mounting screw M5 x 0.8 x 16 l 1.
mounting screw M5 x 0.8 x 16 l 1.
: Serial transmission L Kit: Lead wire F, L, M and P kits 1 to 12 stations M Kit: Multiple connector C8 (For 8) C10 (For 10) T kit 1 to 10 stations 4150 S kit (without unit) Solenoid weight is not included.
19.2 k/45.45 k/ 93.75 k/187.5 k/500 k/ 1.5 M/3 M/6 M/12 Mbps 156 k/625 k/ 2.5 M/5 M/10 Mbps Communication speed 10 M/100 Mbps Specified file Note 2) GSD file EDS file EDS file 96/96 (3 stations, remote device station) Occupied area (Number of inputs/outputs) 128/128 64/64 64/64 Built in the unit (Switch setting) Terminal resistor Not applicable Not applicable 11 to 25 VDC (Supplied by DeviceNet
P P P P P P P P P P P 25 to 300 20 24V DC P P P P P P P P P P 25 to 400 32 P P P P P P P P P 25 to 600 40 P P P P P P P P P 25 to 600 50 P P P 25 to 600 63 P P P 4.4-2 Stroke Reading Cylinder Series CE1 Applications Parts inspection Confirmation of press-fit Measures part dimensions, differentiates between good and defective articles, and prevents the mingling of different parts, etc.
Pin name 1 2 3 4 DC (+) OUT2 DC () OUT1 1 3 2 x Piping port Z U T S 4 x WX G 2 4 (35.5) 42 H For PF3W721 OUT IN AA G 4 x P K L 2 x Piping port G N DD PF3W504/520/540/511/521 Remote sensor unit Y A E J F 30 W B V 2 x Piping port Z S T U 4 x WX G H 42 (35.5) For PF3W521 IN OUT AA G 4 x P K L 2 x Piping port G N (mm) Bracket dimensions Model Port size A AA B D DD E F G H J K L N P (Rc, NPT,
0 -0.1 H B 2-P (Piping port) G E G NN ( I ) D X NA R Mounting nut N W K N F S + Stroke F ZZ + Stroke H B E G Mounting nut NN NA F N 12CY3B15 (mm) L 57 66 70 80 92 J 6 6 8 8 10 K 11 8 10 15 16 I 12 15 18 23 G 5.5 7.5 7.5 8 11 H 13 20 20.5 22 29 F 10 13 13 16 16 E 2 2 2 2 3 NN M10 x 1 M20 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M32 x 2 D 16.6 21.6 26.4 33.6 41.6 MM M4 x 0.7 M4 x 0.7 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 M6 x
N GB Rc P 2-NN Width across flats B1 H1 2-IA D MM Effective thread 3 A F NB NC K H S + Stroke ZZ + Stroke NA I 3 (mm) Effective thread length (mm) IA (tolerance) Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) A B1 B2 D F GA GB H H1 H2 I K MM P S NN N NA NB NC ZZ -0.020 -0.053 -0.020 -0.053 -0.025 -0.064 -0.025 -0.064 20 18 13 26 10 16 12 8 41 5 8 30 5 M8 x 1.25 1/8 81 M22 x 1.5 13 26 19 15 138 23 f8 15.5
Open EO Closed EC K L J M5 x 0.8 (finger closing port) G I M (mm) I 9 11 Model MHS2-50D MHS2-63D G 37.5 44 FZ 6 7 FX 31 38 FY 28 34.5 EC 22 30 EO 34 46 DC 70 86 DO 82 102 M 2 3 B 70 86 K 10 11 AC 3 4 J 24 28 AA 55 66 AB 52 62 NA 18 24 L 4H9 6H9 NB 10h9 12h9 CA 9 12 CB 20 22 0 -0.036 0 -0.043 +0.030 0 +0.030 0 Model MHS2-50D MHS2-63D SC 12 14 RB 34 38 O 5 5.5 4H9 5H9 VA Q 14 17 RA 52 66 VB
Plug [P (port f)] WB WA TA TA WA R TB Plug TB R W [P (port d)] Inner cover Note 3) holding screw (mm) C 5.4 8.6 A 8 12 B 9.5 14 E 4H9 6H9 ED 9.5 13 EK 4 6 F 12.5 25 G 6.5 8.5 H 45 75 HA 19.5 39 HB 8.5 19 HG 8.5 19 HI 23 39 HL 38.6 64.9 HP 44 73.5 HS 27 49.5 HT 19.5 39 J M6 x 1 M10 x 1.5 JK 10 12 K 21 20 Model +0.030 0 +0.030 0 CYP15 CYP32 LD 5.6 8.6 LW 69 115 MM M4 x 0.7 M6 x 1 M 6 8 P M5
Applicable model M-5N AS1000 Nipple Note) AS1000 with nipple: AS1000-M5-N How to Order M5 AS 1 000 Option Body size H (1) High temperature (5 to 80C) 1 2 3 4 5 M3, M5 standard L (2) Low temperature (30 to 60C) 1 8 1 4 , standard standard standard standard Note 1) AS5000 is available as special. AS1000 is not applicable.
