Symbol: 07R6 (2 Port, N.C.), Function: Y1 (Power-saving Circuit), Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Wetted Part Material: B (Plate: PEEK; Diaphragm: FKM), Reverse Mounting Prevention Pin: P (Reverse Mounting Prevention Pin), Lead Wire Length: 3 (300mm), CE Compliant: Q (CE Compliant)
Symbol: 07R6 (2 Port, N.C.), Function: Y1 (Power-saving Circuit), Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Wetted Part Material: C (Plate: PEEK; Diaphragm: Kalrez®), Reverse Mounting Prevention Pin: None, Lead Wire Length: 3 (300mm), CE Compliant: Q (CE Compliant)
Symbol: 07R6 (2 Port, N.C.), Function: Y1 (Power-saving Circuit), Voltage: 6 (12VDC), Wetted Part Material: C (Plate: PEEK; Diaphragm: Kalrez®), Reverse Mounting Prevention Pin: P (Reverse Mounting Prevention Pin), Lead Wire Length: 3 (300mm), CE Compliant: Q (CE Compliant)
Body Class: 3 (ø8 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Size: 11 (3/8"), Pilot Port Thread: LQ3 Integral Fitting, 1/8" (3mm), Pilot Port Direction: Direction 1, Option 1: 3 (Flow Rate Adjustment & By-pass), Option 2: N (for Ammonium Hydroxide)
Body Size: 30, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 03 (3/8), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 04 (1/2), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 40, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 04 (1/2), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 30, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 50, Thread: Rc, Port Size: 06 (3/4), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 20, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 02 (1/4), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 30, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Mounting: w/o Mounting Option, Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Body Size: 30, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 03 (3/8), Mounting: B (w/Bracket), Bowl: Polycarbonate Bowl, Lubricant Exhaust Port: 3 (w/Drain Cock), Flow Direction: Left to Right, Pressure Unit: Pressure Unit: MPa; Temp Unit: °C
Class: Class 2, Tubing Size: 07 (1/4"x5/32"), Piping, Thread: 2 (Tube Piping for Tubing Plug), Packaging: 3 (Packaging Equivalent to Class M5.5 w/PVDF Nut)
Class: Class 4, Tubing Size: 13 (1/2"x3/8"), Piping, Thread: 2 (Tube Piping for Tubing Plug), Packaging: 3 (Packaging Equivalent to Class M5.5 w/PVDF Nut)
Class: Class 6, Tubing Size: 25 [1"x7/8" (ø25 x ø22)], Piping, Thread: 2 (Tube Piping for Tubing Plug), Packaging: 3 (Packaging Equivalent to Class M5.5 w/PVDF Nut)
Special Applications: 21- (Clean-room, Copper-free, Fluorine-free, Silicon-free), Size: 20, Backflow Function: K (Backflow Function), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Accessory: H (Set Nut for Panel Mount), Specifications: 3 (0.008 to 0.6 MPa Setting)
Special Applications: 10- (Clean Room Compliant), Size: 20, Backflow Function: K (Backflow Function), Thread: Rc, Port Size: 02 (1/4), Accessory: H (Set Nut for Panel Mount), Specifications: 3 (0.008 to 0.6 MPa Setting)
Special Applications: 21- (Clean-room, Copper-free, Fluorine-free, Silicon-free), Size: 40, Backflow Function: None, Thread: F (G), Port Size: 04 (1/2), Accessory: None, Specifications: 3 (0.008 to 0.6 MPa Setting)