CV/MVG CXW CXS Pin for Clevis/Pin for Knuckle Joint CXT Material: Carbon steel (mm) 2-d Dd9 Dd9 L l m d Bore size Clevis Nuckle Used slotted pin through drill Used plain washer MX Part No. 100.040 0.076 MIGAKIMARU Polish 10 40, 50, 63 80 100 CDP-2A CDP-3A CDP-4A CDP-5A CDP-6A CDP-7A 40 50 63 80 100 3 X 18l 46 38 4 3 MXU 120.050 0.093 160.050 0.093 180.050 0.093 200.065 0.117 250.065 0.117
Double solenoid, 3 position individual SUP/EXH spacer SY3000-37-6A Interface regulator for single solenoid SY3000-37-3A 1 23 01 SYJ7 For DC 5 LO Z Double solenoid, 3 position interface regulator SY3000-37-6A 3 port adaptor plate SY3000-37-3A 01 SYJ7 For AC 1 LOZ 1 23 For 100 VAC Single solenoid SY3000-37-32A Double solenoid, 3 position type SY3000-37-33A Type of actuation A, B port size Single
Station 4 SOL.B 4B SZ Cover SOL.A 5A Station 5 SOL.B 5B SOL.A VF 6A Station 6 SOL.B 6B SOL.A 7A VP4 Station 7 SOL.B 7B SOL.A As the standard electrical wiring specifications, double wiring (connected to SOL. A and SOL. B) is adopted for the internal wiring of each station for 10 stations or less, regardless of valve and option types.
SX3000-75-2A SX5000-76-6A SX3000 SX5000 Note) When mounting blanking plate, be sure to mount a short cap. Series SX3000 (8) Model AN203-KM8 AN200-KM10 AN300-KM10 Effective area 14 mm2 A 16 22 25 B 26 53.8 70 C Series Part no.
Load factor: ((Load weight x 9.8)/Theoretical force) x 100% VFS VS4 System Components VQ7 Solenoid valve System Silencer Speed controller SPG (Steel pipe) dia. x Length EVS Series VFR3000 Rc AN200-02 (S = 35 mm2) AS4000-02 (S = 24 mm2) 6A x 1 m A 1 4 VFN Series VFR3000 Rc AS420-03 (S = 73 mm2) AN300-03 (S = 60 mm2) 10A x 1 m B 3 8 How to Order Sub-plate Assembly Pilot type Piping port (P,
mm) d drill through Applicable cotter pin Applicable flat washer Dd9 L m Part no. l x Clevis Knuckle CS1 CDP-2A 40 10 -0.040 -0.076 46 4 Polished round 10 38 3 3 x 18l CS2 CDP-3A 50 40, 50, 63 12 -0.050 -0.093 55.5 4 Polished round 12 47.5 3 3 x 18l CDP-4A 63 16 -0.050 -0.093 71 5 Polished round 16 61 4 4 x 25l l CDP-5A 80 18 -0.050 -0.093 76.5 5 Polished round 18 66.5 4 4 x 25l CDP-6A
Dd9 3 x 18l 0.040 0.076 10 CDP-2A CDP-3A CDP-4A CDP-5A CDP-6A CDP-7A 40 50 63 80 100 40, 50, 63 80 100 Polished round 10 3 4 46 38 3 x 18l 0.050 0.093 12 Polished round 12 3 4 55.5 47.5 4 x 25l 0.050 0.093 16 Polished round 16 4 5 71 61 4 x 25l 0.050 0.093 18 Polished round 18 4 5 76.5 66.5 m l 4 x 25l 0.065 0.117 20 Polished round 20 4 5 83 73 L 4 x 36l 0.065 0.117 25 Polished round
SX3000-75-2A SX5000-76-6A SX3000 SX5000 Note) When mounting blanking plate, be sure to mount a short cap. Series SX3000 (8) Model AN203-KM8 AN200-KM10 AN300-KM10 Effective area 14 mm2 A 16 22 25 B 26 53.8 70 C Series Part no.
If 12 VDC specifications are required, enter 12 at the end of the assembly part number. 1 2 1 2 P N SZ3000-42-6A-DSZ3000-42-5A-D For flat ribbon cable 20 pins D side 1 2 1 2 P N SZ3000-42-8A-DSZ3000-42-7A-D For flat ribbon cable 10 pins D side SZ3000-42-10A-D For serial D side Note) Connector block assembly can be shipped as an assembly only in the case of double wiring.
CDP-2A CDP-3A CDP-4A CDP-5A CDP-6A CDP-7A 40 50 63 80 100 40, 50, 63 80 100 0.040 0.076 3 x 18 l Polished round 10 3 46 38 4 10 0.050 0.093 3 x 18 l Polished round 12 3 55.5 47.5 4 12 0.050 0.093 4 x 25 l Polished round 16 4 71 61 5 16 m l 0.050 0.093 4 x 25 l Polished round 18 18 4 76.5 66.5 5 L 0.065 0.117 4 x 30 l Polished round 20 20 4 83 73 5 0.065 0.117 4 x 36 l Polished round 24
Included Included L1 L2 m Dd9 Part no. x Drill through split pin flat washer Clevis Knuckle 0.040 0.076 0.050 0.093 0.050 0.093 0.050 0.093 0.065 0.117 0.065 0.117 CDP-2A 40 3 x 18L Polished round 10 46 38 4 3 10 CDP-3A 50 40, 50, 63 3 x 18L Polished round 12 55.5 47.5 4 3 12 CDP-4A 63 4 x 25L Polished round 16 71 61 5 4 16 2 CDP-5A 80 4 x 25L Polished round 18 1 76.5 66.5 5 4 18 CDP-6A
SY5000: SY5000-221-6A (2 pcs.) SY7000: SY7000-221-6A (3 pcs.)