GC1 MM1 KA (manual unlocking unit) Dust cover NH1 M(D)LUB25,32 (Extension locking) K H2 P ZZ1 + Stroke GB GA Unlocks when pressurized BP unlocking port Front cylinder port GC D GW GY NH (manual unlocking unit) Dust cover P Rear cylinder port NS + Stroke NG NF NJ NJ NI Width across flats KA MM Width across flats B1 EY EY NY C H1 AL 4-ND through 4-ET B A NB NA K 2 x 4-NC counter bore Prepared
Contact SMC when disassembly is required. 14 Wear ring Resin CX 15 Cylinder tube gasket NBR 16 Rod seal NBR MQ RHC RZQ D-X Individual -X 1205 Series RHC Dimensions: Basic Style 20 to 40 2 x Rc P NN GB GA H2 NN H1 MM 2 x NIf8 D NE C 1.5 1.5 Effective thread length 2 x FL AL E E Width across flats KA NF 10 10 N JD A K F N JC NA S + Stroke F H WH B ZZ + Stroke (mm) A AL B C D E F GA GB H H1
0.0 to 1.0 l/min 0.0 to 3.0 l/min 0.5 to 0.5 l/min 1.0 to 1.0 l/min A 3.0 to 3.0 l/min Mounting screw Analog output (1 to 5 V) Output specification 1 2 L-type brackets (with 2 mounting screws) are included.
PF3A703H Item Default Settings [P] Set value of OUT 1500 L/min [H] Hysteresis of OUT 150 L/min PF3A706H Item Default Settings [P] Set value of OUT 3000 L/min [H] Hysteresis of OUT 300 L/min PF3A712H Item Default Settings [P] Set value of OUT 6000 L/min [H] Hysteresis of OUT 600 L/min : For hysteresis, please refer to [F 1] Setting of OUT (page 31). 22 No.PF-OMU0002-D
110 100 M12 x 1.75 thread depth 25 6 Series RHC Dimensions/Axial Foot Type 20 to 40 H GA Rc P Rc P GB F K F A WH NN Effective thread H2 I MM H1 NB ND D NE 4-LD LY LH LT NF E 10 E JD N 10 JC N NA S + Stroke X Y X Y LX LZ LS + Stroke ZZ + Stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) Effective thread length A D E F GA GB H I JC JD K LD LH H1 H2 10 15.5 8 5 25 7 5 30.5 43 26 44 47.5 53.5 16
B + Stroke L K A + Stroke 2 x 4-M6 x 1.0 effective depth 10 M W Rod end male threads H1 Rod end nut C1 X L1 Rod end male threads mm Bore size (mm) C1 X H1 L1 20 25 18.5 12 14 M8 x 1.25 22.5 15 17.5 M10 x 1.25 Standard type mm A B C D E E1 E2 F H K L M Q W Bore size (mm) 20 25 Stroke range (mm) 15 to 50 36.5 32 7 10 36 18 21 15.5 M5 x 0.8 8 4.5 25.5 21 39 15 to 50 41.5 36.5 12 12 40 20 23.5
MVGQ CC RB J D-X 20Data 10-6-11 11 Series RHC Dimensions: Basic Style 20 to 40 Rc P Rc P GA H2 NN NN GB I H1 MM D NB ND NE C Effective thread E E NF 10 N JD N JC 10 A K F NA S + Stroke F H WH B ZZ + Stroke Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) A B C D E
adjustment screw Note 3) (inner cover) Plug Plug [P (port e)] [P (port c)] A A LW Plug Operating direction P (port a) P (port b) Auto switch mounting groove [P (port g)] 0.5 Note 2) 0.5 Note 2) Left Right Plug [P (port h)] HI HP H HL HG HT HS HB HA HB HA HG HT HI WB 4-J Depth JK Plug [P (port f)] WB WA TA TA WA R TB Plug TB R W [P (port d)] Inner cover Note 3) holding screw (mm) K 21 20
0 CYP15 CYP32 L 67 90 Z 118 155 Y 2.5 3.5 WB 17 27 WA 32 46 W 69 115 TB 18 22 TA 13 17 T 23 29 R 45 79.5 QW 48 87 N 4.5 7.5 Q 105 138 M 6 8 PB 60 100 MM M4 x 0.7 M6 x 1 PA 25 50 LW 69 115 P M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 LD 5.6 8.6 Model CYP15 CYP32 Note 1) These dimension drawings indicate the case of piping port location Nil.