2 (n 4) 2 D-M9/M9W 20 + 40 85 + 40 95 + 40 100 + 40 105 + 40 115 + 40 "n" pcs.
+20 +15.5 50 +40 +25 +60.5 13-11-109 14 Series ZPT ZPT F 10-0-A14 (With buffer/One-touch fitting) 20 25 32 J K ZPT F 10-0-A14 (With buffer/One-touch fitting) 40 50 J K Applicable tubing O.D.Q Applicable tubing O.D.Q Hexagon width across flats P Rc 1/8 Hexagon width across flats P Rc 1/8 M14 x 1 M14 x 1 Hexagon width across flats 19 Hexagon width across flats 19 5 5 I I 5 D C K K 5 D C J J
N A B C D E M Y E N Y A B C D M Model Model ZPY20B--A10 ZPY40B-6-A14 51.5 12.4 25 23.5 33.5 20 22 16 62 24.4 48 40 43 34 44 10.5 ZPY25B--A10 ZPY50B-6-A14 50 53 38 48 66 32.4 57 19 52 15.6 28 24 34 25 27 ZPY32B--A10 32 34 29 39 57 18.9 37 14 Dimensions by Stroke Dimensions by Stroke 40 50 H Model F G F G Model 20 25 32 H 4 tube 6 tube ZPYB10-6-A14 74 142 78 146 F G F G F G J K L J K L ZPYB20
250 k/500 kbps 156 k/625 k/ 2.5 M/5 M/10 Mbps 9.6 k/19.2 k/45.45 k/93.75 k/ 187.5 k/500 k/1.5 M/3 M/6 M/12 Mbps 21.6 to 26.4 VDC 100 mA or less Communication speed 21.6 to 26.4 VDC 100 mA or less Power supply for control Power supply voltage Internal current consumption 22.8 to 26.4 VDC 11 to 25 VDC 100 mA or less Power supply for output Power supply voltage Power supply for Power supply
V V K* K* K* -XA46 -XA51 Change of long shaft length (Without keyway) V V V V T, J, K* K* T, K* J* K* MSQ MSZ CRQ2X MSQX -XA52 Change of short shaft length (Without keyway) V V K* K* K* -XA53 Change of double shaft length (Both without keyway) V V V K* -XA54 Change of long shaft length (With four chamfers) V V V X, Z* X, Z* -XA55 Change of short shaft length (With four chamfers)
Flange size XMD Symbol Nil D C Type KF (NW) K (DN) CF Applicable flange size 25, 40, 50, 63, 80 63, 80 40 (070), 63 (114) XYD V V V V V XMD V V V V V Size 25 40 50 63 80 XYD Nil D KF (NW) K (DN) 25, 40, 50, 63, 80 63, 80 3.
P R O D U C T S E L E C T O R 4 5 0 M A L E E L B O W : K Q K ( K Q 2 K ) Applicable Thread Model H D1 D2 L1 L2 A M Effective Weight Tube OD R(PT) (Hex) 0rifice (mm2) (g) (mm) Nylon Urethane 4 M5x0.8 KQK04-M5 8 10.4 8 17 14.5 26 16 3.4 3.4 4 4 1/8 KQK04-01S 10 10.4 10 17 20.5 32 16 3.4 3.4 10 4 1/4 KQK04-02S 14 10.4 10 17 24.5 34 16 3.4 3.4 19 6 M5x0.8 KQK06-M5 8 12.8 8 18 14.5 26 17 3.4
19.2 k/ 45.45 k/93.75 k/ 187.5 k/500 k/ 1.5 M/3 M/6 M/ 12 Mbps 10 k/20 k/50 k/ 125 k/250 k/ 500 k/800 k/ 1 Mbps 156 k/625 k/ 2.5 M/5 M/ 10 Mbps Communication speed 5 Mbps 10 M/100 Mbps 125 k/250 k/500 kbps 167 kbps Specified file Note 3) EDS file EDS file GSD file EDS file EDS file EDS file 48/32 SAS7: 8/8 (2 slave units) SAS9: 4/4 64/64 SAS3: 8/8 (2 slave units) SAS5: 4/4 Occupied area
: 20 to 50 mm Stroke: 20 to 50 mm ZPT ZPR ZPT ZPR Dimensions: 10 mm Strokes Dimensions: 10 mm Strokes (mm) (mm) Q: 6 Q: 8 Q: 6 Q: 8 A B C D F H I J K P A B C D F H I J K P K P Y XT661 Model Model K P ZPT20F10-0-A14 ZPT40F10-0-A14 18.5 39 51.5 1 18 136.5 13 1 40 5 1 2.5 20 22 40 43 13 15.5 36 48.5 50 1 15 13 1 33.5 13 1 37 12.5 52.5 50 ZPT25F10-0-A14 ZPT50F10-0-A14 19.5 40 1 19 137.5 141 6
Input/output characteristics chart VEA Communication Specifications (CC, DE, PR, RC) VY1 ITV00-CC CC-Link Ver 1.10 ITV00-DE DeviceNet Volume1 (Edition3.8), Volume3 (Edition1.5) ITV00-PR PROFIBUS DP DP-V0 ITV00-RC RS-232C Model VBA VBAT Protocol Version Note 1) 156 k/625 k 2.5 M/5 M/10 M bps 125 k/250 k/500 k bps 9.6 k/19.2 k/45.45 k 93.75 k/187.5 k/500 k 1.5 M/3 M/6 M/12 M bps 9.6 kbps Communication
mA or less 2.5 to 40 mA Load current 0.8 V or less at 10 mA (2 V or less at 40 mA) 4 V or less Internal voltage drop 100 A or less at 24 VDC 0.8 mA or less Leakage current Operating range .
