4 u t t q t u y !3 u e !3 !8 t y e !2 !1 !3 !6 r A A A A !4 i u q i !4 r y t y !2 o !5 r u t q !5 e i o !2 r Component Parts No. Description Material Note No. Description Material Note Body A O-ring PBT NBR q !3 Elbow body O-ring PBT NBR w !4 Body B O-ring Electroless nickel plated Brass NBR e !5 Body B O-ring Electroless nickel plated Brass NBR r !
7 Rod cover Head cover A Head cover B Head cover B Cylinder tube Piston Piston rod Bushing Seal retainer Snap ring Bumper A Bumper B Snap ring Clevis bushing Piston seal Piston gasket Wear ring Mounting nut Rod end nut Oil-impregnated sintered alloy NBR NBR Resin Carbon steel Carbon steel 2A Clear anodized 2B Clear anodized 2C Nickel plated Nickel plated e r t y u i o !0 !
2 y u !3 !4 i !5 !9 !6 !7 @0 @1 !8 No.
/Single Unit Body material Brass 2 x 3.4 Mounting hole W Y Grommet X U 300 Q F D Full wave rectifier (AC type) C R [mm] 1 E G Mounting method Model Port size P B B1 C D E F J K M 2 x P Port size B B1 VDW1 M5 20 10 42.4 15 6 11 M2.5 4 11 VDW2 M5, 1/8 22 11 51.7 20 8 13.5 M3 5 15 Mounting bracket dimensions (XD) Electrical entry M Model Port size P G U W X Y Grommet Q R VDW1 M5 4 28 11 34 17
+ 0.77 (n: stations) Rc3/8 Rc1/2 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 22 Series VQ7-8 DIN Connector Type VV72-142 118 142 118 9 2n-Rc3/8, 1/2 67 20 Indicator light 14 34 9 (4-Rc1/8) Port P, R1, R2 for Rc3/4 only U side U side 18 Manual override 23 R4.5 R4.5 P= 56 60 (73) 60 (73) P= 56 B B B B B 14 42 18 13 13 A B SMC SMC SMC B B B A A A A A PA PA PA A B A B L1 L2 L1 L2 A B SMC PA A B PA L side R side L side R side
Basic Axial foot Front flange Rear flange U T D Front trunnion Rear trunnion Clevis B L F G Mounting brackets are included, not mounted.
Positioning pinhole Counter-clockwise 5 Adjustment bolt A 5 (For counter-clockwise rotation end adjustment) 9 22 e B port g .5 n Adjustment bolt B ra (For clockwise rotation end adjustment) nt e e m is st w u k dj c lo a 0 -c e d C 19 s n i er a w lo A port B port e k dj c c nt o l Clockwise C k n e u u w o st ng o is ti C m e ta ra ro e ro ta nt ti o on n ra e d n n ti g e ta 5 9 ro m u
Without brake C section details Cross section BB l\rodel D F L 1 5 4 231 LXPB B-50 L X P B B . 7 5 173 256 52 L X P B _ B _ 1 0 0 204 281 246 323 LXPB B -.125 L X P B B 1 5 0 271 348 120 90 L X P B _ B _ 1 7 5 296 373 LXPB_B_-200 321 394 ?$rc zs S8[i8$ [10 Camraclnectl' 0i|llomiom $lift $crExi tlE LXPB S With brake I I shows the localion at which origin point swiich operates.
Description VH300 244120 244120-1 VH400 244219 244219-1 VH600 Resin e Slide ring 24408-1 24077 JIS B 2401 P5 JIS B 2401 P42 24403 24416-3 240359 JIS B 2401 P10 JIS B 2401 G55 24413 2407102A (2407114A) 24425-6 240359 JIS B 2401 P10 JIS B 2401 P71 24413 2407102A (2407114A) 240417 24047 JIS B 2401 P15 JIS B 2401 G120 r t y u i Slide ring spring Check ball spring O-ring O-ring Handle head Piano
2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 A B C A B A B A B LVA B B B B LVH LVD LVQ Note) For each body class, the second and later numbers or symbols indicate reducing.
(Refer to Fig.2) 6) Mount the extra connector to the junction box B. (Refer to Fig.3) (Engage the recess of the connector and the protrusion of the junction box B. (Refer to Fig.3-A) 7) Mount a single unit for extra station for manifold to the end surface of U side.
END 1014 Booster Regulator VBA Series Working Principle The IN air passes through the check valve to booster chambers A and B. Meanwhile, air is supplied to drive chamber B via the governor and the switching valve. Then, the air pressure from drive chamber B and booster chamber A are applied to the piston, boosting the air in booster chamber B.
U 2 x P (Rc, NPT, G) Width across flats KA 2 x 4 x J G G MM HA D E E T H1 MB Width across flats B1 K C MA FA AL B N A F N H S + Stroke FB ZZ + Stroke CJ5 CG5 (mm) Bore size A Stroke range AL B B1 C D Ee11 F FA FB G H H1 MA MB J K KA MM N P S T U V W HA ZZ HY 32 40 50 63 500 or less 22 24 32 32 18 20 27 27 50 58 70 84 17 19 24 24 32.5 38 46.5 56.5 12 16 20 20 30 35 40 45 16 18.5 23 23 5 4.5
D-M9 A/D-M9 AV (With indicator light) D-M9NAV V A B 9 M D A B 9 M D A N 9 M D D-M9PAV D-M9PA Auto switch part no.
This item is applicable U n i t N u m b e r M O D E < 0 only when multiple units are used. 2. Baud Rate B a u d R a t e M O D E < 1 2 0 0 b / s Setting range : 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200b/s Indicated content : Baud rate (Ex. : 1200b/s) Function : Sets baud rate for communication. 3.
9 9 486 Stainless steel High Vacuum Angle/In-line Valve XMC, XYC Series Dimensions XYC-25, 40/In-line type C D G C B J H 45 E A Fn (KF flange) (mm) Model A 85 115 B 48 66 C 1 2 D 23.5 38 E 40 55 Fn G 64 84 H J XYC-25 XYC-40 100.2 130 26 41 28 36 XYC-50 to 80/In-line type C D G Fd XLA C XL (K flange) XLQ XM XY XM XY B DH J XSA K XVD 45 XGT CYV A Fn (KF flange) E M (mm) Model A 121 148 177
B 5.7 7 9 12 C 2 2.5 4 5 MM M2.5 x 0.45 M3 x 0.5 M4 x 0.7 M5 x 0.8 A 3 4 5 6 B 5.7 7 9 12 A 3 4 5 6 Model MHZL2-101 MHZL2-161 MHZL2-201 MHZL2-251 Model MHZL2-102 MHZL2-162 MHZL2-202 MHZL2-252 MHY MHW MRHQ Flat Type Fingers [3] Misc.
B 5.7 7 9 12 C 2 2.5 4 5 MM M2.5 x 0.45 M3 x 0.5 M4 x 0.7 M5 x 0.8 A 3 4 5 6 B 5.7 7 9 12 A 3 4 5 6 Model MHZL2-101 MHZL2-161 MHZL2-201 MHZL2-251 Model MHZL2-102 MHZL2-162 MHZL2-202 MHZL2-252 MHY MHW MRHQ Flat Type Fingers [3] Misc.