Cooling Capacity: 030 (30 kW), Type: 2 (Clean/DI Water)
Cooling Capacity: 30 kW, Type: -, Pump Inverter Control: -, Option: -
Cooling Capacity: 30 kW, Type: Fluorinated Fluid, Pump Inverter Control: Pump Inverter Type, Option: -
Cooling Capacity: 30 kW, Type: Clean/DI Water, Pump Inverter Control: Pump Inverter Type, Option: -
Cooling Capacity: 30 kW, Type: Ethylene Glycol, Pump Inverter Control: Pump Inverter Type, Option: -
Cooling Capacity: 30 kW, Type: Clean/DI Water, Pump Inverter Control: -, Option: -
Product number Working voltage Length of reed wire CD-P11 AC100V Auto switch connection side 0.5m Load connection side 0.5m CD-P12 CD24V Solid state auto switch type (1) This actuator has reverse connection protection, output failure protection, and excessive load protection, so if wiring is wrongly connected, the switch will be protected, but depending on the wiring condition, the load might
Doc no. LEC*-OMY0114-A PRODUCT NAME AC Servo Motor Driver (Pulse input type/Positioning type MODEL/ Series LECSB2-T Series This product can be used by adding a dedicated file (pushing operation extension file) to the setup software (MR Configurator2TM: LEC-MRC2E). Please download the dedicated file from SMC website. LECSB2-T Series / Driver 1. Safety Instructions These safety instructions
ZZ FZ FY FX FT FD B FY B MB 32 40 50 63 80 100 141 145 164 164 202 202 79 90 110 120 153 178 32 36 45 50 63 75 64 72 90 100 126 150 10 10 12 12 16 16 7 9 9 9 12 14 up to 500 up to 500 up to 600 up to 600 up to 750 up to 750 50 55 70 80 100 120 C95 FT FX ZZ + Stroke FZ CA1 CS1 Single clevis/(C) Port Cushion valve Single clevis CDH10 (mm) Bore size (mm) Stroke range H10 CX 0.1 ZZ Z U RR L CD
Not suitable for 240V AC -X201 1~4 bar 3m -X215 1.5~6 bar 3m D I M E N S I O N S C O M P A C T P R E S S U R E S W I T C H: S E R I E S IS1000 C O N TA C T S ACCESSORIES C O M P A C T P R E S S U R E S W I T C H: S E R I E S IS1000 F O R U S E I F W I R I N G L E N G T H > 5 M CD-P11 Contact protection box (100V AC) CD-P12 Contact protection box (24V DC) When detecting ON-pressure signal,
CD-P11) with inductive loads or 5 m or more lead wire length. 4. Internal circuit of contact protection box ZSE ISE Set the possible minimum pressure for adsorption when used for adsorption confirmation. If setting the pressure lower than that, switch becomes ON in case when adsorption is not complete.
3s.s iBl 2.83 \f2) {256) l 1 0 6 i281t 2.56 (65) 0.55 3 1 9 l6i) t0.43 (265) 11.42 (290) 'Mn Srrohe = 079 (2cdm) wiBool MirideleB in Pan$ses SERIES CP CYLINDER POSITIONING ASSEMBLY DIMENSIONS CPA1 DN ROO BOOT w/o Eoot ool ' RE A D E F GAGE K L MM N P BB s U CD cx cz H z zz oe h 22 1.38 t35) 2.76 l70l 2.05 {52) x.79 (20) 1.57 l40t 0 3 9 o0l 0.67 t17l MAxl 25 0.n t7\ 1.38 t35) 1 . t a {30)
Part No. cD-P11 cD,p12 Load voltage 100 vAC ziovac 24VDC 2smA 12.5mA 5omA Inch Contacl Proleqtion gox/Dimensions 0.80 1_20 1.40 ot7,.., 15 iffiqffi Hou To MountThe Auto Stoitch fllL_ #F*t-q -s-ffi*""*"-'" *-jil-|--.e*',**" @712 OTo set swikh posili,m, loGen tfie scre$/ and rno f|e sviitcfr to fie desircd po6itbn. f ighten tre soewtotre recommended brque (0.9" 1.1 lb indr). o Series NCDJP
Use this box for induction loads, 16ft(5m) or rno of lead wire, or AC-100V aDolications. cD-Plr $/vit* cqnecling side 1.sft(0.5m) Load ccyeclirE site 1.5ft(0.5m) @.P12 Sw i tch Mount ing Posit ion Auta S witth I How To CIuW Po sition Cor act Probction/hternal Orcdt cD+11 D-A7. D4a clP12 ( )Bhck lead wi o-45.
*i:l Frcl*r'] re{i ti:r*ads Roll.d fis(lr rod dncds lbr incrc$cd tcnsilc strcnlth. Sllep,ac,:a!
For positive pressure 80 ISE 02 N M For vacuum/ compound pressure 80 ZSE 02 N M Option 3 Rated pressure range Operating Note) manual (Booklet) (CD-ROM) Operating Note) manual 80 80F Calibration certificate Calibration certificate 0 to 101 kPa 100 to 100 kPa Symbol Symbol (Booklet) (CD-ROM) K T R Nil Piping Y W R1/4 (M5 female threaded) Rear ported 02 Note) All texts in both English
For positive pressure 80 ISE 02 N M For vacuum/ compound pressure M 80 ZSE 02 N Option 3 Rated pressure range Operating Note) manual (Booklet) (CD-ROM) Operating Note) manual 80 80F Calibration certificate Calibration certificate 0 to 101 kPa 100 to 100 kPa Symbol Symbol (Booklet) (CD-ROM) K T R Nil Piping Y W R1/4 (M5 female threaded) Rear ported 02 Note) All texts in both English
MP2 Double detatchable head side clevis style (D) XD + Stroke A UB P + Stroke 2-EE MR MAX KK MM B CD (PIN) TH LR CB E WF LF + Stroke F Bore Size (in) MM KK A B CB CD E EE F LF+ LR MR P+ TH UB WF XD+ 500 (5") 1.000 3/4-16 1.13 1.500 1.280 .750 5.50 1/2 NPT .63 4.50 .94 .95 2.88 2.75 2.500 1.38 7.75 600 (6") 1.375 1-14 1.63 2.000 1.530 1.000 6.50 3/4 NPT .75 5.00 1.31 1.32 3.13 3.25 3.000 1.63
installation. 61 Series LEC Controller Setting Kit/LEC-W2 WindowsXP, Windows7 compatible Model Selection Specific Product Precautions How to Order LEC W2 q Controller setting software Servo Motor (24 VDC)/Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) LES LESH Controller setting kit (Japanese and English are available.) w Communication cable e USB cable (A-miniB type) Contents HRS q Controller setting software (CD-ROM
Light brown Yellow 61 Series LEC Controller Setting Kit/LEC-W2 WindowsXP, Windows7 compatible Model Selection Specific Product Precautions How to Order LEC W2 LEHZ LECP6 LEC-G LECP1 LECPA LEHZJ LEHF LEHS q Controller setting software Controller setting kit (Japanese and English are available.) e USB cable (A-miniB type) w Communication cable Contents HRS q Controller setting software (CD-ROM