E@-M3 inch(mm) $ f grf r, i -, :,,1 i ,t1':-/,r:frt crommet(G).
-A3 ZP3A-T1-B3 ZP3A-T1-A6-B3 ZP3A-T3-A5 ZP3A-T3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
-A3 ZP3A-T1-B3 ZP3A-T1-A6-B3 ZP3A-T3-A5 ZP3A-T3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
-A3 ZP3A-T1-B3 ZP3A-T1-A6-B3 ZP3A-T3-A5 ZP3A-T3-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material.
Mounting bolt D C D D C Model Mounting bolt C Model Mounting bolt M10 x 80l CHKGB20 M5 x 55l 80 CHKGB50 5 (M) 5 (M) 55 x 85l x 60l 85 10 (M) 10 (M) 60 x 90l x 60l 90 15 (M) 15 (M) 65 x 95l x 70l 95 20 (M) 20 (M) 70 x 100l x 75l 100 25 (M) 25 (M) 75 12.4 x 105l x 80l 105 30 (M) 30 (M) 80 15.5 x 110l x 85l 110 35 (M) 35 (M) 85 x 115l x 90l 115 40 (M) 40 (M) 90 x 120l x 95l 120 45 (M) 45 (M)
Silent interval is indicated by T1-T2-T3-T4. Table 3.8.2 RTU mode message frame a)Start b)Slave Address c)Function d)Data e) Checksum (CRC) f)End T1-T2-T3-T4 XX XX XX XX XX XX T1-T2-T3-T4 a) Start In Modbus RTU mode, message frames are separated by a silent interval (non-communication time).
Communication is interrupted. 5. 4 CN2: PC/TB connector The connector which connects the tools teaching box (LEC-T1-3*G*) or PC (LEC-W2) for setting the controller (LEC.
Communication is interrupted. 5. 4 CN2: PC/TB connector The connector which connects the tools teaching box (LEC-T1-3*G*) or PC (LEC-W2) for setting the controller (LEC).
Note 3) Available only with F , L and T1 kits. Note 4) Specify the wiring specifications on the manifold specification sheet. (Except L kit) . . . . . . Minimum number of stations depends on the kit. (Refer to the table below.)
Lead 5: LES16K 3 Work load [kg] T1 = V/a1 = 220/5000 = 0.04 [s], Lead 10: LES16J 2 T3 = V/a2 = 220/5000 = 0.04 [s] T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] T2 = L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation. 1 0 = 50 0.5 220 (0.04 + 0.04) 220 0 100 200 300 400 500 T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] Speed [mm/s] = 0.19 [s]
E@-M3 inch(mm) $ f grf r, i -, :,,1 i ,t1':-/,r:frt crommet(G).
E@-M3 inch(mm) $ f grf r, i -, :,,1 i ,t1':-/,r:frt crommet(G).
Calculation example) T1 to T4 can be calculated as follows. L Speed: V [mm/s] a1 a2 T1 = V/a1 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s], T3 = V/a2 = 300/3000 = 0.1 [s] Time [s] T = T1 +T2 +T3 +T4 [s] L 0.5 V (T1 + T3) V "T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation.
ASS Dimensions ASR AS220M-01 02 AS120M ASF H 8 (Hexagon width across flats) L1 T2 24.8 (MAX. 29.8) 28.2 (MAX. 33.2) M5 x 0.8 L2 A L3 D1 9 10.3 10 M5 x 0.8 10-32 UNF D2 T1 9 Dimensions A L2 L3 T1 T2 H L1 D1 D2 Model Min. Min. Max. Max.
L Speed: V [mm/s] Cycle time T can be found from the following equation. a1 a2 T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation. Time [s] T1 = V/a1 [s] T3 = V/a2 [s] T1 T2 T3 T4 T2: Constant speed time can be found from the following equation.
T2 T1 O1 O2 CV1 CV2 OUT (Dry air) 5-port solenoid valve EXH.
ZPA-T1-B01 ZPA-T1-N01 ZPA-T1-T01 ZPA-T2-B01 ZPA-T2-N01 ZPA-T2-T01 ZPA-T2-B01 ZPA-T2-N01 ZPA-T2-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T3-B01 ZPA-T3-N01 ZPA-T3-T01 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T1-B8 ZPA-T1-B10 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T2-B8 ZPA-T2-B10 ZPA-T2-B12 ZPA-T2-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZPA-T3-B12 ZPA-T3-B16 ZP40 ZP40 With three M3 bolts With three M3 bolts ZP50
T1 = V/a1 = 1000/2500 = 0.4 [s], T1 T2 T3 T4 11LEJS T3 = V/a2 = 1000/2500 = 0.4 [s] L: Stroke [mm](Operating condition) V: Speed [mm/s](Operating condition) a1: Acceleration [mm/s2](Operating condition) a2: Deceleration [mm/s2](Operating condition) T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 [s] L 0.5V(T1 + T3) V 25AT2 = T1: Acceleration time and T3: Deceleration time can be obtained by the following equation
bar absolute, T1 = 297 5K, 0.07 bar P 0.14 bar.
-3G *1 *2 http://www.smcworld.com/ 5(P.23) 16(P.68) USB LAN -8- 2.4 () (1) (JXC-CPW) (JXC91-) 1 (JXC-CPW) 1 *1 1 *1 [] (:LEC-T1-3G) (LEC-W2) (USB ) (: P5062-5) (2) 3.4 (P.16) (3) 4.1 (IP )(P.18) (4)PLC PLC (5) 5.