X 5.5 L3=50+R+V L4=50+T+X 50 SMC H H L L S S O O U U C C P P K K R 8 S U 57 (at handle locked) DIN rail part no.
How to Order KKH 4 S M S 02 Body size With sealant (male thread) 3 4 1/8 1/4 Connection type Type Male thread Female thread With nut fitting Symbol M F N Socket/Plug designation Socket S Piping port size variation Male/Female thread type Nut fitting type Connection port size R, Rc 1/8 R, Rc 1/4 R, Rc 3/8 R, Rc 1/2 Hose I.D.
V7 S B 3 M2 LEFB 32 q w e r y t u i o !
D E R S E R I E S (N)AS1000-4000 S Y M B O L S NAS 3 000 A R E A C O D E Japan, Asia, Australia, UK N Canada, USA P O R T T H R E A D P A N E L M O U N T V E R S I O N R(PT) N NPT B O D Y S I Z E P O R T S I Z E 1 M3, M5 2 1/8, 1/4 Standard 3 3/8 Standard 4 1/2 Standard M3 M3x0.5 M5 M5x0.8 01 1/8 (10-32Nom) 02 1/4 03 3/8 04 1/2 T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS D I M E N S I O N S S E R I
voltage suppressor) R U Q R U 27 20 30 159 20 145 Q 64.5 DIN terminal Model E I J K S Q U T 20 151 52.5 R VXF26C< 169 18.6 78.4 59.8 30 20 Series VXF2 Dimensions: Flange body I type VXF26C<<< Conduit terminal Conduit 247 247 S S J J Qp2 Tp2 K 24.4 Q z280 I R 24.4 I R 1/2 Exhaust port K 1/2 Exhaust port U (32) G1/2 G1/2 E (32) U 24 97.5 E 97.5 6 x M10 x 1.5 x 30 24 6 x M10 x 1.5 x 30 (32)
-Q6312-S 325 NCA325-02AQ6311-S NCA325-03-Q6311-S Material Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Carbon steel Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Bronze casting Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel Resin NBR NBR NBR NBR NBR NBR Resin Carbon steel 150 NCA150-02AQ6308-S NCA150-03-Q6308-S 200 NCA200-02AQ6309-S NCA200-03-Q6309-S Please see below for How to Order Cylinder Tube.
Z T Nil S Z R U Power saving circuit is not available for W type.
CDRB2BW40-=S/D CDRB2BW20/30-=S/D CDRB2BW10/15-=S/D A port B port q e t e !2 q o !2 !0 !0 !3 o r !3 w !4 r w !5 !4 !1 !1 y u i Component Parts Description Material Description Material No. No.
Conduit P type Q R S Q R S T Q R Q R 1 2 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8 64.5 67 69.5 69.5 34 45 50 53 52.5 55 57.5 57.5 99.5 102 104.5 104.5 36 47 52 55 68.5 71 73.5 73.5 77 91 96 47.5 50 52.5 52.5 36 47 52 55 23 25.5 28 28 42 53.5 58 61 3 1/2 101.5 23 Series VX2 For Air mm Dimensions/Body Material: Resin Y Y Grommet (with surge voltage suppressor) Grommet W W U U X X U1 U1 X1 X1 z300 Q F D
6 Piston w Piston rod e Replacement Parts: Seal Kits Collar Snap ring Bushing Return spring Bronze element Snap ring Plug with fixed orifice Rod end nut Guide boss ring One-touch fitting r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 Series Bore size Kit No. Contents CQ2B12-S-PS 12 CQ2B16-S-PS 16 Kits include items !4, CQ2B20-S-PS 20 Pneumatic !5 and !6 from the CQ2B25-S-PS 25 table above.
NPTF PodLocallon P A B EA EB sP0101/sP01r r 1/B s S sPot0zsP0112 S sP01m/sP0113 1/6 9B S/B S/B s/B S/B sPoto4/sP0114 1/. B B B sPor05/sP011s la S S S Electrictl Conncllons: Class 1 suFplates provide access of alectri(El solenoid leads from the vatue bass inlothe conduitcavitywithinthe sub-platediecasting.
AS 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Return stroke pressure (MPa) ASP ASN v v w w a a o o l l v v l l F F e e AQ ASV u u r r e e s s v v s s a a e e l l v v r r P P e e AK ASS ASR ASF Working stroke Working stroke Return stroke Return stroke Pressure valve Flow valve 15-16-1 2 Cuts air consumption by operating the return stroke at a reduced pressure.
6) B L F D Action S T Single acting/Spring return Single acting/Spring extend Standard CJ2 L S 16 45 R CDJ2 L S 16 45 C73 With auto switch R Number of switches With auto switch 2 1 n S n Built-in magnet Auto switch Port location on head cover Refer to the table below for selecting applicable auto switches.
P Q S R Drain cock Gray: N.C.
22 24.5 24.5 3 Electrical entry DIN terminal Grommet (with surge voltage suppressor) Conduit terminal Port size P Size Grommet Q S 64.5 67 69.5 69.5 R Q 34 (39.5) 45 (53) 49.5 (57.5) 53 R 36 (41.5) 47 (55) 51.5 (59.5) 55 S 68.5 71 73.5 73.5 T 77 (83) 89.5 (97.5) 94 (102) 100.5 Q 27 29.5 32 32 R 42 (47.5) 53.5 (61.5) 57.5 (65.5) 61 Q 30 32.5 35 35 R 28.5 (34) 39.5 (47.5) 44 (52) 47.5 1 2
Brown r--= S~ -'-"'h--'~l'n~' ~-: Swnch ~ 2-wire 2-wire ~:::r:m l <::J11--?
F R L T B 1 R Axial entry Right entry 200/230VAC (50/60Hz) 2 Y 0 Without motor Bottom entry Specifications Intermediate strokes 100 5.1 200 5.9 300 6.7 400 7.4 500 8.2 5 to 40 (with no condensation) 10 225 400 mm kg C kg N mm/s mm Standard stroke Strokes other than the standard strokes on the left are available by special order. Consult P/A.
(mm) E (g6) F (h9) M L K G D C B A Model A port B port CDRB2BWU10-S 4 9 10 0.5 9 3 14 45.5 15 29 CDRB2BWU15-S 5 12 15 0.5 10 4 18 47 20 34 CDRB2BWU15-D Rotary actuator CDRB2BWU20-S 6 14 20 0.5 10 4.5 20 51 29 42 B port A port CDRB2BWU20-D (34.5: Connector type) Angle adjuster CDRB2BWU30-S 2 x R 8 16 30 1 12 5 22 55.5 40 50 CDRB2BWU30-D Switch unit R Q Y P N Model 90 100 180 270 CDRB2BWU10