Dd9 Knuckle 40, 50, 63 80 100 3 x 18l 3 x 18l 4 x 25l 4 x 25l 4 x 30l 4 x 36l CDP-2A CDP-3A CDP-4A CDP-5A CDP-6A CDP-7A 10 0.046 0.076 12 0.050 0.093 16 0.050 0.093 18 0.050 0.093 20 0.065 0.117 25 0.065 0.117 46 55.5 71 76.5 83 88 4 4 5 5 5 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 38 47.5 61 66.5 73 78 Material: Rolled steel Applicable bore size (mm) 40 50, 63 80 100 d D H B C Part no.
Dd9 L Clevis Knuckle CDP-2A 40 10 0.040 0.076 4 Polished round 10 3 46 3 x 18l 38 C76 CDP-3A 40, 50, 63 50 12 0.050 0.093 4 Polished round 12 3 55.5 3 x 18l 47.5 C85 CDP-4A 63 16 0.050 0.093 5 Polished round 16 4 71 4 x 25l 61 l CDP-5A 80 18 0.050 0.093 5 Polished round 18 4 76.5 4 x 25l 66.5 C95 CDP-6A 100 80 20 0.065 0.117 5 Polished round 20 4 83 4 x 30l 73 CDP-7A 100 25 0.065 0.117
Station 4 SOL.B () (+) 4B Cover SOL.A () (+) 5A Station 5 SOL.B () (+) 5B SOL.A () (+) 6A Station 6 SOL.B () (+) 6B SOL.A () (+) 7A Station 7 SOL.B () (+) 7B SOL.A As the standard electrical wiring specifications, double wiring (connected to SOL. A and SOL. B) is adopted for the internal wiring of each station for 10 stations or less, regardless of valve and option types.
Applicable bore size Dd9 d Drill through L l m Included split pin Included flat washer Clevis Knuckle CDP-2A 40 100.040 0.076 3 46 38 4 3 x 18 l Polished round 10 CDP-3A 50 40, 50, 63 120.050 0.093 3 55.5 47.5 4 3 x 18 l Polished round 12 CDP-4A 63 160.050 0.093 4 71 61 5 4 x 25 l Polished round 16 CDP-5A 80 180.050 0.093 4 76.5 66.5 5 4 x 25 l Polished round 18 CDP-6A 80 100 200.065 0.117
STO 13.3.2 MR-J3-D05 () 3.2.2 (1) 24 V S4 S2 S1 S3 RESA RESB MR-J3D05 () () SW2 STOA STOB SW1 EM2 EM2 (A ) (B ) CN9 SDI1A+ 1A 1B SDI1AMC SDO1A+ 4A CN8 4B SDO1ACN8A STO1 4 STO2 5 CN10 3A SDI2A+ STOCOM 3 3B SDI2ATOFB1 6 1A SRESA+ 1B SRESATOFB2 7 6A SDO2A+ TOFCOM 8 6B SDO2ACN3 8A TOFA EM2 (A ) M CN9 SDI1B+ 2A 2B SDI1BMC SDO1B+ 3A CN8B CN8 3B SDO1BSTO1 4 STO2 5 CN10 4A SDI2B+ STOCOM 3
65 41 A 97 61 a 2 2 STX 34 22 " 66 42 B 98 62 b 3 3 ETX 35 23 # 67 43 C 99 63 c 4 4 EOT 36 24 $ 68 44 D 100 64 d 5 5 ENQ 37 25 % 69 45 E 101 65 e 6 6 ACK 38 26 & 70 46 F 102 66 f 7 7 BEL 39 27 ' 71 47 G 103 67 g 8 8 BS 40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h 9 9 HT 41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i 10 0A LF 42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j 11 0B VT 43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k 12 0C FF 44 2C , 76 4C L 108 6C l 13 0D CR 45 2D
If 12VDC specifications are required, enter "12" at the end of the assembly part number. 1 2 1 2 P N D side SZ3000-40-6A-D For flat cable 20 pins SZ3000-40-5A-D 1 2 P N 1 2 D side SZ3000-40-8A-D For flat cable 10 pins SZ3000-40-7A-D A connector block assembly can be shipped as an assembly only in the case of double wiring.
Dd9 Knuckle 40, 50, 63 80 100 3 x 18l 3 x 18l 4 x 25l 4 x 25l 4 x 30l 4 x 36l CDP-2A CDP-3A CDP-4A CDP-5A CDP-6A CDP-7A 10 0.046 0.076 12 0.050 0.093 16 0.050 0.093 18 0.050 0.093 20 0.065 0.117 25 0.065 0.117 46 55.5 71 76.5 83 88 4 4 5 5 5 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 38 47.5 61 66.5 73 78 Material: Rolled steel Applicable bore size (mm) 40 50, 63 80 100 d D H B C Part no.