Application 2 port 3 port Actuator VM220-02-00 VM230-02-00 Polyacetal roller Basic Roller lever VM220-02-01 VM220-02-01S VM230-02-01 VM230-02-01S VM-08A VM-07AS VM-07A VM-06AS VM-06A VM-05A VM-02AS VM-02A VM-01AS VM-01A Mechanical operation Manual operation Hard steel roller One way roller lever VM220-02-02 VM220-02-02S VM230-02-02 VM230-02-02S Polyacetal roller Hard steel roller Straight
Valve model Port size L J H G F E D C A B VCW20-12-01A VCB2 1/8, 1/4 13 6 4.5 5 12.8 12.8 30 25 40 34 VCW30-12-02A 1/4, 3/8 19 7 5.5 6 19 19 40 30 52 42 VCB3 VCW30-12-04A 1/2 23 7 5.5 6 23 23 44 36 56 48 VCW40-12-02A 1/4, 3/8 19 7 5.5 6 23 23 40 30 52 42 VCW30-12-04A VCB4 1/2 23 7 5.5 6 23 23 44 36 56 48 VCW40-12-06A 3/4 26 7 5.5 6 28.2 28.2 53 44 65 56 Two mounting screws (for mounting
Valve model Port size VCW2 VCW20-12-01A 1/8, 1/4 34 40 25 30 12.8 12.8 5 4.5 6 13 VCW30-12-02A 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 19 19 6 5.5 7 19 VCW3 VCW30-12-04A 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-02A 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 23 23 6 5.5 7 19 VCW4 VCW30-12-04A 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-06A 3/4 56 65 44 53 28.2 28.2 6 5.5 7 26 Bracket material: Stainless steel 4.5-5 Series VCW Dimensions
M-3UL Universal Tee: M-3UT Width across flats 5 Width across flats 5 M3 x 0.5 2 x M3 x 0.5 M3 x 0.5 M3 x 0.5 Effective area: 0.6 mm2 Weight: 1.6 g Effective area: 0.6 mm2 Weight: 1.4 g Nipple: M-3N Plug: M-3P Width across flats 5 Width across flats 5 M3 x 0.5 M3 x 0.5 M3 x 0.5 Weight: 0.6 g Effective area: 0.9 mm2 Weight: 0.5 g R 1/8 Series Barb Fitting for Nylon Tubing, Soft Tubing: M-01A
+ Stroke BA 2-BT (mm) Stroke range Model A BY D GW GY H H1 B1 C B AL BA BB BP BS BT ET GA GA1 GB GC GC1 EY 22 26 30 35 19.5 23.5 27 32 24 28 32 39 8 6.5 9 12 9 6.5 8 10 17 19 22 27 MLUB25 MLUB32 MLUB40 MLUB50 M5 x 0.8 73 87 87 102.5 M5 x 0.8 depth 7.5 M6 x 1 depth 12 7 8 9 9 12 14 16 20 M5 x 0.8 depth 11 M6 x 1 depth 11 45 50.5 53 62 45 51.5 53 62 10 8.5 9 11.5 15.5 17.5 18.5 23 32.5 37
@Sffi' 13 $ut'ies CDI2BP ilhl ttal||elic tiold Bs$islorc 4. Do not drop, dent, or allow excessive impact to cylinder during handling. 5, Keep at least 20mm away from each other when 2 or more cylinders with high magnetic field resistance auto 3. switch are mounted in parallel. up, although the auto switch will function.
ends) Note: Minimum impact velocity tor PM nlodels it 4 itr/*c. 9k**k &"bs*rbers Non-Adjustable Hydraulic Series 49rc.
Fluid temperature Effective area (Cv) 5 to 60C (No freezing) 19mm2 (1.0) Recommended lubricant No required/Turbine oil #1 (ISO VG32) Port size (Nominal size) Rc(PT) (8A) 111g 1 4 Weight (Basic) Model No. of ports Actuator part No. 2 port 3 port Application Actuator Basic Polyacetal roller VM220-02-00 VM230-02-00 VM-08A VM-07AS VM-07A VM-06AS VM-06A VM-05A VM-02AS VM-02A VM-01AS VM-01A VM220
Valve model VCW2 VCW20-12-01A 1/8, 1/4 34 40 25 30 12.8 12.8 5 4.5 6 13 VCW30-12-02A 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 19 19 6 5.5 7 19 VCW3 VCW30-12-04A Note 1) 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-02A 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 23 23 6 5.5 7 19 VCW4 VCW30-12-04A Note 1) 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-06A 3/4 56 65 44 53 28.2 28.2 6 5.5 7 26 2 mounting screws (for mounting bracket) are included
Company Bs PLC I/O card Connector pin assignment (pin layout) Company As PLC I/O card Connector pin assignment (pin layout) Change of PLC manufactures (Company A to Company B) + + + + 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A 11 13 15 17 19 1B 1D 1F 21 23 25 27 29 2B 2D 2F 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 + + 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 + + 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C 1E 20 22 24 26 28 2A 2C 2E General
/ith shock absolbgls BS " Wilh one snock absoor BC Wnt' cap iype shoct absolbr BCS. With ons cap typ shockabsorber r"L' is added io the ehd whn the tead wire is 3m tong. Exanll) A73LO-A73L Hosv6r,3m is applid to D-FTNTLand D-F7BAL bv (Pleas consull SMC in case or5m lenglh.)
