ANR)] 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 01, 23, 03, 04, 06, 07 01, 23, 03, 04, 06, 07 08, 09, 10, 11 08, 09, 10, 11 03, 04 400 200 06, 07 TMH 02 01, 23 300 50 03, 04 ASD 200 100 01, 23 AS 100 AS-FE 0 0 0 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 KE Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Note) -U10/32 has the same specification as M5.
-03 AMD150-03 1.5 0.2 HAA7-06 HAW2-04 AT6C-04 AFF2B-03 IDF2D-1 AM150-03 AMD150-03 2.2 0.3 HAA7-06 HAW7-06 AT6C-04 AFF2B-03 IDF3DAM150-03 AMD250-03 3.7 0.5 HAA7-06 HAW7-06 AT6C-04 AFF4B-03 IDF4DAM250-03 AMD250-03 5.5 0.7 HAA7-06 HAW7-06 AT6C-04 AFF4B-04 IDF6DAM250-04 AMD350-04 7.5 1.0 HAA15-10 HAW22-14 AT11C-06 AFF8B-04 IDF8DAM350-04 AMD350-04 11 1.5 HAA15-10 HAW22-14 AT11C-06 AFF8B-06 IDF11CAM350
1 Drain Port 3/4 3/4, 1 D I M E N S I O N S AD S E R I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT
Mineral oil A A A C A A 18 Sodium hypochlorite (2%, Room temperature) A C D A D B 19 Sodium chloride A A A A B 20 Carbon dioxide A A A A A A 21 Natural gas A A A A A A 22 Boric acid A B D A A B 23 Unless noted otherwise, the solution concentration is in a saturated state.
Mineral oil A C A A A A 18 Sodium hypochlorite (2%, Room temperature) A C A D D B 19 Sodium chloride A A A A B 20 Carbon dioxide A A A A A A 21 Natural gas A A A A A A 22 Boric acid A B A D A B 23 Unless noted otherwise, the solution concentration is in a saturated state.
A For 3 mm to 5 mm Port size: 06, 10 55-JSXFA B A Enter the standard product number.
)] Flow rate [L/min (ANR)] 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 01, 23, 03, 04, 06, 07 01, 23, 03, 04, 06, 07 08, 09, 10, 11 08, 09, 10, 11 03, 04 200 400 06, 07 TMH 02 01, 23 300 50 03, 04 ASD 100 200 01, 23 AS 100 AS-FE 0 0 0 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 KE Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Note) -U10/32 has the same specification as M5.
, z + A = 100 y, z + A a 100 10 y, z + A = 200 y, z + A = 200 y, z + A = 300 y, z + A = 300 1 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Stroke [mm] Stroke [mm] [Graph 6] Allowable load mass by stroke 32 [Graph 5] Allowable load mass by stroke 25 100 100 y, z + A = 0 y, z + A = 0 y, z + A = 50 y, z + A = 50 10 Load mass [kg] Load mass [kg] 10 y, z + A = 100 y, z + A =
With bracket a Option w Note) Applicable to 90-AF40-06, 90-AFM40-06 and 90-AFD-40-06.
Construction AW20K to 40K A-A i A w t SMC K P q C U O S L H o t OUT (Outlet pressure) IN (Inlet pressure) A Parts list y Material AW20K AW30K AW40K AW40K-06 Description No. Note e Zinc die-cast Aluminum die-cast Platinum silver 1 2 Body r Bonnet Black Polyacetal u Parts no. AW20K Description Material No.
A A A A Type 43 9 Silencer (air outlet) DIN rail Manual override Manual override section (Press down and turn for a locking type.)
, 50g (with 06) 20g 66.8g / 60.4g / Weight With pressure gauge With plug P to A, B A, B to EA, EB New!
(Series KQ2H) C Note) 147 23 102 A 117.5 30 (mm) (mm) A Note) A Note) Type Symbol Nozzle part no.
No cracks, breaks or other damage occurred in a drop test from a 2-meter height or in a human stomp test.
Fluid Air Operating pressure 0 to 1.0MPa A variety of actuator styles.
A 06 00 KQ2 H Tube Tube Type Port size/Applicable tubing O.D.
Model d T Weight (g) H D1 D2 L1 L2 L3 L4 A Max.
This can cause a loss of holding force and malfunction. AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 RS H A AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 AS2201F-02-06-X214 AS2301F-02-06-X214 RZQ 3. When disassembling to replace the seals and wear ring, refer to the separate disassembly instructions. AS3201F-02-08-X214 AS3301F-02-08-X214 AS3201F-02-08-X214 AS3301F-02-08-X214 MI W S 4.