The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, N63, 78 lb
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, N63, 78 lb
The ISE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for positive pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ISE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, PRESSURE SWITCH, ISE1-6, N59, 78 lb
The ZSE80 series is a digital pressure switch designed to measure fluids such as tap water, hydraulic fluid, silicon oil, lubricant, fluorocarbon, argon, ammonia, carbon dioxide, air-containing drainage and nitrogen. Some of the features include 2-col, 2-Color Digital Press Switch for Fluids, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE50-80, 118 lb
The 25A-ISE20CH offers a 2 MPa pressure range. The 3-screen, 3-color display shows the instantaneous reading in red or green, and the setting label and its numerical value in orange. The switch output responds within 1.5ms once the set pressure value is reached.
The 25A-ISE20CH offers a 2 MPa pressure range. The 3-screen, 3-color display shows the instantaneous reading in red or green, and the setting label and its numerical value in orange. The switch output responds within 1.5ms once the set pressure value is reached.
U nderst and t hi s operat i on m anual w i l l be revi sed w i t hout not i f i cat i on. ** O p ti o n H : 1.6 M P a ( O nl y 2C22C To get t he best perf orm ance f rom your purchase, be sure t o read t hi s m anual caref ul l y bef ore use. W ARN I N G M AI N LI N E FI LTER Seri es AFF Chem i cal s Corrosi ve gas + At m osphere Cont ai ni ng organi c sol vent *N .
Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa* and 0. 05M Pa or l ess * O p tio n H : 1.6 M P a O n ly 150C 550C Ref er draw i ngs or cat al ogue f or const ruct i on and speci f i cat i ons. U nderst and t hi s operat i on m anual w i l l be revi sed w i t hout not i f i cat i on.
Ref er t o t he SM C w ebsi t e ( U RL ht t p: //w w w . sm cw orl d. com ) f or m ore i nf orm at i on about t roubl eshoot i ng. Thi s operat i on m anual ref ers t o general di gi t al i nput t ype ( m odel : X93) and i s part i al l y appl i cabl e t o anot her speci al m odel s.
O . aut o drai n: 0. 1M Pa sure t o read t hi s m anual caref ul l y bef ore use. Ref er draw i ngs or cat al ogue f or construct i on and speci f i cati ons. **O p ti o n H : 1.6 M P a W ARN I N G Fol l ow i ng condi t i ons l ead t o cause breakage.
IP5x or IP65 (option “P”); Maximum work load: 200 kg (horizontal); 115 kg (vertical)(T motor spec, top/parallel mount); Maximum pushing force: 1910 N; Maximum stroke: 800mm; Positioning repeatability: ±0.02mm, ±0.01mm (high precision option); Encoder resolution: 17-bit (S motor), 22-bit (T motor), 20-bit (V motor)
IP5x or IP65 (option “P”); Maximum work load: 200 kg (horizontal); 115 kg (vertical)(T motor spec, top/parallel mount); Maximum pushing force: 1910 N; Maximum stroke: 800mm; Positioning repeatability: ±0.02mm, ±0.01mm (high precision option); Encoder resolution: 17-bit (S motor), 22-bit (T motor), 20-bit (V motor)
( Sel ect t he m enu w i t h or keys, t hen j um p t o anot her i t em . ) Lock keys ( ref er t o P8) Rel at i on bet w een set t i ng and sensi t i vi t y Sensi t i vi t y Sharp D ul l Set t i ng of sensi t i vi t y D ef aul t : 14 The di spl ay can be set t o zero agai n by execut i ng "zero cl ear".
Fl ui d ot her t han com pressed ai r Ai r pressure m ore t han 1. 0 M Pa* and 0. 05M Pa or l ess * O p tio n H : 1.6 M P a O n ly 150C 550C Ref er draw i ngs or cat al ogue f or const ruct i on and speci f i cat i ons. U nderst and t hi s operat i on m anual w i l l be revi sed w i t hout not i f i cat i on.
P I S T O N R O D A I R H Y D R O TYPE P I S T O N R O D D E F L E C T I O N (REFERENCE FACTOR) P I S T O N R O D D E F L E C T I O N (REFERENCE FACTOR) For a concentrated load at the center of the housing. For a concentrated load at the center of the end plate.
Cylinder Port: NPT, Arm Opening Angle: 45°, Arm Position: D (Both Sides), Switch Type: T (Turk PNP), R Arm Mtg Position: A (Mounting Position A), R Arm Style: A012 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA112M), L Arm Mtg Position: A (Mounting Position A), L Arm Style: A012 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA112M), Painted Arm: P (Paint)
Cylinder Port: NPT, Arm Opening Angle: 75°, Arm Position: D (Both Sides), Switch Type: T (Turk PNP), R Arm Mtg Position: C (Mounting Position C), R Arm Style: A012 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA112M), L Arm Mtg Position: C (Mounting Position C), L Arm Style: A018 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA118M), Painted Arm: P (Paint)
Cylinder Port: NPT, Arm Opening Angle: 75°, Arm Position: D (Both Sides), Switch Type: T (Turk PNP), R Arm Mtg Position: C (Mounting Position C), R Arm Style: A018 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA118M), L Arm Mtg Position: C (Mounting Position C), L Arm Style: A012 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA112M), Painted Arm: P (Paint)
Cylinder Port: NPT, Arm Opening Angle: 105°, Arm Position: D (Both Sides), Switch Type: T (Turk PNP), R Arm Mtg Position: A (Mounting Position A), R Arm Style: A010 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA110M), L Arm Mtg Position: A (Mounting Position A), L Arm Style: A010 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA110M), Painted Arm: P (Paint)
Cylinder Port: NPT, Arm Opening Angle: 135°, Arm Position: D (Both Sides), Switch Type: T (Turk PNP), R Arm Mtg Position: A (Mounting Position A), R Arm Style: A018 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA118M), L Arm Mtg Position: A (Mounting Position A), L Arm Style: A018 (Straight Machined ref NAAMS ACA118M), Painted Arm: P (Paint)