actuator part number Option (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter LEFS16A-400 for the LEFS16A-400B-R11N1
Rough guide for distance from conductor to prevent malfunction (10,000A: 30cm or more).
Make the input and output cables as short as possible, and also make the grounding cable as long as possible (about 30cm) to minimize leakage currents.
AF AR IR VEX ALD900 Mounting/Adjustment AW Caution qProvide about 30cm of space above and below the D.P. Lube or the D.P.
Make the input and output cables as short as possible, and also make the grounding cable as long as possible (about 30cm) to minimize leakage currents.
Make the input and output cables as short as possible, and also make the grounding cable as long as possible (about 30cm) to minimize leakage currents.
(L) W E L d 13 25 13 13.7 (1) ACPWM 30cm 10{IglIgnIgaK(Ig2Igm)}[mA] (14.1) K NV NV-SP NV-SW NV-CP NV-CW NV-HW M 1 Ig1 Iga Ig2 Igm Ign BV-C1 NFB 3 NV-L Igl (13.4 ) Ig2 (13.4 ) Ign (FR-BIF-(H)()4.4mA) Iga(13.5 ) Igm((13.4 ) 120 100 80 60 40 [mA] [mA] 20 0 2 100 5.5 14 38 8 3.5 22 60 150 30 80 [mm] [mm2] a. 200V 13.4 CV1km(lg1lg2) 13 26 13 13.4 (Igm) [kW] [mA] 0.051 0.1 13.5 (Iga) [kW
Make the input and output cables as short as possible, and also make the grounding cable as long as possible (about 30cm) to minimize leakage currents.
(L) W E L d 11 30 11 11.8 (1) ACPWM 30cm 10{IglIgnIgaK(Ig2Igm)}[mA](11.1) K NV M NV-SP NV-SW NV-CP NV-CW NV-HW 1 Ig1 Iga Ig2 Igm Ign BV-C1 NFB 3 NV-L Igl (11.3) Ig2 (11.3) Ign (FR-BIF-(H) ()4.4mA) Iga(11.6) Igm (11.5) 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 [mA] [mA] [mA] [mA] 20 20 0 2 0 2 100 5.5 14 38 14 100 5.5 38 8 3.5 22 60 150 8 3.5 22 60 150 30 80 30 80 2] [mm 2] [mm [mm2] [mm2]
Make the input and output cables as short as possible, and also make the grounding cable as long as possible (about 30cm) to minimize leakage currents.