Locki ng t he keys N o Key operat i on LED D i spl ay ( current ) pressure i s di spl ayed Press key f or 2 seconds or m ore. i s di spl ayed f l ashes on t he di spl ay Press key i s di spl ayed f or approx. 1 second Keys are l ocked ( current ) pressure i s di spl ayed Press key t o cancel . 11 Reset f unct i on Reset m et hod N o Key operat i on LED D i spl ay U nl ock keys
Locki ng t he keys N o Key operat i on LED D i spl ay ( current ) pressure i s di spl ayed Press key f or 2 seconds or m ore. i s di spl ayed f l ashes on t he di spl ay Press key i s di spl ayed f or approx. 1 second Keys are l ocked ( current ) pressure i s di spl ayed Press key t o cancel . 11 Reset f unct i on Reset m et hod N o Key operat i on LED D i spl ay U nl ock keys
Dimensions LLHmA-mm Stations 4 x Mounting hole for W Y K A D E L2 L1 N Non-locking type Locking type L3 G 60 (H1) (H2) C SMC SMC SMC SMC V 1/4 1/4 1/4 U 3/8 Pitch = B 2 x P port n x A port (mm) Dimensions (mm) A B C D E G H1 H2 K N U V W Y Station Model LLH2A LLH3A LLH4A 2 3 4 5 Model 46.5 31 65 67 19 10 85.5 87 18 27 19 34 M4 5.5 Symbol L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 47 36.5 94.5 76 27.5 19
) C8, N9 C10, N11 1 2 M plug connector (M): SY7120-M(-F ) C8, N9 C10, N11 1 2 DIN terminal (D): SY7120-D(-F ) C8, N9 C10, N11 1 2 M8 connector (W0): SY7120-W0(-F ) C8, N9 C10, N11 1 2 Applicable cable O.D. 3.5 to 7 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 66 58.5 Max. 10 47.2 31.5 [38.5] 32.1 16.1 36 M8 x1 Approx. 300 (Lead wire length) 42.6 [49.6] 19 Pg7 110 [112.2] 100.2 [102.4] 119.1 120 109.1 95.2
"#$ " %# &'# D t D D t t c c e c e e u u u s s s d d d i i i Rotary Gripper g g g o o o n n n r r r P P P A A A 9 9 9 MRHQ 10/16/20/25 w w w 9 9 m 9 I m I 1 1 n 9 9 9 9 n 9 9 d u d u r u a a a r u 9 o 9 9 s o s F tr F ie tr ie r r r 1 1 1 Modular construction D r D r d d d e e e e v v s s o o i i n g n g n n n n a a H H n P n P g g r r Gripper section is unitized for simple replacement.
O PERATI O N M AN U AL E/P REG U LATO R M O D EL N AM E I TV1000, I TV2000, I TV3000 seri es Seri es For PRO FI BU S CO N TEN TS Cont ent s P1 Saf et y I nst ruct i ons P2 Precaut i ons f or H andl i ng P34 W i ri ng and LED di spl ay P56 M ount i ng and I nst al l at i on P6 Sw i t ch set t i ng P7 Pressure set t i ng P8 Syst em conf i gurat i on / Appl i cat i ons / Speci f i cat i ons
3 Cable color Circuit U V W Red White Black Connector D terminal no. 12 13 7 6 9 8 11 10 3 Connector A2 terminal no.
1 AS-F AS-F !1 !2 TMH !2 !3 w ASD t y q i o e u t y q i o e u AS w AS-FE !0 KE !0 AS-FG !9 AS-FP Meter-in type Meter-out type Meter-out type Meter-in type AS-FM Seal method: Face seal For G thread AS-D AS-T r !8 !4 !6 !7 !5 !1 ASP ASN !2 AQ w t y q i o e ASV AK !0 VCHC ASR ASQ u @0 Meter-in type Meter-out type Component Parts No.
Auto Switch Mounting Height (mm) D-Z7/Z80 D-Y5/Y6 D-Y7P D-Y7PV D-Y7W D-Y7WV D-Y7BAL Hs D-F5 D-J5 D-F5W D-J59W D-F5BAL D-F59F D-F5NTL Hs Auto switch model D-A9 D-A9V D-M9 D-M9W D-M9AL D-M9V D-M9WV D-M9AVL D-A3 D-G39 D-K39 D-A5 D-A6 D-A59W D-A44 Bore size (mm) Ht Ht Ht Ht Ht Hs Hs Hs Hs Hs D125 140 160 180 200 69 69.5 71.5 69.5 69 69.5 116 126 75.5 69.5 74.5 70 -X 76 76 77.5 76 76 76 124 134
Rail mounting type (Different-surface mounting) Applicable auto switch: D-P4DW [CKQG] [CLKQG] B B U U A A Applicable auto switch: D-P74/D-P79WSE [CKQP] [CLKQP] B B U U A A Operating Range Operating range Auto switch model Cylinder model D-P4DWS D-P4DW D-P74 D-P79WSE C(L)KQG 6.5 C(L)KQP 10 Since this is a guideline including hysteresis, not meant to be guaranteed.
