SMC Corporation of America
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Search Results "LEFG32-S-200"

I f a p re s s u re g re a t e r t h a n t h e s e t p re s s u re i s re a c h e d , t h e u n i t w i l l o p e n , c l o s i n g w h e n p re s s u re i s l e s s t h a n s e t pressure.

GR-S-005 (5g) GR-S-010 (10g) GR-S-020 (20g) GR-S-005 (5g) GR-S-010 (10g) GR-S-020 (20g) GR-S-005 (5g) GR-S-010 (10g) GR-S-010 (10g), GR-S-020 (20g) (1 pack each) Order one finger assembly and pinion assembly per unit. For piston assembly and rack, order 2 pieces per unit. For rod cover assembly, order 4 pieces per unit.

Rating symbol DC 24 VS V100-61-5-05 24 VDC DC 12 VS V100-61-5-06 12 VDC 100/110 VS V100-61-4-01 100 VAC 200/220 VS V100-61-4-02 200 VAC 100/110 VS V100-61-4-01 110 VAC 200/220 VS V100-61-4-02 220 VAC 240 VS V100-61-4-07 240 VAC With Light/Surge Voltage Suppressor Rated voltage Part no.

Output deviation factor (% F .S.) 0.6 0.5 0.4 Return 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 Out 0.6 0.8 0 25 50 75 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 100 Input signal (%F .S.)

Recommended shim thickness) Arm length L: 6 in 0.04 0.02 0.06 500 Clamping force (lbf) 400 0.7 MPa 300 0.5 MPa 0.3 MPa 200 100 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Shim thickness (in) 186 Model Selection 2 Slim-line power clamp cylinder mounting 63 Arm length L: 200 mm 4000 Clamping force (N) 3000 CK1 CLK2 C(L)KQ MK2T/MK2/MK CKZ2N CKZT CLKZ1R CK/M(D)UKA 2000 1000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Shim

None With light/surge voltage suppressor With surge voltage suppressor S is not available for AC.

, 125, 150 S n Auto switch Without auto switch * Refer to below table for parts No. of auto switch.

CRB2BW, CRBU2W: Sizes 10 to 40 CRB1BW: Sizes 50 to 100 10-3 10-1 10-4 Inertial moment (kgm2) Inertial moment (kgm2) CRB2BW, CRBU2W10-D CRB2BW, CRBU2W15-S CRB2BW, CRBU2W15-D CRB2BW, CRBU2W20-S CRB2BW, CRBU2W20-D CRB2BW30-S, D CRB2BW40-S, D CRB1BW100-D CRB1BW50-S CRB1BW50-D CRB1BW63-S CRB1BW63-D CRB1BW80-S CRB1BW80-D CRB1BW100-S 10-2 10-5 CRB2BW, CRBU2W10-S 10-6 10-3 10-7 10-8 10-4 0.03 0.1

500 250 305 to 400 600 300 150 Maximum Speed Range 405 to 500 800 400 200 640 320 160 of 70 Note3) [mm/s] 505 to 600 800 400 200 stroke 605 to 700 600 300 150 705 to 800 500 250 125 Pushing speed [mm/s] Note4) 35 or less 30 or less 30 or less acceleration/deceleration [mm/s2] 5,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 Positioning repeatability [mm] 0.02[Basic type] / 0.01[High precision type] Lost motion[mm

A r-ll B T-l I t# r. r-1 zK 9K Flg. 8.25 Two cylinder cascade- P N E U M A T I C T E C H N O L O G Y APPENDIX SYMBOLS T H E S Y M B O L S F O R F L U I D P O W E R S Y S T E M S A N D C O M P O N E N T S A R E S T A N D A B D T Z E D I N I S O 1 2 1 9 . T H E S T A N D A R D C O M B T N E S H Y D R A U L I C A N D P N E U M A T I C C O M P O N E N T S .

A r-ll B T-l I t# r. r-1 zK 9K Flg. 8.25 Two cylinder cascade- P N E U M A T I C T E C H N O L O G Y APPENDIX SYMBOLS T H E S Y M B O L S F O R F L U I D P O W E R S Y S T E M S A N D C O M P O N E N T S A R E S T A N D A B D T Z E D I N I S O 1 2 1 9 . T H E S T A N D A R D C O M B T N E S H Y D R A U L I C A N D P N E U M A T I C C O M P O N E N T S .

The overall length is longer than the cylinder with air cushion as follows because the bumpers are attached to the both sides of the piston; 32, 40: +6mm, 50, 63: +8mm, 80, 100: +10mm, 125: +12mm 32 40 50 63 80 100 90 90 102 141 145 164 102 124 124 164 200 200 125 235 132 Stroke range (mm) Bore size (mm) Width across flats S ZZ Effective thread length A C B D Ee11 F G H MA MB J K MM N P V

Female lhread length {"1') is shonerfor the lollowing . 2o0 (2') 1/g & 1A st. 1/s & 1/a st. r/s & 1/a st. l=o.44 25O (2112')' I/s st. r/s st. '/s stl=0.44 300 (3") ]/s & 1/a st. 1/e &r/l st. 1/e & 1A st. 400 (4) 1/s &1/a st. r/s & 1/a st. 1/e &14 st. Series NCQT Dimensions Spring Extend NCQTBO-OT T Type Bore,, 9t4,F' I 60re ,b,:!

Female lhread length {"1') is shonerfor the lollowing . 2o0 (2') 1/g & 1A st. 1/s & 1/a st. r/s & 1/a st. l=o.44 25O (2112')' I/s st. r/s st. '/s stl=0.44 300 (3") ]/s & 1/a st. 1/e &r/l st. 1/e & 1A st. 400 (4) 1/s &1/a st. r/s & 1/a st. 1/e &14 st. Series NCQT Dimensions Spring Extend NCQTBO-OT T Type Bore,, 9t4,F' I 60re ,b,:!

Caution Standard stroke (mm) Note) Bore size (mm) 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300 Note) Manufacture of intermediate strokes in 1 mm increments is possible. (Spacers are not used.)

mbe' ol scteno ds ror m red s ni e a rd d.lLhlevrrn! The naxrmln nJmbe I or sr.t o.s s delermried by lr toLa i!nbe,ot so enords n :he case.t n red s I 19. use Lhe o.ror s,,m.o -K i \ : o$ Soleh hi' Lateral Plug in Style Manifold Series SVI 000/2000/3000/40W F r !