Pad Shape: [Other Shape] Low Profile, Pad Type: Standard, Mounting Method: Recessed, Material: Rubber Group, Rubber Group Material: Fluororubber, Environment: Standard, Vacuum Outlet Port: Threads, Pad diameter(ø): 13, Vacuum entry port thread diameter: M6 × 1
Blow Pattern: Round Dispersing, Air Source: Compressor, Material: Aluminum, Mounting Angle: Straight, Blow Type: Standard, Type: Air Nozzles, Features: Mist, Compatible Fluid: Compressed Air, Passage diameter(mmø): 13, Bracket: With bracket, Dust bag: Without dust bag
Blow Pattern: Round Dispersing, Air Source: Compressor, Material: Aluminum, Mounting Angle: Straight, Blow Type: Standard, Type: Air Nozzles, Features: Mist, Compatible Fluid: Compressed Air, Passage diameter(mmø): 13, Bracket: With bracket, Dust bag: Without dust bag
Blow Pattern: Round Dispersing, Air Source: Compressor, Material: Aluminum, Mounting Angle: Straight, Blow Type: Standard, Type: Air Nozzles, Features: Mist, Compatible Fluid: Compressed Air, Passage diameter(mmø): 13, Bracket: No bracket, Dust bag: Without dust bag
Number of Terminals: 18 Pin 2~17 Stations, Connector Mounting Position: D Side, Stations: 13 Stations, SUP/EXH Block Mounting: Both Sides 2~16 Stations, Specifications: Standard Internal Pilot, Port Size: 5/32" One-touch Fitting
Number of Terminals: 18 Pin 2~17 Stations, Connector Mounting Position: U Side, Stations: 13 Stations, SUP/EXH Block Mounting: Both Sides 2~16 Stations, Specifications: Standard Internal Pilot, Port Size: 1/4" One-touch Fitting
Number of Terminals: 18 Pin 2~17 Stations, Connector Mounting Position: U Side, Stations: 13 Stations, SUP/EXH Block Mounting: Both Sides 2~16 Stations, Specifications: Standard Internal Pilot, Port Size: 1/4" One-touch Fitting
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Tube Size: 13 (1/2"), Output Tube Size: None, Pilot Connection: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Tube Size: 13 (1/2"), Output Tube Size: None, Pilot Connection: R (Thread Type 1/8 Rc)
Body Class: 4 (Orifice Diameter ø10), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Applicable Tube OD: 13 (1/2), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: N (Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - NPT 1/8")
Body Class: 4 (Orifice Diameter ø10), Valve Type: 1 (Normally Open), Applicable Tube OD: 13 (1/2), Port B OUT: Ports A & B Same Size, Pilot Port: N (Body Class 3, 4, 5, 6 - NPT 1/8")
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: LQ3 Integral Fitting, 1/8" (3mm), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 7 (High Back Pressure w/By-pass)
Body Class: 5 (ø16 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: R (Thread Type 1/8 Rc), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 7 (High Back Pressure w/By-pass)
Body Class: 5 (ø16 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: LQ3 Integral Fitting, 1/8" (3mm), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 7 (High Back Pressure w/By-pass)
Body Class: 5 (ø16 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 7 (High Back Pressure w/By-pass)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: R (Thread Type 1/8 Rc), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 7 (High Back Pressure w/By-pass)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: None, Option 2: J (for High Temperature)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 1 (N.O.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: None, Option 2: N (for Ammonium Hydroxide)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: N (Thread Type 1/8"NPT), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 7 (High Back Pressure w/By-pass)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 13 (1/2"), Pilot Port Thread: LQ3 Integral Fitting, 1/8" (3mm), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: None, Option 2: N (for Ammonium Hydroxide)