P.287 P.289 P.290 P.290 P.290 P.290 P.290 P.297 P.297 P.301 P.304 P.306 P.306 P.306 P.310 P.311 P.311 P.312 P.312 P.312 P.315 P.316 P.316 P.316 P.317 P.318 P.319 P.319 P.319 P.324 P.325 P.326 P.329 P.333 P.333 P.333 P.337 P.339 P.340 P.343 P.348 P.351 P.351 P.356 P.358 P.361 P.362 P.364 P.367 P.371 P.371 P.374 P.385 P.385 P.387 P.387 P.390 P.392 P.393 P.394 P.395 P.396 CJP2 MGPW Pin Cylinder
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com A A a B B s j C f g t C0.5 C0.2 b C0.2 d e 45 45 Section A-A p k C0.5 45 (d) C n h i l C0.5 q m O Section B-B r (I) View C (mm) a b c d e f g h i o j k m n p q r s l t Model 0 0.2 0.05 0.15 +0.2 0 +0.1 0 +0.2 0 CXS6
Response time determination by calculation: T . = V x 6 0 ' o T r = 3 1 adsorption response time to 63% of P" (sec), adsorption response time to 95% of P" (sec), volume of piping from eiector to pad (4: T1 tt 2 2.
Response time determination by calculation: T . = V x 6 0 ' o T r = 3 1 adsorption response time to 63% of P" (sec), adsorption response time to 95% of P" (sec), volume of piping from eiector to pad (4: T1 tt 2 2.
is N C1 V None Cannot be selected when t is P or T V V F V None (SI unit only) H V V J V None (SI unit only) P Pressure sensor 0 to 101 Analog output 1 to 5 V T 100 to 100 N Without pressure switch for vacuum/pressure sensor 100 to 100 i Option4 (For details on the Function/Application, refer to page 121.)
Port size E F G H I L M P Q A Model B C D J K N O R S T U Port 2 (A),1 (P) Port 3 (R) VEX5500 VEX5501 133.5 50 25 10 7 25 80 60 81.5 83.5 1 2, 3 4, 60 143.5 62.5 70 156.5 36.5 16.5 20 Center 2 x M6 x 1 x depth 9 116.5 1 2, 3 4, 1 1 25 VEX5700 VEX5701 160.5 150.5 62.5 90 60 30 15 7 173.5 37.5 100 60 13 88.5 86.5 18 2 x M6 x 1 x depth 6 136.5 17 82 1 4 1 4 1, 1 1 Bracket mounting dimensions
K J K J K [mm] 8 4 10 5 16 8 mm/s 400 200 400 200 400 200 [mm/s] () 20 10 20 10 20 10 [mm/s] () 25 13 27 14 30 15 1.4 LEP LEP*8 LEP*16 J K J K [mm] 8 4 10 5 [mm] 25 25 mm/s 300 250 150 350 250 200 [mm/s] () 20 10 20 10 [mm/s] () 25 13 27 14 -109No.JXC-OMT0001CN-C 1.5 LEFB LEFB16 LEFB25 LEFB32 T [mm] 48 mm/s 1100 1400 1500 [mm/s] () 48 [mm/s] () 78 1.6 LER LER10 LER30 LER50 J
P. 195 Specified CFC P. 192 SV P. 196 T Temperature fuse P. 196 Thermal relay P. 198 Thermistor P. 196 Thermo couple P. 196 Thermoelectric device P. 193 Thermoelectric system P. 193 Thermo-module P. 193 Thermostat P. 196 Three-phase power supply P. 198 Time division proportional output P. 197 Turbine pump P. 194 U UL standards P. 199 V Vane pump P. 194 Vortex pump P. 194 W Water control
Re ~ t~ur.:.: n:.' s~pr~i::ng !'...-__-I___ _ P :.
Cushion valve G 2 x Rc P W V Port G E Width across flats KA TX D E B C H1 AL MM MB MA N 2 x 4 x J N TY B C Width across flats B1 A H K F TT ZZ + Stroke S + Stroke With rod boot d e 10.2 10.2 f h l [mm] Bore size [mm] A AL B B1 C D E F G H H1 J K KA MA MB MM N P S TT TX TY V W ZZ 32 22 19.5 46 17 32.5 12 30 13 13 47 6 M6 x 1 6 10 16 4 M10 x 1.25 27 1/8 84 17 48 49 4 6.5 135 40 30 27 52 22
How to Order S 2 B P H S4 200 LEY 63 A2 w y !0 i o e r t q u !1 !2 !3 !
device selection 3 (CN1-11) P, S, T PC12 TC Internal torque command T PD18 *DO4 Output signal device selection 4 (CN1-12) P, S, T PC13 *ENRS Encoder output pulses selection P, S, T PD19 *DIF Input filter setting P, S, T PC14 TL2 Internal torque limit 2 P, S, T PD20 *DOP1 Function selection D-1 P, S, T PC15 ERZL Error excessive alarm detection level P, S, T PD21 For manufacturer setting PC16
Refer to 9.1 Profile parameter (P.52) for details.
Bracket mounting inserts found on the standard ISE20A are omitted as well. 25A-ISE20A is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant with an IP40 enclosure rating.
Bracket mounting inserts found on the standard ISE20A are omitted as well. 25A-ISE20A is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant with an IP40 enclosure rating.
h Grommet terminal i Conduit terminal j DIN connector a Model b d e f VEX5500 VEX5501 19 130 110 9 12 2.3 187 187.5 205.5 205 32 VEX5700 VEX5701 136 9 20 2.3 204 204.5 222.5 120 222 VEX VEX5900/5901 AN AMC 5.1-34 VEX5 Dimensions Select style VEX5510/E5511 VEX5710/E5711 Port size E F G H I J L M P A Model R T U B C K N O Q S D A,P port Rc(PT) , ,1 R port Rc(PT) VEX5510 VEX5511 1 2 3 4 , ,
/Japanese 1pc.) 3 Y strainer (40meshes) 25A 1pc. 4 Barrel nipple 25A 1pc. 5 Anchor brackets The anchor bolts are not attached 2pc.
-J PF3W504/520/540/511/521 (With temperature sensor) Temperature sensor Symbol A AA Model PF3W504--T 81 50 PF3W520--T 89 54 PF3W540--T 109 71 PF3W511--T 135 92 PF3W521--T 115 74 PF3W521-F12-T 119 76 PF3W521-F14-T 123 78 -43No.PF-OMN0010-J PF3W504/520/540 (With flow adjustment valve) Basic type and flow adjustment valve Symbol A AA B D F K L N P Q Q: Number of rotations Model PF3W504S 104