+5.5 0 30 +20 +15.5 50 25 +40 +60.5 7 Series ZPT With Buffer ZPT 40/50 F J/K 10-B01-A14 (With Buffer/Female Thread) ZPT 10/13/16 F J/K 10-0-A10 (With Buffer/One-Touch Fitting) Applicable tube O.D.
(mm) 3.2 4 6 Effective area (2) (mm2) Nylon Urethane (1) 3 x applicable tubing Mass (g) D Model D L Q M KQ2T23-00 KQ2T04-00 KQ2T06-00 5 7 10 3.4 6.4 13.4 2.9 4.4 10.6 9.6 10.4 12.8 17.5 18 21 4.3 4.5 5.3 15.5 16 17 D D 8 KQ2T08-00 15.2 24 6 18.5 25.6 17.7 15 10 KQ2T10-00 18.5 26.5 6.8 21 40 28.4 25 12 KQ2T12-00 20.9 28.5 7.5 22 57.4 45.4 29 K 16 KQ2T16-00 26.5 34 10 25 100 (84) 40 8 4.2 Note
4 11 41 52 22 100.5 Up to 300 24 21 76 14 H GR H1 K PG P N NA PH PL PW S TD TT TY TX TZ Z ZZ MM NN Bore size (mm) 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 20 127 38 10 20 32 22 32 52 8 183 173 5 4 19.5 41 M20 x 1.5 24 15 M8 x 1.25 5 25 137 10 40 40 60 9 197 187 41 24 27 6 7 24 45 M26 x 1.5 30 15 M10 x 1.25 5.5 32 139 10 40 40 60 9 199 189 41 24 27 6 7 24 45 M26 x 1.5 34.5 15 M10 x 1.25 5.5 40 167 11 53 53 77 10
(20 [C]) : 295 [K] (22 [C]) : 2.0 [K] (= T2 T1) : 60 [s/min] (1) Derive the amount of heat generated from the power consumption.
port GA GC GD Rc BP unlocking port W GR GL GL1 Rc P Head side cylinder port GE B B2 H A S + Stroke H + Stroke A K AL C 4-FD K F GF BN Width across flats B1 4-J Cushion valve GB Effective thread length MM H1 V Q Fd E D D FY B MM Width across flats F FT FE T ZZ + 2 strokes VA N FX FZ Ee11 30 35 40 45 45 55 Effective thread length (mm) Width across flats A 22 30 35 35 40 40 B1 17 22 27 27 32
port GA GC GD Rc BP unlocking port W GR GL GL1 Rc P Head side cylinder port GE B B2 H A S + Stroke H + Stroke A K AL C 4-FD K F GF BN Width across flats B1 4-J Cushion valve GB Effective thread length MM H1 V Q Fd E D D FY B MM Width across flats F FT FE T ZZ + 2 strokes VA N FX FZ Ee11 30 35 40 45 45 55 Effective thread length (mm) Width across flats A 22 30 35 35 40 40 B1 17 22 27 27 32
L1 E1 R1 U1 A1 U1 R1 A MM NDH10 NZ MM NDH10 NX NX E1 L1 30 40 50 60 60 20 22 28 40 40 12 12.5 16.5 23.5 23.5 16 19 24 34 34 32 40 50, 63 80 100 32 40 50, 63 80 100 14 19 24 26 26 10 11 14 20 20 16 19 24 34 34 40 50 64 80 80 M10x1.25 M14 x 1.5 M18 x 1.5 M22 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 M10 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 M18 x 1.5 M22 x 1.5 M26 x 1.5 10 10 14 22 22 14 14 20 30 30 28 28 40 60 60 10 10 14 22 22 14 14 20
) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 13 13 l + Stroke 9 l 9 A K f N N f K A ZZ + 2 Stroke S + Stroke h + Stroke h Without Air Cushion S ZZ Stroke range Width across flats Bore (mm) Eff. thread length C B A D Ee11 F G H MA MB J K MM N P V W S ZZ 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 46 52 65 75 95 114 136 32.5 38 46.5 56.5 72 89 110 12 16 20 20 25 30 32 30 35 40 45 45 55
(A contact) Operating temperature range Work load Speed 5 to 40 (with no condensation) 10 (4) horizontal/5 (4) vertical Note 1) N.C.