Body Size: 5000, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: B (w/Bracket), Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Lead Wire: KO (M12 Connector, w/o Cable), Surge Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: B (Push-turn Locking Slotted Type), Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Body Size: 5000, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 06 (3/4), Option: BG (w/Bracket, Round Type Pressure Gauge w/Limit Indicator), Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Lead Wire: KO (M12 Connector, w/o Cable), Surge Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: B (Push-turn Locking Slotted Type), Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Body Size: 5000, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 10 (1), Option: None, Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Lead Wire: KO (M12 Connector, w/o Cable), Surge Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: B (Push-turn Locking Slotted Type), Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Body Size: 5000, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 10 (1), Option: S (Silencer), Voltage: 5 (24 VDC), Lead Wire: KO (M12 Connector, w/o Cable), Surge Suppressor: Z (with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor), Manual Override: B (Push-turn Locking Slotted Type), Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Body Size: 5000, Thread: G, Port Size: 3/4, Option: None, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: M12 Connector, w/o Cable, Surge Suppressor: with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Manual Override: Push-turn Locking Slotted Type, Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Body Size: 5000, Thread: G, Port Size: 3/4, Option: w/Bracket, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: M12 Connector, w/o Cable, Surge Suppressor: with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Manual Override: Push-turn Locking Slotted Type, Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Body Size: 5000, Thread: G, Port Size: 3/4, Option: w/Bracket, Round Type Pressure Gauge w/Limit Indicator, Voltage: 24 VDC, Lead Wire: M12 Connector, w/o Cable, Surge Suppressor: with Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor, Manual Override: Push-turn Locking Slotted Type, Flow Direction/Pressure Unit: Flow Direction: Left to Right
Z-phase right before and right after the dog as a home position. I 1.83 LINEAR ACTUATORS: AIR CYLINDERS SERIES NCA1 H O W T O O R D E R S E R I E S N C A 1 A I R C Y L I N D E R O P T I O N S A D J U S T A B L E S T R O K E E X T E N D X C 8 O P T I O N XC8 A NC A1 A U T O S W I T C H C A P A B L E M O U N T I N G A D J U S TA B L E R A N G E A: 0~1 B: 0~2 B O R E S I Z E S T R O K E T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS A D J U S
_ _ _ 8 Dog type front end reference _ _ _ 9 Dogless Z-phase reference _ _ _ A Note. I 2.89 SOLENOID VALVES SERIES VQZ BODY PORTED TYPE M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S E R I E S V Q Z 1 0 0 0 / 2 0 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 B L A N K P L A T E A S S E M B L Y BLANK PLATE ASSEMBLY VVQZ1000-10A-2 VVQZ2000-10A-2 VVQZ3000-10A-2 USED TO RESERVE A VALVE MOUNTING SPACE ON THE MANIFOLD FOR FUTURE USE M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S E R I E S V Q Z 1 0 0 0 / 2 0 0 0 / 3
With deceleration started at the front end of a proximity dog, the position where the first Z-phase signal is given past the rear end of the dog or a motion has been made over the home position shift distance starting from the Z-phase signal is defined as a home position.
With deceleration started at the front end of a proximity dog, the position where the first Z-phase signal is given past the rear end of the dog or a motion has been made over the home position shift distance starting from the Z-phase signal is defined as a home position.
(RES) A.10 Undervoltage A.12 Memory error 1 (RAM) A.13 Clock error A.15 Memory error 2 (EEP-ROM) A.16 Encoder initial communication error1 A.17 Board error A.19 Memory error 3 (Flash-ROM) A.1A Motor combination error A.1C Software combination error A.1E Encoder initial communication error 2 A.1F Encoder initial communication error 3 A.20 Encoder normal communication error 1 A.21 Encoder normal
1 A Q a q 0 0 1 0 2 STX DC2 2 B R b r 0 0 1 1 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s 0 1 0 0 4 $ 4 D T d t 0 1 0 1 5 5 E U e u 0 1 1 0 6 & 6 F V f v 0 1 1 1 7 7 G W g w 1 0 0 0 8 ( 8 H X h x 1 0 0 1 9 ) 9 I Y i y 1 0 1 0 10 : J Z j z 1 0 1 1 11 ; K [ k { 1 1 0 0 12 , L l | 1 1 0 1 13 M ] m } 1 1 1 0 14 . N ^ n 1 1 1 1 15 / ?
CC-Link PC07() 5 53 5 5.6.12 DOGZ Z (1) /(RYn6) RYn6 18 (RYnARYnERY(n2)3RY(n2)5) RYnARYnERY(n2)3RY(n2)5 (2) (RY(n2)A) RY(n2)A DOGZ PC02 ADOG Z PC03 5.6.1(2) PC04 DOG PC05 DOG PC06 Z 1 1 PC07 5 54 5 (2) /(RYn6) ON OFF 0 4 ms ON (RYn1) OFF 6ms ON (RYn2) OFF 0r/min 3ms ON Z OFF ON (RXn2) OFF ON (RXnC) OFF (RXn3/ZP) ON OFF .
Molded-case circuit breaker (Note 1, 3) Fuse Frame, rated current Magnetic contactor Driver Voltage Voltage AC [V] Class Current Power factor Power factor (Note 2) [A] AC [V] Improving reactor is Improving reactor is not used used LECSS2-T5 30 A frame 5 A S-N10 10 LECSS2-T7 LECSS2-T8 30 A frame 10 A 30 A frame 5 A 15 Mitsubishi 240 T 300 Electric Corporation LECSS2-T9 30 A frame 15 A 30 A
A b . A b . A 1 2 3 1 b012 Ab. 0 1 b b . A b .
stop (e.g. a large load is mounted on a carrier). 7 11 7.
(1) 1 2 16 4 6 4 (2) SW1 Ab AC Ad Ab A b A b . A C A d A E A F A H A A (1) b # # Ready-off Ready-off (1) d # # ON ON (1) C # # OFF OFF (2) * * No.No.81 8 8 8 CPU CPU (3) 0 0. b JOGDO (1) # #. b (3) # #. d # #. C 1. ##0016 ## 00 01 1 02 2 03 3 04 4 05 5 06 6 07 7 08 8 09 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 2. **No. 3.