SMC Corporation of America
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Search Results "ZSE20A-R-N01-JA1"

0 u r !8 e w q @2 @1 @0 !5 #2 o i y Extension locking (F) !2 o !1 @8 #3 @5 #1 #0 @9 @4 !3 !4 !0 u @3 t r @7 @6 !7 !6 !9 #6 #5 #4 e w q @2 @1 @0 !5 !8 y #2 i Description Component Parts No. No.

3-Rc 1/4, 3/8 Flow type: VEF2131 Flow type: VEF2141, VEF3141 Pressure type: VEP3141 3-Rc 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 P(1) port P(1) port 2-Rc A(2) port 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 A(2) port Cabtire cable O.D. 6.8 to 11.5 R(3) port Cabtire cable O.D. 6.8 to 11.5 2 port: R port plug 4-9 Mounting hole 3-7 mounting holes 14-9-16

-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) VX3 L L VXA K VN K Conduit terminal: T LVC LVA F (Q) 34 LVH LVD LVQ 25 U LQ R C LVN G1/2 TI/ TIL E B A H D 2-P Port size (S) PA 2-M Thread depth N PAX L PB K (mm) Electrical entry P Port size B C A D E F H K L M N Grommet:G Conduit:C Conduit terminal:T Model Q R Q R Q R S U 13.5 28 64 1/8 31 6.5

(Value in the initial stage.) 1 (P) 3 (R) Normally closed VQZ VZ (A) 2 VS 1 (P) 3 (R) Normally open Option Specifications Latching AC Large flow capacity Type Item Normally open 1 2 VQ120-l VQ110L-l VQ110l (A) 2 VQ110U-l Model 0.7MPa 0.6MPa 0.5MPa Max. operating pressure 3 2 0.14mm2 (Cv ) 1 2 0.68mm2 (Cv ) 0.20mm 2 (Cv ) 2 1 Effective area 0.008 0.038 0.011 1 (P) 3 (R) 0.20mm2 (Cv ) 2 3 0.68mm2

:llv thn alphabtic:lly (Ex.: 27N.40(40/,m), 2N R Body g Port orl.d.--64, r NNFT Construction./Parts List Main Parts Parts List 1 1074-58 1 1 1 1r 1 636 NC4otr r 1185 l t l Series NAF Air Filter Float Type Flow Characteristics NAF5OOO N.O tvpe/ NAD44 With no pressure inside the bo!

How To Order Manifold Base NvvsFs<2o-H6S(T;-oo. . i r -007 serias vFsooo Manifoldl ;rY't5"r,on" Itanilold spsciticaliols+ : 1010 siations Appllcable itodel:NW5F5-2O R ' Series NVFSOO Construction,/Parts List Sngle Solenoid Symbol 3 Posiiion Cloced Center Main Parts No.

I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS ON THIS PRODUCT CONSULT

LR DD E R F M FL Dimensions Part No.

VX B 1 2 1 2 VX3 A VXA B NL R VN R LED B NL: Neon light R: Resistor LED: Light emitting diode R: Resistor LVC Caution LVA Valve Mounting After confirming the gasket is correctly placed under the valve, tighten the mounting screws with the appropriate torque (0.2 to 0.23 Nm).

9 t t q @0 q @0 r r !4 i y !0 !1 !2 !4 i !5 !6 Component Parts Note Material No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 Description No. !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !

Electric Slide Table/Compact Type Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) Servo Motor (24 VDC) LES8, 16, 25 Series LES RoHS How to Order S 1 1 R J 6N LES 8 30 q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !

R(EXH) port piping: Take care that exhaust air is not throttled. (Otherwise, delay in response or cylinder malfunction may result.) Solenoid Precautions Operation Conditions 1. Ensure that voltage leakage across the coil is as follows. DC coil: No more than 3% of the rated voltage AC coil: No more than 20% of the rated voltage 2.

2) Option R is not available with the MXS6 series.

IDFA6E-20 12 2 12-3 Installation of heavy duty auto drain IDX-OM-W089 Air Dryer 13 Specification for Option R 13 Specification for Option R Option R installs a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), it will shut off the power supply in case the product should have over current or current leakage.

Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery / equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove com ponent s unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.

M ai nt enance and i nspect i on Turn of f t he pow er suppl y, st op t he suppl i ed ai r, exhaust t he resi dual com pressed ai r and veri f y t he rel ease of ai r bef ore perf orm i ng m ai nt enance. Forei gn m at t er caught i n t he i nl et of pi pi ng or exhaust m ay i nt erf ere w i t h norm al operat i on. Peri odi c cl eani ng i s necessary.

How To Order Manifold Base NvvsFs<2o-H6S(T;-oo. . i r -007 serias vFsooo Manifoldl ;rY't5"r,on" Itanilold spsciticaliols+ : 1010 siations Appllcable itodel:NW5F5-2O R ' Series NVFSOO Construction,/Parts List Sngle Solenoid Symbol 3 Posiiion Cloced Center Main Parts No.

Use after putting the unit label other than l/min, l. r Unit display/Orange e OUT1 CH r t y u Displays the selected channel. Channel display/Red t u UP button ( button) Use to change the mode or to increase the set value.