VEA130) Snsor fedback voltage 0-1V (Detct Amp Gain X1 -X20) Input impedance 100Ko Pre Amp. gain Integral action time (DELAY AD.J) 7.05 (3.2) HowTo Order Feedback Circuit w/o Feedback Sensor 1 w/Feedbacli Sensor 'Speciaj order o,ly Function 0 w/O Feedback or Detection 1 Wrth Detection Circuit Wilh Detection and Feedback Circult Dimensions (mm vEA250,251,252 vEA2so I=iL I **" vEA25'l/252 E F Bs
SJ 2000, 3000 SZ 3000 SY 3000, 5000 SQ 1000, 2000 VQ 1000, 2000 Refer to the catalogs and Operation Manual of each valve series for solenoid valve and manifold, etc. -33No.EX-OMI0003-H Dimensions EX510-S 01 EX510-S 01A 01B EX510-S EX510-S 02 EX510-S 02A EX510-S 02B EX510-S 02C Refer to the catalogs and Operation Manual of each valve series for dimensions of the manifold valve. -34No.EX-OMI0003
/sbar) 2.5 3.1 6.2 7.0 8.5 11.6 13.3 17.7 Cv 0.65 0.88 1.7 2.3 2.0 3.0 3.8 5.0 Cv 0.69 0.84 1.7 1.9 2.3 3.1 3.6 4.8 b 0.43 0.40 0.45 0.41 0.49 0.45 0.39 0.31 b 0.39 0.51 0.38 0.41 0.35 0.40 0.43 0.37 1/8 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1/8 VHS20 1/4 VHS30 3/8 VHS40 1/2 VHS40-06 Note) Use an air filter on the IN side for operating protection.
SJ 2000, 3000 SZ 3000 SY 3000, 5000 SQ 1000, 2000 VQ 1000, 2000 Refer to the catalogs and Operation Manual of each valve series for solenoid valve and manifold, etc. -35No.EX-OMI0001-I Dimensions EX510-S 01 EX510-S 01A 01B EX510-S EX510-S 02 EX510-S 02A EX510-S 02B EX510-S 02C Refer to the catalogs and Operation Manual of each valve series for dimensions of the manifold valve. -36No.EX-OMI0001
SJ 2000, 3000 SZ 3000 SY 3000, 5000 SQ 1000, 2000 VQ 1000, 2000 Refer to the catalogs and Operation Manual of each valve series for solenoid valve and manifold, etc. -41No.EX-OMI0032-G Dimensions EX510-S 01 EX510-S 01A 01B EX510-S EX510-S 02 EX510-S 02A EX510-S 02B EX510-S 02C Refer to the catalogs and Operation Manual of each valve series for dimensions of the manifold valve. -42No.EX-OMI0032
Op onal pitot connction In junctlon box and laroe lapped junction box cover allow looic control tubes to bs run Into the,unction box through electricat conduiir alJ hose usd as conduit, lhus avoidlng exposd control tubes. Junclion box i9 splash-proof and o -tight.
/ith shock absolbgls BS " Wilh one snock absoor BC Wnt' cap iype shoct absolbr BCS. With ons cap typ shockabsorber r"L' is added io the ehd whn the tead wire is 3m tong. Exanll) A73LO-A73L Hosv6r,3m is applid to D-FTNTLand D-F7BAL bv (Pleas consull SMC in case or5m lenglh.)
/ith shock absolbgls BS " Wilh one snock absoor BC Wnt' cap iype shoct absolbr BCS. With ons cap typ shockabsorber r"L' is added io the ehd whn the tead wire is 3m tong. Exanll) A73LO-A73L Hosv6r,3m is applid to D-FTNTLand D-F7BAL bv (Pleas consull SMC in case or5m lenglh.)
ZS AS BS . Aug V QV RV SV . ZV AV BV . Jan o Qo Ro So . Zo Ao Bo . Nov y Qy Ry Sy . Zy Ay By . 2012 2013 2014 . 2021 2022 2023 . Year Jun T QT RT ST . ZT AT BT . Dec Z Qz RZ SZ . ZZ AZ BZ . Apr R QR RR SR . ZR AR BR . Jul U QU RU SU . ZU AU BU . Month Q R S . Z A B . Oct X QX RX SX . ZX AX BX .