N L H L H S R U N L H L H S R U N L H L H S R U N L H L H k Pa MO D E SET HYS k Pa MO D E SET HYS k Pa MO D E SET HYS k Pa MO D E SET HYS Misc. (72.4) Attached washer (63.6) (60.1) Attached washer SMC SMC SMC SMC 10.2 V V V V V 28.8 8.5 21 10 9 8.5 9 81 Vacuum port (V port) Note 4) 107 (M5 x 0.8) Dimensions Note 1) The above dimensions are for ZZQ1-BSB.
e D E Effective thread MB Effective thread 13 f h 9 l 16 2 x 4-J N F H + Stroke A K ZZ + 2 strokes S + Stroke H A K F N C B With rod boot In the case of w/o air cushion, it comes with rubber bumper.
e D E Effective thread MB Effective thread 13 f h 9 l 16 2 x 4-J N F H + Stroke A K ZZ + 2 strokes S + Stroke H A K F N C B With rod boot In the case of w/o air cushion, it comes with rubber bumper.
I T T I N G L O C A T I O N A N D R O T A T I O N O F A U T O S W I T C H H O W T O O R D E R NCRB1BW R O TA R Y A C T U AT O R NCDRB1BW S A U T O S W I T C H L E N G T H O F L E A D W I R E D ...W/ Auto Switch Magnet ...Without Magnet Grommet 0.5m Lead W L Grommet 5m Lead W C Connector 0.5m Lead W CL Connector 3m Lead W CN Connector No Lead Wire M O U N T I N G B ...Basic F ...Flange T Y
for applicable tubing diameter of 8) 3.5 2-R1.75 Release valve P PE 13 (Pitch) P =10 L2 L1 Release flow adjusting screw 8 P PE Exhaust part 2-3.5 62.8 (Body mounting hole Note 1)) 3 75 Suction filter With L type plug connector Vacuum pressure switch PE P EXH S R U N L H L H S R U N L H L H S R U N L H L H S R U N L H L H k Pa MO D E SET HYS k Pa MO D E SET HYS k Pa MO D E SET HYS k Pa MO
F J D 300 J F G1/2 25 25 Width across flats H Width across flats H K K C C Port size 3 x P Port size 3 x P E E B1 A A B2 B2 B1 Conduit terminal: T DIN terminal: D F J D Cable 6 to 12 F M J 34 G1/2 D 25 Width across flats H Width across flats H N 44 K K C C M Port size 3 x P Port size 3 x P E E A A B2 B2 B1 B1 G1/2 With bracket T 4 Q (mm) Grommet Conduit DIN terminal Electrical entry (AC/
D-A80 U B + First-stage stroke U B A Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com D-A7H D-A80H D-F7 D-J79 D-F7W D-J79W D-F79F D-Y7NTL D-F7BAL B + First-stage stroke U SMC U B A D-A73C D-A80C D-J79C B + First-stage stroke U U B A D-A79W D-F7WV D-F7V D-F7BAVL B
F 4-9.5 F 4-8 4-6 3-6.5 4-5 G 3-4 Y 3.5 Y 6 E E E Y 8 10 6 34 40 18 C C C A B D A A B D B D Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions (mm) (mm) (mm) A B C D E F Y A B C D E F G Y A B C D E F Y Model Model Model ZP40HB ZP63HB ZP100HB 40 41.4 28.4 43.2 20.5 30 13 63 65.1 45.5 67.6 31.5 50 4.5 21.5 100 103.1 68.6 106.7 47.5 80 35.5 ZP50HB ZP80HB ZP125HB 50 51.9 35.7 54 24 40.5 16.5 80 83 58.4 85.1 37
AFF75B AFF-EL75B AFF2C AFF-EL2B AFF-EL2B-F AFF4C AFF-EL4B AFF-EL4B-F AFF8C AFF-EL8B AFF-EL8B-F AFF22C AFF-EL22B AFF-EL22B-F AFF37B AFF-EL37B AFF-EL2B AFF-EL37B AFF-EL4B AFF-EL8B AFF-EL11B AFF-EL22B AFF-EL75B Except option F For option F Element assembly Cotton paper, others AFF-EL11B AFF-EL11B-F 4 AFF-EL2B-F AFF-EL4B-F AFF-EL8B-F AFF-EL11B-F AFF-EL22B-F 1) Element assembly: With gasket
AFF75B AFF-EL75B AFF2C AFF-EL2B AFF-EL2B-F AFF4C AFF-EL4B AFF-EL4B-F AFF8C AFF-EL8B AFF-EL8B-F AFF22C AFF-EL22B AFF-EL22B-F AFF37B AFF-EL37B AFF-EL2B AFF-EL37B AFF-EL4B AFF-EL8B AFF-EL11B AFF-EL22B AFF-EL75B Except option F For option F Element assembly Cotton paper, others AFF-EL11B AFF-EL11B-F 4 AFF-EL2B-F AFF-EL4B-F AFF-EL8B-F AFF-EL11B-F AFF-EL22B-F 1) Element assembly: With gasket